Final Exams
One week before the end of term test, Izumi who was ranked fourth highest encourages Denki and Mina (who failed) that they just need to do their best because she wants to go to the forest lodge with them making Izumi to feel like she's going home.
In the lunchroom where Izumi, Tenya, Todoroki, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Hagakure, Kirito, Asuna and Keiko were eating at a table and were discussing how they will perform in the end of term test until Neito Monoma harasses them with his usual antagonism making Izumi to have enough of it really.
"You know what? You're nothing, but a «Hero-wanna-be». I just didn't realize it until now and you sound like you're just getting your stupid 'personality' from some stupid 'anime character' to hide how you truly feel since you're a «Villain Quirk» victim like Hitoshi Shinso was really.
Better have a therapy session with Hound Dog to fix that up really and fast before you embarrass yourself in the future." He flinched as everyone including the teachers stare in shock before they saw Hound Dog pick Neito up really.
He brings him to his office for that therapy making lunch time to be more quiet now. After that, Itsuka reveals that the exercise test is a battle simulation fighting against robots like the U.A. Entrance Exam. Back in class, Izumi reveals the content of the exercise test to the class, much to both Denki and Mina's happiness.
Kirito berates them about being excited as they have no control over their powers and to do some training with him as he has fully booked the U.S.J for this. Asuna then confronts a very nervous and unconfident Momo over her «Quirk» and to think more creative things.
Asuna even told Momo that she'll be helping her out with that even if it kills her to get her to that level of usefulness of her «Creative Quirk». Momo hugs Asuna as that means a lot for her making Asuna to rub her back in comfort really as Izumi just smiles at the scenes in front of her really.
During the next three days, all students study hard to pass the Written Exam and trained to pass the battles really. Then, they prepare to face the bots in the Practical Exam, but Mr. Principal: Nezu-san reveals that Class 1-A will be fighting against U.A.'s teachers in their Exercise Test.
Aizawa says that Izumi, Kirito, Asuna and Keiko will be paired together much to their happiness as they got this really. They become surprised to learn that they will be facing All Might in combat for their exercise test. All Might tells the quads to cooperate together in order to defeat him.
All Might, Izumi, kirito, Asuna and Keiko get onto a bus and drive to an uninhabited city where the test exercise will take place and as All Might, Izumi, Kirito, Asuna and Keiko arrive in the city, All Might explains the test exercise to them.
Izumi, Kirito, Asuna and Keiko have two options of winning and passing the test exercise; they must either handcuff him or one of them must escape from the battlefield. Izumi, Kirito, Asuna and Keiko also have to accomplish either fully fighting to handcuff their opponent or one of them must escape the battlefield in 30 minutes.
Which Izumi notes that this will test their flight or fight decision skills while All Might puts on super compact weighted bracelets to give himself a handicap. The test exercise begins and Izumi took charge as she had the four of them scattered fast.
It was making All Might to see that Izumi is smarter it seems. Izumi was on a roof top, Kirito was fully behind a large garbage trash can, Asuna was inside a building ducked under a window and Keiko had Pina out while being above All Might four inches behind him mkaing him to not notice them at all.
Suddenly, All Might throws a punch which devastates the area he thinks they are in which causes damage to the road and for some of the buildings to fall down. All Might saw nothing and the four were moving carefully really.
Izumi is purely shocked at the very level of All Might's strength (even though she knows that All Might is handicapped and severely weakened to begin with). She fully wonders how he kept this under wrap really as she knows he's a threat for their pass really.
Keiko had Pina do a sneak attack making All Might to be confused allowing Kirito and Asuna to attack together making All Might to see no one as Izumi is keeping them under an illusion to keep them safe as Asuna uses «Mother's Rosaria» really.
It was making All Might to all, but dodge as Asuna fully needs a long bladed weapon to use this «Quirk Attack» really which Izumi has fully under Asuna's «Quirks» really making this to be fun really as Asuna can use her «sword skills» thanks to this really.
All Might is not able to inflict any damage on two as he can't see them and Izumi has the to back off before All Might saw her and she unleased «Norirai Tora» to attack him with making him to battle a tiger made out of just pure black lightning really.
After blowing the tiger away, All Might turns his attention to Keiko in the sky. Keiko fully used her «Pyrokinesis Quirk» and activates her wings to fly with Pina to work together as Pina can also use her «Pyrokinesis Quirk» as well, too making Keiko to smirk at All Might really.
Both unleased a «Fire Dragon Roar» at All Might making him to do a weird dance before jumping out of the way before he starts to letcher the two as they could of killed him with that attack of their's making them to apologies to him for that.
