Chapter Sixteen
After we went to the arcade, I got a text from Momo.
M- Hey, I'm going to host a party! It's mostly to forget what has been happening for the passed few months and have fun! Everyone in the class is invited. It starts at Six tonight. I hope to see you and Bakugou there!
I smiled and felt a hand on my shoulder. "Whatcha got there Kiri?" I looked at the owner of the hand and noticed that it was Mina.
"Wanna go to a party?"
This is like one of those Top Ten Things Said Before Disaster videos, except there's only seven things and it isn't a video.
We strolled up to the mansion that Momo lived in and Mina parked the car. Before we went to the party, we swung by each of our houses to get on suitable outfits. Katsuki wasn't as salty as he was earlier, thankfully, but he was still acting a little distant. I was kind of worried about it and I wanted to talk to him about it, but I thought that he would open up at the party.
"Guys, you are here!" I got out and saw Momo. She was in a nice looking dress. It was pink and went passed her knees.
"Hey Yaomomo." I greeted her and smiled while waiting for the others to get out of the car.
"Everyone except for Sero and Kaminari are here. Go inside and have fun." She gestured to the entrance. Them being gone is the Second point.
I looked and saw that Kat was out, staring at Mina. Mina was looking at her phone, half-way out of the car. "You guys go on, I gotta do something, but I'll be back." She got back inside and drove off. That would've been the Third Point in the video, but like I said, this isn't a video, this is a book.
I shrugged and walked inside. Everyone except for Sero, Kaminari, and Mina were there, doing things like dancing or waiting in a snack line. There was no punchline though.
"Hey guys! Glad that you could come!" Ochako walked up to Kat and I.
"Of course we were coming! We wouldn't miss it." I told her.
"Yeah, this one wouldn't leave me alone about me going with." Katsuki rolled his eyes and I put my arm on his shoulder.
"I just asked like three times."
"Yeah, three thousand." Katsuki said, hiding some type of happy emotion under his irritation.
Suddenly, a slow song played and the lights dimmed. I looked over and saw Jirou was at the dj booth, looking at Kat. They nodded and Kat held out his hand. I stared at it, then back at him. "Wha-
"Take it." He half-yelled. He looked like a tomato. I chuckled and grabbed his hand. He guided me out to the dance floor and grabbed my other hand. He clearly didn't know how to slow dance. His feet had no rhythm and it was like he didn't know where to put his hands.
"Ever done this before Kat?" I asked.
He stiffened. "Of course I have!" He looked away.
I laughed. "First of all, your hands go here," I grabbed his hands and put one on my shoulder and the other at my waist and I did the same with mine. "Secondly, watch my feet and stay in sync with them." He nodded and I took a small step forward. He responded and moved his feet back. I stepped back and he stepped forward. It was a simple slow dance, but it was still fun to do.
Soon, we got into rhythm with the song and he scoffed. "Where did you learn how to dance?"
"In my middle school, we took a dance course. That's why Mina knows how to break dance." I chuckled. "Wanna try something?"
"Sure, but wha-" I grabbed his hand and twirled him. "What was that?!"
"I twirled you." I told him with a smile.
"Two can play at that game." He grabbed my wrist and spun me sloppily. I laughed the entire time and put my hands on his shoulders once he was done. He stared at me with a smile. I looked into his crimson eyes that matched Aoyama's nail polish. He was so stunning looking. I leaned in, and he did the same. Point Four
Suddenly, the music stopped and the lights became bright again. Point Five. I backed up and looked around the room. I saw Mina, Sero, and Kaminari standing in the doorway with a bunch of upper classmen, holding boxes with color on them. Point Six.
"Where did you guys get that?" Jirou asked while leaving Momo and walking over.
"What is it?" Mineta peered over the heads of people, trying to see what it was.
"It's something to spice up this party! We have enough for everyone!" Mina walked over to the refreshment table and I realized what those boxes were. They contained full beer cans. Sero had cups.
"You guys can use these if you want." Sero put them down. "Now let's get this party started!"
I felt Kat let go and walk away and into the crowd. I tried to look for him, but I couldn't find his familiar spiky hair. The music was turned back on, but not the gentle music Momo had before. It was more up-beat and put on a party vibe. I decided to just go with the flow.
After a few minutes of looking for a classmate, I finally found the familiar dual-haired guy. Todoroki was holding two red cups. He didn't look right.
"Hey Kirishima, try it!" He thrusted his hand out that was holding the almost full cup. "Izu wouldn't take it, but you will right? You always go on about manliness. This is pretty manly."
I stared at the cup. I knew what it contained. I looked back at Todoroki. "Okay, I'll take it." I grabbed it and chugged the entire cup. And that was mistake number Seven.
Total Word Count- 1012
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