"What are you three talking about?" I turned around and I saw Tomura was standing behind Midoriya.
"Kacchan was just about to tell me about how the others are doing." Midoriya smiled. I was impressed. He's really good at lying.
"Well, stop chatting. We have work to do. Kirishima and Midoriya, since you're new, I'll have Bakugou teach you what we do around here. I have other things to do." He stuck his hand into the air and waved as he walked down the maze of hallways.
"Follow me." Katsuki walked down the hallways and led the two of us out of there. It was quick and easy. No fighting involved.
"I'm glad we didn't really have to fight." I smiled.
"Yeah, but if we had to, we were ready." Katsuki smiled and gestured to our hero costumes.
"Midoriya?" We all turned to our teacher who peeked out of the trees.
"Mr. Aizawa?!" Midoriya looked at our teacher before looking at us. "You got the pros involved?! Bu-But Tomura will kill us!"
"It's okay. Only Aizawa knows the whole story. And he's the only one here." I put my hands up to comfort Midoriya, but my words only made him freak out.
"He knows about the League of Villains?!"
"He's right here." Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Let's go guys. We have a lot to talk about."
Oh no.
Aizawa walked into the dorms with us. "Which ones know?" We knew what he was talking about.
"Kaminari, Todoroki, Momo, Jirou, and Sero." I spoke, counting on my fingers. Five, or eight in total.
"What's going on?" Some students were getting ready for school. We looked at Tokoyami. Sato, Kouda, and Shoji were there with him in the kitchen.
"Nothing for you to worry about. Continue getting ready, I'll be in class later." Aizawa got into the elavator amd we joined him, dreading about the conversation that's coming.
We went to Kaminari's dorm first since it was the closest one, but he didn't answer once Aizawa knocked. "Kaminari?" No answer.
"Maybe he slept in Sero's room. He's been doing that a lot." Midoriya pondered. We all looked at him.
"What do you mean Deku?" Katsuki asked.
"I can hear his voice in Sero's room. I thought that his room was destroyed in the fight a week ago." He looked clueless.
"His room wasn't one on the list, I'm pretty sure." Aizawa got out a bunch of multi-colored keys and grabbed a yellow one before shoving it into the lock. "We're coming in Kaminari." He unlocked the door and we saw that his room was fine.
"Why would he be in Sero's room?" Midoriya tilted his head.
Katsuki looked like he was deep in thought, then his eyes widened. "Shiiiii-"
"Language." Aizawa reminded him.
"Iiiip. Freaking Cargo ship. I see a pattern." Katsuki finished.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Tomura went after the people closest to us. Elbows is close to Pikachu, Deku is close to Half 'n Half, Ponytail is close to Emo Music, and I guess Tomura thinks I'm close with you." Katsuki's voice got quiet at the end.
There was silence, until Aizawa threw his hands up. "In English Bakugou."
"He means I'm close to Todoroki, Yaorozu is close to Jirou, Kaminari is close to Sero, and he's close to Kirishima." Midoriya explained.
"I never said that I was close with Shitty Hair." Katsuki folded his arms and shifted his weight around on his feet.
"Stop cursing, and the pattern makes sense, but how is this related to Kaminari being in Sero's room every night?" Aizawa asked.
"I dunno. He's probably scared about the villains getting him and thinks that he needs protection." Katsuki shrugged.
"Then let's get the others. They all live on the fifth floor, right?" We nodded and took the elavator ride up after closing and locking Kaminari's door.
We walked to Sero's door first. We heard someone speaking. Aizawa knocked. "Hello? It's Aizawa." There was silence. There was the sound of talking again, then Kaminari opened the door, not showing much of the room.
"Hey Aizawa, what are you doing here?" The blond haired boy asked.
"We have to talk. Where's Sero?" Aizawa tried to peer into the room.
"He's getting ready. Did you guys get Midoriya back?" Kaminari tilted his head and saw Midoriya. "Sero! They got 'em!"
Sero came out of the bathroom in his uniform. "Nice! Aizawa, what brings you to my room?"
"We all have to talk." He walked to Todoroki's dorm and knocked. "Todoroki, we ha-" The door opened and we saw Todoroki. Calling him a wreck would be a nice thing. His hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in forever even though Midoriya was taken that morning. He looked at the teacher before seeing Midoriya. His clouded eyes widened up.
"Izuku! You're okay!" He shoved Aizawa aside and picked up Midoriya into a hug.
"Okay, rude, also, follow me. I have to get Yaoyorozu and Jirou. We all have to talk." Aizawa walked towards the Girls' wing. Todoroki followed Aizawa, still holding Midoroya.
"I missed you too Shouto, but can you put me-"
"No." Todoroki interrupted Midoriya. Midoriya sighed and wrapped his arms around Todoroki so he doesn't fall.
By the time I was paying attention to what was happening in the real world, Momo and Jirou were out of the room and talking to Aizawa.
"What is this about?" Jirou asked.
"Look at the others. All of you have one thing in common." Aizawa tossed his hand into the air. "Now, come with me." He walked towards the elavator.
Kaminari suddenly tensed and looked at the others. "Who told?"
"I did and it's fine. We aren't getting expelled." Katsuki followed Aizawa, leaving the others, except for me, with their mouthes hanging open.
"You did what? You were the one who wanted it to be a secret!" Kaminari yelled at him before following with everyone else.
"I had to or else Eijirou and I would've gotten expelled. Now shut your mouth." Katsuki growled at him.
Kaminari grumbled about something as we were walking out of the dorm building.
After a few minutes of walking away from the dorms, we made it into the school. Aizawa explained to Nezu and Present Mic that he needs to talk to us and that someone needs to substitute his class. Present Mic offered and we walked into Aizawa's office. His office had a lot of wooden things, as well as a couch and four chairs. There was a window behind a desk with art hanging on it that he probably saved from Eri a few years ago.
"So, someone explain more clearly what happened with the League of Villains, also, Todoroki put Midoriya down." We all look away from Aizawa and at Todoroki. He was still carrying Midoriya bridal style.
"No." His grip tightened and he glared, challengingly at our teacher.
Aizawa just sighed. "I tried." He sat down at his desk. "Some of you sit on the couch and the rest sit in the chairs." He gestured to the furniture around the room. Todoroki and Midoriya sat on the couch, taking up one seat, and Momo and Jirou took the rest of the couch.
Sero pointed to Todoroki and Midoriya. "Hey Kami, maybe we sho-"
"I am not picking you up. Have you seen these noodle arms?" He held up his arms.
"Nobody is going to be picking up anyone other than those two. Just sit down and explain everything. By the way, I've heard about thd shopping trip that ended horribly, give other details." Aizawa sighed.
"Well, Tomura will call or text us any time for starters. I've woken up to Todoroki getting midnight calls before." Midoriya informed.
"Remember when they called him during class?" Kaminari asked, holding out a hand.
Aizawa started to write something down on paper. "Okay. Anything else?"
"He's inpatient." I put in.
Aizawa nodded and scribbled more stuff down. "Anything else?"
"Oh! That ice incident that happened yesterday was because Sero found out and was going to tell a teacher that we were villains." Jirou eyed Sero and he scratched his head. "But it's all different now that they've contacted him."
"So all of you were pulled into this?" Aizawa lookes at us.
"No. I was the only one who wasn't contacted. They put Kirishima into a van and forced him to join using Bakugou and that's how he got Sero's and Midoriya's number, but he never contacted me." Jirou informed.
Aizaaa wrote that down. "Okay, thank you." He put down his pen and stared at what he wrote. "One more thing," He looked up. "You'll be working as spies for the heroes now."
Total Word Count- 1458
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