U.S.J's Under Attack
Izumi didn't like how All Might got her and Ochaco Uraraka to go up against both Tenya Iida and Shoto Todoroki that day as she had to throw Ochaco to the thing and use her «Aerokinesis» against the two making All Might to not ask as she needs to feel like she needs to tell him as they won.
It was making Todoroki to be very shocked as he wonders why she is like this really. Asuna, Kirito, Keiko and Izumi have their «Hero» costume making it to be perfect really for them all. Keiko's «ALfheim» avatar is very similar to her «SAO» avatar except for having an overall blue color as well.
It was allowing the cat ears and tail of the Cait Sith race to come out as she choose that for her «Heroine» costume really making many to squeal at her cuteness really making her to blush as Pina is on her left shoulder really as Izumi had also giving her a mask making her to squeal.
"Thank you, mama!"
"Your welcome." Keiko even has two slits in the back for her wings making her to be very good for scouting and scanning the area for victims from a «Villain» attack fully making her to squeal at that as she can't wait to check it out really making many to chuckle at her happiness really.
Kirito went for his new «ALO» Avatar look for his Hero costume making Asuna to go for her new «ALO» Avatar since they are a married couple really and the school is still not use to having a fully married couple being their students fully really.
Izumi choose to go with her outfit from her «ALO» Avatar making her to look perfect in it really. She has chosen the Pooka fairy species for the game as she managed to wear it with both boots and gloves fully made to handle «One For All Quirk» in mind really.
Izumi noticed something was wrong and she shot a «Fire Ball» out of her fingers and into the portal making screams to be released as everyone turns to look behind Thirteen and saw people leaving the «Portal» who saw Izumi having her finger pointed at them.
She narrows her eyes at them as she wasn't going to let them scare Eri, Yui and Strea since they are with Nezu who is fully having fun teaching Yui and Strea more stuff which Izumi gave her approval for as she needs to keep these fuckers away from All Might.
"Seems she knew something was wrong the minute she sensed the portal, young master." One of them said as she growls at them fully really.
"I'm not going to be allowing you to attack the school to get to my sponsor, All Might! You'll need to get through me first!" Izumi said as she summons her favorite rapier: «Wind Fleuret» as Asuna didn't mind helping her to get one for herself as the enemies were shocked she can summon blades as this is going to be tough for them all really.
"Separate them." The leader had ordered as the weird man nods and starts wrapping them away, but Izumi gave her orders before that happened.
"Onii-chan! Onee-Sama! Keiko! If separated and with our other classmates, protect and give them back-up!" Izumi and Ojirou were in the mountain terrain of the whole building and Izumi was quick to strike as she slashed at the six enemies on their sides fast really.
It was making Ojirou to be fully shocked as he didn't noticed how fast Izumi was before Izumi used «Star Splash Multiplier» as she begins with three short thrusts at the target's chest, provoking the target to raise its guard up.
Although the first three thrusts do not deal much damage, the number of hits and their speed is overwhelming. Afterwards, the three thrusts are followed by two slashes at the target's now undefended legs.
Izumi then performs two strong jabs high and low, followed by a final strong stab at the target's chest before she used her natural speed to do the same thing to the other «Villains» making many to be greatly injured as she was too fast for them really to block.
It was making many to be injuried in her wake as Izumi gave her excuses for this making Ojirou to calm down really at that very explanation as she was being serious about this as she looks things up and makes sure everyone knows them all really.
"As long as the death is accidental, we won't be charge, Ojirou. Maybe Eraserhead-sensei would of fully wanted us to face this after the Sports Feast Festival really." Ojirou agrees as it feels like it's fine as long as it's accidental only really he can live with that.
But it was making him to slam his tail into a guy's neck and cause it to snap with a loud crack making him and everyone else to flinch at the loud sound it made making Ojirou to have a sort of small panic attack from what he had just done to a man's neck with his tail really.