Izumi activates «One For All: Full Cowl» and attempts to attack All Might, but bumps into Kirito and Asuna since All Might throw them at Izumi. All Might prisons Izumi with a guardrail and he punches both Kirito and Asuna in the stomach which greatly injured them while sending them flying backwards.
All Might prepares to attack Keiko if Pina didn't fire off her «Bubble Breath» to keep him away from Keiko really. Kirito and Asuna was happy they taught Izumi all of their skills as she had used Kirito's «Savage Fulcrum» making All Might to get badly hurt from that attack.
It was making him to look towards her as she fully uses the sword arts move: «Dance of the Crescent Moon» on him with sword arts move: «Hazy Moon Night» that she learned from Naruto making her to love them really as it's fully just incredible how anime moves can become real.
Izumi was quick to get All Might to back off cause of these skills and All Might punched her harshly in the stomach making her to cough blood up with some saliva making Kirito, Asuna and Keiko to freak as Izumi was holding her stomach really.
It was making All Might to flinch as he didn't mean to do that to her and her «Regeneration» skill from her «Kyuubi Familiar» is helping her to heal the damage along with her «Psychic Flames» from her «Telekinesis Quirk» which is taking a while to heal her really.
All Might went to finish her off and she tries to move, but to no avail until Pina pushes All Might into a building with her head and Keiko has both Asuna and Kirito on Pina as she grabs Izumi and Pina passes through the escape gate which allows them to pass the practical test.
After they pass the practical exam, All Might brings them to Recovery Girl's tent to be healed. Recovery Girl scolds All Might for not fully restraining himself during his battle with them as Izumi will be in her care for two to four days max really.
"All 'cause of what you have done to her even if her healing abilities from her «Quirks» and «Familiar» helps, she still needs help on the outside!" Which Asuna can deal with as Recovery Girl agrees and shows the damaged making Asuna to glare harshly at All Might really.
It was making him to accept any punishment she thinks of which was him paying for everything that they might need for this trip making him to accept though inside crying as his wallet is going to be empty making Recovery Girl to laugh at him.
Back at U.A. in class, Izumi tries to help those who failed the practical exam (Denki, Mina, Sero and Kirishima) relax by telling them that something will happen that will still allow them to go to the forest lodge; Denki launches a comical tirade at Izumi for trying to jinx them.
Aizawa arrives at class and he fully announces that everyone passed the written exam and will go with all his classmates to the forest lodge which will be a boot camp, but those who failed the Practical exam (the previous four plus Sero) will receive very hard extra lessons.
The class see that there are many items on the list that they do not have which Toru suggests that Class 1-A go shopping together in order to get the items they need for the boot camp which Asuna reminds everyone that All Might is paying for it all.
The next day, most of Class 1-A (except Todoroki) go to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, a shopping center that caters for all needs as most of Class 1-A split up to go and buy their specific needs, leaving Ochaco and Izumi alone who asked Ochaco what she plans on buying.
Izumi tells her that she plans on buying heavy wrist weights and Ochaco says that she requires bug repellent cause of the bugs in the forest really which Izumi fully understands really as Ochaco runs off on her own to get her bug repellent, leaving Izumi alone.
Suddenly, a hooded man asks Izumi for her autograph after recognizing her from the U.A. Sports Festival and the hooded man admires Izumi for surviving against Stain and living to tell the tale as he was in the area during that time really.
However, Izumi slowly realizes that the hooded man is a villain she had already met prior to the encounter with Stain after hearing his talk about the U.S.J attack. The hooded man reveals himself to be in fact Tomura Shigaraki making her to sweat badly.
However, this time he does not have his signature hand on his face; the unmasked Tomura invites Izumi to have a talk with him and smiles wickedly as he grabs the back of her neck making her eyes to pulse as she's fully just trembling at him really.
Tomura continues holding Izumi's neck and tells her to calm down as she shakes making him to see her eyes full of emotions before she screams causing a blue glow and a ball forms around them making Tomura to feel his «Quirk» is gone.
He then saw a mirror which was showing his face to look very handsome as if him not having a «Quirk» will make this possible before he saw Izumi just floating on her back a bit far from him really with ripples below her in glowing blue colors before he swims over to her really.
He then saw memories of her own father and mother's murder and her state of mind before her uncle sent her into the «SAO» where she went back to normal and had fun making him to wonder why she's having a huge burden on her shoulders before he kissed her on the lips.
Izumi woke up and Tomura tells Izumi that he just wants to have a chat with her and she fully asks Tomura what he wants to talk about. Tomura explains to Izumi that he hates many things really, however, what he truly despises above all is the Hero Killer Stain for being so famous.
