Drama and Chaos
TimelineWrecker: Barry Allen
BoatWreaker: Oliver Queen
FavoriteKryptonian: Kara Danvers
Elsa: Caitlin Snow
FeelTheVibe: Cisco Ramon
UndeadAssassin: Sara Lance
Rayofhappiness: Ray Palmer
DrunkArsonist: Mick Rory
HardHead: Nate Heywood
AnimalWhisperer: Amaya Jiwe
WindBitch: Zara Tomaz
FasterThanYou: Wally West
Kal-el: Clark Kent
KryptonSux: Mon-el
MoreSchotts: Winn Schott Jr.
CaptainLesbian: Alex Danvers
MagicMan: John Constantine
Brainy: Querl Dox
MoreSchotts: Why did Mon-el just send me a picture of garlic bread with a caption that said "happy anniversery"?
Elsa: I have so many questions and no answers...
FavoriteKryptonian: So do I
WindBitch: Everyday my sanity lowers around you people
MoreSchotts: You think you're confused
MoreSchotts: I'm the one he sent it to
KryptonSux: im sorry bby it was supposed to be a picture of us
MoreSchotts: But it's not even our anniversary???
UndeadAssassin: that made everything so much worse
Kal-el: Can anything ever be normal?
MagicMan: We're a chat filled with warlocks, metas, humans, and aliens
MagicMan: We will never be normal
MoreSchotts: I like to think that I'm pretty normal
CaptainLesbian: Aren't you the same one that had a mental breakdown because you thought you might snap one day and become like your dad?
FavoriteKryptonian: That was kinda harsh Alex...
UndeadAssassin: Yeah Lex
TimelineWreaker: :(
MoreSchotts: that really hurt Alex
MoreSchotts: truly.
CaptainLesbian: Winn, I'm sorry I didn't mean it
KryptonSux: hes with me and hes crying
KryptonSux: you fucked up Alex
CaptainLesbian: Shit I need to apologize in person
HardHead: Mon-el being a protective boyfriend is something I didn't know I needed to see
BoatWreaker: Well things took a harsh turn.
Rayofhappiness: GUYS
Rayofhappiness: I deunk wif mick
UndeadAssassin: who let ray drink with mick
Elsa: This was an unexpected development
DrunkAronist: Haircut came by himeslf
DrunkArsonist: I had nothing to do with it
WindBitch: I'll go rescue Ray
HardHead: Bring him back to my room and ill take care of him
WindBitch: kk
Kal-el: wow how caring
FasterThanYou: Kal needs a better name
Kal-el: Oh Rao no
FeelTheVibe: this is the moment Ive been waiting for
FeelTheVibe changed Kal-el's name to SunBitch
WindBitch: Nope, not doing that
WindBitch changed SunBitch's name to RocksHurt
RocksHurt: Now wait just a second
TimelineWreaker changed RocksHurt's name to Karax2
HardHead: god you all suck
HardHead changed Karax2's name to Photosynthises
FavoriteKryptonian: I like that one
BoatWreaker: How is that better?
Elsa: His power literally comes from the sun
TimelineWreaker: Makes sense
FeelTheVibe: How's Winn doing
KryptonSux: he's still pretty sad but alex apologized and he forgives her
KryptonSux: im still pretty upset though
FavoriteKryptonian: You know that Alex didn't want to be mean
KryptonSux: It still hurt my boyfriend though
UndeadAssassin: i know alex didnt wanna hert em
KryptonSux: I know but just seeing my baby hurtle this is heartbreaking
CaptainLesbian: Mon I'm so sorry I didn't mean what I said
Brainy has joined the chat
Brainy: Why is Mon-el growling
WindBitch: How the HELL do people just force their way inside of here?
FavoriteKryptonian: Brainy is smart ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Brainy: That is an immense over-simplification of my intellectual prowess.
CaptainLesbian: How did you even know this chat existed?
Brainy: Well, I saw that all of you were repeatedly checking your phones, so I assumed that meant that you were getting a plethora of messages from somewhere. So I did a scan of Kara's phone and saw there was an inter-dimensional extending chip embedded in the cellular device. So naturally, I figured she was texting people from other earths. A little hacking later and now I'm in your chat.
WindBitch: Yeah that was way too complicated for no reason
FeelTheVibe removed Brainy from the chat
FeelTheVibe: Nope not dealing with that
TimelineWreaker: Wow that was fast
Rayofhappiness: Aw he seemed nice
BoatWreaker: Glad to see you sober ray.
Rayofhappiness: Yeah but I have a splitting headache
HardHead: He'll be fine I'm cheering him up with doctor who
FasterThanYou: You two just need to date already
HardHead: We're just friends
Rayofhappiness: Yeah...
MagicMan: So were broody and quick but look how that turned out
BoatWreaker: I don't appreciate being called "broody".
UndeadAssassin: you don't have to appreciate it but its true
TimelineWreaker: It kind of is ollie
Elsa: I concur
Elsa: I also agree ~ Frost
FavoriteKryptonian: I hate to say it but...
Photosynthesis: He is very broody
BoatWreaker: This is complete and utter betrayal that I didn't expect from any of you. You're all awful. And I'm canceling our plans tonight Barry.
TimelineWreaker: WAIT OLLIE NO
BoatWreaker: It's too late now.
HardHead: Oh no are mom and dad getting a divorce (╥_╥)
FavoriteKryptonian: I wanna go with Barry
KryptonSux: i think we all wanna go with barry
Rayofhappiness: I'll go with Oliver so he doesn't feel bad
BoatWreaker: I'm very close to going out and finding those people from Cisco's dream to be my friends
MagicMan: You know you love us too much
BoatWreaker: Loved. Past tense.
TimelineWreaker: Fine then I'll just give Rene a call and see if he'll want to do our plans with me tonight
BoatWreaker: You wouldn't dare.
TimelineWreaker: Wouldn't I though?
HardHead: This is more interesting than doctor who
TImelineWreaker: I ain't no bitch
UndeadAssassin: how did you know he called
BoatWreaker: Rene is in the cave with me
FavoriteKryptonian: This
Elsa: Is ~ Frost
MoreSchotts: Scrotum-didily-umptious
UndeadAssassin: I-
UndeadAssassin: are you alright winn?
MoreScotts: Yeah I'm feeling much better now
MoreSchotts: Thanks for caring guys
FasterThanYou: Of course buddy, we care about you
Photosythesis: Yeah Winn, you're great
MoreSchotts: Aw shucks Kal-el said I'm great
MoreSchotts: Well I'm emotionally drained so I'm going to bed
BoatWreaker: We should all log off for today.
BoatWreaker: The chat has been very eventful.
20 minutes later...
AnimalWhisperer: What the fuck happened here
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