"Accidental you said. I feel like I did that one on propose really." Ojirou said before Izumi shakes her head at him.
"You did it to protect my behinny which means you were trying to protect me and you had fully accidentally killed cause of the memento of the spin to have your tail hit his neck." Izumi said making Ojirou to nod as he believes her really as she never lies really.
Izumi swings her left foot and she slams it into the guts of one of the enemies after she spins on her right foot making Ojirou to flinch as he can see spider web cracks on the face of that mountain making him to shiver badly as this is fully just purely scary as shits really.
'Just how strong is she that she can slam him into the mountain's face really?!' Ojirou thinks scared as Izumi is one girl he doesn't want to piss off really. Izumi still wonders why her uncle gave Kirito access to his «Heathcliff's account» really to save Asuna.
'Maybe it's to fuses his skills with Kirito's own as onii-chan is in charge of the «The Seed» he gave onii-chan really. This makes it easier as Kirito can add whatever he wants to the games without anyone knowing about it really.
Seems he's allowing me to do that really. Glad he doesn't fully mind sharing the account really.' Izumi thinks as she fully wonders how everyone is really.
With Kirito...
Kirito was was both Tsuya and Mineta making him to look fully around and had Mineta to use his sticky balls to keep the enemies busy while they swim across since they need to get to where Aizawa is as he needs back up since he's getting very tired really.
Tsuya helped Mineta to send his sticky balls far by lifting him up and moving him around. He fully wonders how the others of the «Party» is doing with their own opponents as this is going to be crazy if they don't stop them all soon really.
With Asuna...
Asuna was with Momo, Jiro and Denki as she has her «Chivalric Rapier» out and is using it to use «Star Splash» on one guy making Momo and Jiro to be surprised while Denki has to be used like a lightning rood to keep some the guys away before Momo created a blanket for her, Jirou and Asuna as Denki went all out with his «Quirk» making Asuna to sigh.
'Idiot. Learn your limits and then slowly remove them.'
With Keiko...
Keiko has Pina out with her in a medium size form making her to growl at them and heal Keiko, Tenya, Sato and Mina before she has Tenya to go get the teachers with Sero and Mina helping him get the doors open making her to use her «Shadow Dagger».
It's making her to use two of her skills: «Acrobatics» and «One Hanned Dagger» with Pina's «Bubble Breath» to keep the six enemies from seeing her three comrades leaving towards the door to get help really.
Thirteen kept the dark purple weird person thing busy allowing Tenya to get out and bolts as Keiko hopes her mama is alright really until she heard her shouting out her sword-bow combo attack: «Laevantein» making many to freak as Izumi isn't going to be letting them forget who she is really from «Sword Arts Online» making many to freak out really.
'Damnna it, problematic child!' Aizawa thought though is very happy with the extra room to breath making him to wonder how she did that really as he noticed that Kirito and Asuna's group heads towards her with Keiko, Sato and Mina.
It's making him to see a green wave go up Kirito, Asuna and Izumi making their injuries to be healed as he then noticed the medium sized DRAGON beside Keiko who was happily nuzzling Keiko's left cheek making him to be confused as to what the fucking heck is going on here really.
'The fuck?' Izumi noticed the large person and she glares as she plans to take it out fast making her to see All Might and a blond hair boy show up from the roof where a large hole is now there making her to sigh as that's going to cost the school money really.
"Power!" It was making her to just leave it be for now and she looks fast toward Aizawa for a quick check as she needs to know if he needs medical help or not.
'I will have to use that. Damnna it! I hate sneak attacks!' Izumi thinks as she saw a enemy about to do a sneak attack on Aizawa without making a sound making her to rapidly used «Star Splash» on the villain sneaking up on Aizawa.
It was making Aizawa to turn to her as she is behind him now and she still has her rapier out making Aizawa to be surprised by how well skilled she is really with that rapier making him to wonder just where she got the skill for it.