When Izumi asks Tomura that Stain was one of them, Tomura reveals that Stain was never apart of the «League or Villains» to even begin with as that the media and society merely speculated that Stain was a part of the League.
Tomura explains that he and Stain have destroyed things in order to change the world, but his fame is still undermined; Tomura asks Izumi what the difference is between him and Stain. Izumi was confused as she doesn't get the question really.
Izumi answers Tomura's question by telling Tomura that Stain and her were inspired by All Might and started their journeys thanks to him. Izumi says that Stain did not destroy because he wanted to, he destroyed in order to try and change the world for the better, according to his ideals really.
While she does not agree with Stain's methods, Izumi respects Stain for living according to his ideals and never giving up on them, but murder doesn't solves everyone's problems no matter what they hate or how they want to change the world really as that just cause for hatred and despair in the world.
Tomura feels exhilarated as he now understands why Stain and Izumi irritate him; it's because of All Might. Tomura also understands why he hates the current society as well; because they are all living happily and grinning like All Might.
Tomura thanks Izumi for chatting with him before he kissed her again making her to be red in the face. She let's go of the world around her and Tomura saw he was outside the mall where Kurogiri has brought him really.
It was making him to wonder what that girl is thinking of just sending him here as he leaves while Izumi is out cold with scars all over her body from what she did making her to be transported to the hospital for treatments.
The police with «True-man» being there as he will question her making them to accept as she is awake with bandages on her arms and legs all the way up to her two shoulders and two hips from her finger tips and tips of her toes.
It was making Asuna, Kirito, Keiko, Yui, Strea and Eri to be fully worried as they are sitting around her and he sits at the end of her bed as he knows this is not normal for her to be like this and her «Quirks» seem to be evolving at a fast pace cause of her past really.
"Do you mind, Miss. Midoriya if I ask some questions?" She shakes her head.
"What happened?"
"Tomura Shigiraki was there."
"Did you fight?"
"No. Just talked."
"What was it about?"
"Strain and he wanted to know the differences between him and Strain."
"Did you answer his question?"
"I answered his question by telling him that Stain and me were inspired by All Might and started our journeys thanks to him. I said that Stain did not destroy because he wanted to, he destroyed in order to try and change the world for the better, according to his ideals really.
While I don't agree with Stain's methods, I respects Stain for living according to his ideals and never giving up on them, but murder doesn't solves everyone's problems no matter what they hate or how they want to change the world really as that just cause for hatred and despair in the world.
He feels exhilarated as he now understands why Stain and me irritate him; it's because of All Might. He also understands why he hates the current society as well; because they are all living happily and grinning like All Might.
He thanked me for chatting with him before he kissed me on the lips making me to be red in the face. After that... Nothing."
"He kissed you? On the lips?"
"Yes. He also said Stain wasn't part of the «League of Villains». That everyone THOUGHT he was." He nods and thanks her for her time before he left making Kirito and Asuna to be furies as that was her 'first' kiss not knowing about him kissing her to wake her up.
The next day, Aizawa announces that the location for the lodge trip has changed and that it will be announced on the day. Izumi was on the roof of the «Guild» as she looks up to the night sky as she feels like Tomura Shigaraki has kissed her twice really.
"On the day the earth began, under the tree of life.
We listened together to the sound of distant whale song.
Everything we lost, and everything we loved.
I embrace with these arms, but where do I wander now?
The amber star above holds its secrets.
This undying, brilliant spirit, without you but a vengeful angel.
Please, do not ravage these wings, I was born to know these feelings.
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music.
Before this world ends, and before our lives are exhausted,
I want to cast off this latent grief, and embrace your scent.
If you listen, you can hear the memories of the sea, and drink of the despair of the lustrous moon.
Reborn endlessly in the light eternal, your dreams will never sully.
You were born to carry these wishes.
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music.
You grow up once again, again and again, going off far away.
In anguish I watch over you, unable to rest...
Just to sing your name...
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you. On that day...
It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
Even in one hundred million and two thousand years, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music." Izumi sanged as she didn't noticed Hitoshi and Mei watching her as they joined the «Underground Commutation»: the «Fuurinkazan Guild» since Mei uses it to send support gears really.
Hitoshi sends some information from the members of the «League of Villains Guild» as this needs to be stopped before war shows up as they're going to be helping their crush no matter what really as she needs all the help she can get to stop this really.
'We know that song is meant for us two. She just doesn't know it really.' Both think as the very many «Underground Heroes» got the information and they were fully shocked.
'What do we do now?'
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