Group Arguments
TImelineWrecker: We need your help settling an argument
BoatWrecker: Do we really need to being them into this?
TimelineWrecker: Yes.
HardHead: What's happening peeps
Photosynthesis: Never say that again.
UndeadAssassin: listen to clark nate
TimelineWrecker: Do you put the cereal before the milk or the other way around???
FeelTheVibe: This is the argument this chat does not need because we're all too petty for this.
FeelTheVibe: But def milk first
BoatWrecker: Ha!
TimelineWrecker: How could you betray me like this Francisco
FeelTheVibe: My point exactly
FavoriteKryptonian: Oh we whippin out the full names now Bartholomew?
Elsa: Savage
FavoriteKryptonian: Cereal first tho
Elsa: It's the only right answer
Photosynthesis: I disagree
BoatWrecker: We have the kryptonians split Barry.
WindBitch: What unholiness have you unleashed upon our chat?
HardHead: Literally just read the messages
WindBitch: Literally don't talk to me
DrunkArsonist: fiesty
DrunkArsonist: i like it
DrunkArsonist: also it doesn't matter
DrunkArsonist: Food is food
MoreSchotts: The cryptid has spoken
WindBitch: Oh this is totally schway
WindBitch: Cereal first and any other way is a disgrace
KryptonSux: it doesnt matter and this is pointless
HardHead: Cereal first because I said so
MoreSchotts: Mon-el honey it does matter because if you do it the wrong way you go to the phantom zone
MoreSchotts: Milf first only
MoreSchotts: Milk*
CaptainLesbian: No no you had it right the first time
Elsa: Milk first ~ Frost
UndeadAssassin: Alex and Frost are menaces to society
CaptainLesbian: Milk, in bowl, before cereal
UndeadAssassin: even more so now
UndeadAssassin: Cereal first.
BoatWrecker: I never thought I'd see the day...
HardHead: It's enough to make a grown man cry
FeelTheVibe: Stop quoting cloudy with a chance of meatballs wtf
HardHead: Never
Rayofhappiness: You have to pour the cereal first and gauge the amount of milk relative to that
AnimalWhisperer: This is all a simulation and none of your opinions matter. Goodbye
Elsa: Who let Amaya watch the Matrix
HardHead: Hehe
FavoriteKryptonian: Evil.
FasterThanYou: Milk first because I grew up poor and if you didn't check for milk then you were shit out of luck
Rayofhappiness: Understandable
BoatWrecker: So we have a tie now.
FeelTheVibe: Who hasn't gone?
UndeadAssassin: john is the only one left
WindBitch: I asked Gideon to tell him to respond
MagicMan: What in the bloody hell is this
TimelineWrecker: PICK A CHOICE BITCH
Photosynthesis: Woah where did that come from?
HardHead: It's John so you gotta be aggressive
MagicMan: Simmer down speedy I got your answer
MagicMan: You put the cereal first if you eat it cold and you put the milk first to put it in the microwave to eat it hot
FasterThanYou: I thought the other answer was wrong but that was much worse
FeelTheVibe: Now why would you ever say something like that?
UndeadAssassin: what kind off fuckery was that
CaptainLesbian: Please never do or say anything like that again.
Elsa: You absolute heathen
TimelineWrecker: ✨💫🧚♀️ you killed it ✨💫🧚♀️ let's try yourself next time🧚♀️✨✨⚡💥
FavoriteKryptonian: BARRY OML
BoatWrecker: What did I just read with my own eyes?
Elsa: Please not the fairy comments
HardHead: When Ariana Grande said breathe 🧚♀️✨💫💫 She wasn't talking about you😍💞🧚♀️✨
Rayofhappiness: You listen to Ariana Grande?
HardHead: Shut up.
CaptainLesbian: You guys are terrible.
UndeadAssassin: I love it
MoreSchotts: Here's the door for new opportunities!🚪💕✨🧚♀️I locked it for you🥰🥰👑
WindBitch: Omg you have so much confidence🧚♀️💞✨you shouldn't though💫🧚♀️💗
PhotoSynthesis: Aw I'm so glad you came out of your comfort zone🧚♀️💖💫get back there please👑🌃💕
AnimalWhisperer: Not Clark too what is this
KryptonSux: im scared these are like thinly veiled threats
FavoriteKryptonian: That's the point
MagicMan: You bunch of blokes asked for my opinion
FeelTheVibe: That was before we knew it was terrible
FasterThanYou: Let's just drop the whole thing because that fuckery made me wanna run into an active volcano
TimelineWrecker: I just had a chaotic thought
CaptainLesbian: Please no
Elsa: Whatever it is do it ~ Frost
TimelineWrecker: I wanna dye my hair blond
TimelineWrecker: Like a really pretty blond I don't know the names
FavoriteKryptonian: I would like to see that so do it please
UndeadAssassin: any oppositions from ollie
BoatWrecker: I'm helping like the good boyfriend I am.
RayofHappiness: So this is really happening?
TimelineWrecker: I already have the bleach.
FasterThanYou: Iris is on her way to help because she doesn't trust you
Elsa: As she shouldn't
TimelineWrecker: Actually we didn't tell you guys yet but Iris got her speedster powers back
DrunkArsonist: there's more now
WindBitch: You need a drink?
DrunkArsonist: i need a drink
WindBitch: PRedictable
FavoriteKryptonian: Another member of the flash fam
CaptainLesbian: Doesn't that mean that Barry lost his powers?
FeelTheVibe: Nah she got her own now
UndeadAssassin: i want powers too
MagicMan: Too bad
HardHead: Struggle Witch
WindBitch: Burn her at the stake!
MoreSchotts: The witch can read, how dare she
TimelineWrecker: Stone her to death!
Elsa: I have scheduled you all a psych eval and I would appreciate it if you went
KryptonSux: bold of you to assume I can't evaluate myself
BoatWrecker: You can't.
TimelineWrecker: Bleach is setting in now so we're watching Luca
BoatWrecker: "They are so gay but the Disney executives are COWARDS!" -Iris
UndeadAssassin: the green arrow watching a children's movie i love it here
FeelTheVibe: Oliver Queen is secretly a soft boi
FasterThanYou: Can we please turn this into a trend
MoreScotts: We need proof first
FavoriteKryptonian: Barry?
TimelineWrecker: [OllieIsAdorable.jpeg]
HardHead: I hate that it rhymed
RayofHappiness: I love that it rhymed
BoatWrecker: This continuous betrayal is unacceptable Barry >:(
TimelineWrecker: Sorry not sorry
CaptainLesbian: Calm it down Demi Lembato
FeelTheVibe: LEMBATO
CaptainLesbian: Hate it here
FasterThanYou: Alexa play heart pains by Demi Lembato
UndeadAssassin: now i wanna listen to heart attack by demi levato
TimelineWrecker: [BlondBoi.Jpeg]
FavoriteKryptonian: You look so good!!!
WindBitch: It's really fitting
Rayofhappiness: Just a blond boi doing what blond bois do
KryptonSux: we see you king
Elsa: The Blond icon we didn't know we needed
UndeadAssassin: r00d
FavoriteKryptonian: I concur, twas r00d
BoatWrecker: I'm barely blond but rude.
TimelineWrecker: Get you friends that will hype you up like this
Photosynthesis: 1/10 :)
TimelineWrecker: r00d
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