"KEEP YOUR FUCKING FITHY HANDS FUCKING OFF OF OUR SENSEI!" Izumi loudly shouts and she did her spin left foot kick making the body to hit the rock wall and create spider web cracks making many to flinch as Izumi is strong it seems and she isn't going to be holding back punches with the «Villains» it seems really.
"Sorry to say this to your face, Eraserhead-sensei, but you are «45 levels» below that thing and All Might is «35 levels» while the blond boy is only just «25 levels» below it which means in a game, you three are dead and in real life, dead dead.
I'm a high enough level to defeat that thing and I need a lot of room to do so really." She picks him up by her «Telekinesis Quirk» and she got him to Keiko after burning the decayed wound to have some flesh bleeding blood coming out where Pina heals at Keiko's demeaned really.
Izumi was quick to activate her «Herrscher: Reason Quirk» and she had to say "Ride On." to get her motorcycle as she drives around the thing and managed to keep it in one spot before she removed his head with her motorcycle.
She then used her laser cannons after realistically showing all of them to destroy the thing which she heard was called a Nomu making her to smile at her robot as she floats down, but stays in the air as she ain't taking a chance they won't attack back really.
All Might was shocked as Izumi has great control over her robot making him to be impressed as both Kirito and Asuna chuckles fondly at her while Keiko giggles and calls her 'Mama!' making many to be very shocked as she adopted a child herself at a early age of just fifteen?!
The teachers and Tenya arrived with a bubblegum blue hair girl blasted waves of something, most likely energy, at them while a Chimera boy whips his tentacles around sending lots of «Villains» to walls or water before he had fully chicken leg stomp them down to the very ground or into walls.
That was before Izumi saw Eri, Yui and Strea who were fully glaring at the enemies and had launched their own special attacks making many of the enemies to be fully screaming 'Mommy!' which had Izumi, Asuna, Kirito and Keiko to laugh at them all really.
With the minions dealt with and the main ones gone, Izumi took a nap on Asuna's laps while Pina is in her small form and is sleeping in Keiko's arm as she is having her nap on Kirito's lap making Yui, Strea and Eri to stay close by.
The police came to arrest and Ojirou explains about his own part with Izumi's side done by him since she is asleep and won't be waking up for two hours making him to sigh as she is too carefree really making Asuna to chuckle at him really.
"She's not carefree. She's just tired from all the fighting really. She'll be fine." Ojirou blink as he thinks she's joking with him really which she wasn't shocking everyone there.
"Can I say this in self-defenses that I actually killed in defense of my comrade a.k.a her *Points to sleeping Izumi* during this as he was going to kill Izumi from behind and I swinged my tail after a spin and it cause his neck to crack and kill him?" The police agreed.
"As long as it's accidental, it's not murder." It was making him to bow as he sits and stays near Aizawa who was sitting down and curls into his stomach shaking badly really as Ojirou's back is facing everyone else really.
'Hmmm. Seems he can't handle the fact he killed even if it was to protect a comrade and it was accidental really. Guess I'm going to need to book some counseling with Hound Dog for my class really. I can tell that Keiko, Yui, Strea, Eri, Asuna, Kirito and Izumi are use to this really.
Must be cause of «SAO» really. They were inside that game really. How did they handle it all?' Aizawa thinks as he rubs Ojirou's head gentle. One of the police man named Tsukauchi Naomasa came over with his sister, Tsukauchi Makoto are there to help out more.
Both the Tsukauchi siblings are known as the «Truth-Siblings» since Makoto has the «Polygraph Quirk» and Naomasa has the «Truth Sensing Radar Quirk» making them to know the truth together really as they figured out what had happened fast.
"O.K. Seems to be an attack on the students to draw All Might here to kill him and his student, Miss. Midoriya Izumi took actions for her «Party Members» to help their classmates out while three of them were with you, Nezu-san and they have whacked the villains around a bit.
Then the teachers got involved in the fighting. I see a simple school defending itself if this happens all the time really." Naomasa said making Makoto to agree with her brother making them to nod really before the police officers left the school.
"How the heck did you keep your cool?!" Kirishima asked as he fully looks towards his four classmates and his classmate's three extra daughters.
"People kept attack our «Imladris Guild» in «SAO» and we got use to keeping our cool. Not to mention it's in the «Safe Zone» in the game really in a particularly forested «Safe Zone» that mama went to and took two months to fix, clean and upgrade into the same «Guild»." Strea said to them.
"Us four girls went to it fast and she accepted us with open arms and helped us with our skills." Yui finished for Strea.
"She even made sure Pina had his favorite peanuts to eat really." Keiko said as she feeds Pina the said nuts making him to rumble purr at her really. Everyone was shocked as this means...
"How the heck did you even still survive the game really?"
"Our mama/little sister is one person who knows how to train from the grounds up and came up with very interesting ideas for «Quirk» training as we believe Kayaba changed it quickly and no one, but us seven knew it's to train her «Quirks» really." They all said really together.
"Haa?!" Everyone asked as Kirito took over.
"Her «Quirks» are: «Gamer Quirk», «Pyrokinesis Quirk», «Telekinesis Quirk», «Electrokinesis Quirk», «Aerokinesis Quirk», «Blood Adoption Quirk (Bloodline)», «Herrscher: Reason Quirk», «Will-O-Wisp Quirk», «Elf Quirk», «Elf Language Quirk» «Ecokinesis/Naturakinesis Quirk» and lastly «Superpower Quirk»."
"Holy!" Kirishima stops as he bites his own lips to keep from fully swearing cause of three kids.
"Yep! My «Quirks» are: «Dragon Quirk», «Draconic Quirk», «Dragon Language Quirk», «Cait Sith Quirk», «Cait Sith Language Quirk», «Aerokinesis Quirk», «Pyrokinesis Quirk», «Gamer: Party Member Quirk» and «Corocottakinesis/Thiriokinesis/Zookinesis Quirk»." Keiko said shocking everyone at her eight «Quirks».
"My «Quirks» are: «Gamer: Party Member Quirk», «Fairy Quirk» and «Sylph Quirk» are my three main Quirks with «Fairy Language Quirk», «Sylph Language Quirk», «Healer Quirk», «Medical Knowledge Quirk», «Herbalist Knowledge Quirk», «Medical Chemist Knowledge», «Medical Scientist Quirk» and «Herbalist Quirk»." Asuna said making them to be shocked again.
"My «Quirks» are: «Gamer: Party Member Quirk», «Spriggan Quirk», «Spriggan Language Quirk» with my first main Quirk being «Codex» and my last Quirk is «Aerokinesis Quirk»." Kirito said making them to have a hard time breathing cause of this.
"I have: «Cyber Angel Quirk», «Elf Quirk», «Elf Language Quirk», «Electrokinesis Quirk», «Gamer: Party Member Quirk» and «Digital Conversion Quirk» is my Main «Quirk»!"
"I have: «Cyber Demoness Quirk», «Elf Quirk», «Elf Language Quirk», «Electrokinesis Quirk», «Gamer: Party Member Quirk» and «Digital Conversion Quirk» is my Main «Quirk»!" They can't take it as this is getting harder to understand really.
"I have: «Rewind Quirk» as my Main Quirk, «Elf Quirk», «Elf Language Quirk» and «Gamer: Party Member Quirk»!" Nezu fully faints making Yui and Strea to check on him as he must be not breathing making Aizawa to calm them both and explained that he just fainted.
"That's a lot of «Quirks»!" Tenya said swinging his arm like a robot making Izumi to wake up and rub her eyes making everyone to fully blush at the cuteness as one hand is above one eye and the other is below the other eye which lots of pictures were taking of the site fully really.
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