Chapter Forty
Once we got to the dorms, Midoriya and I headed straight for his dorm room to work on the project. "Since today is Friday, I can see if my parents can take all three of us to my house and I can show you those books." I suggested.
"Three?" Midoriya tilted his head.
"Yeah. You, me, and Katsuki."
"Oh yeah! I forgot that he's living with you now! How's that going so far?"
"Good, he accidentally called my mom an old hag this morning though, so I'd say that he's not used to it yet." I chuckled.
"I don't think I've ever met your parents before. You have two Moms, right?"
"Yep! They're fantastic and I love them, so that means that they must be good at raising me." I chuckled.
"So, how'd your mom's meet?"
"I don't really know that part well, I just know that they met at an airport." I shrugged. "How did your parents meet?"
"No clue." Midoriya shrugged. "My mom told me that my dad left before I was born, so I don't really know who he is."
"Oh. Sorry for bringing that up. I just wanted to-"
"It's okay, Ei. It doesn't bother me to talk about my dad. Anyways, did you text your mom to see if I could come over?"
"Oh! No, I'll do that right now though."
Mamaaaaaa Ooooooo
Hey Mama, is it okay if I have another friend over tonight? I'm helping him on a project about Crimson Riot.
Yeah sure. I'll let your mom know. If he's spending the night, have him stay in the guest room with that boyfriend of yours, okay?
Alright, thank you. Bye Mama. See ya after school.
"My Mama said that you could come over, but I don't think that you want to spend the night." I chuckled.
"Why not?"
"If you do, you'll have to share a room with Katsuki."
"Good call on me not wanting to spend the night." He moved his hand through the air.
"Speaking of Kat, I'm going to go see him." I stood up and started to walk through the door. "Uh, do you want to come with? I'm not sure if you wo-"
"Thanks for inviting me, Ei!" He stood up and walked to Katsuki's door. I quickly shut mine and opened his.
"Hey Kat!" I looked to find him on his bed, scrolling through a form of social media.
He looked at me. "About time. School got out almost an hour ago. Where were you?" He tensed when he saw Midoriya standing next to me. "Deku!"
"Hi Kacchan." He waved at Kat and sat in one of the chairs.
"Um, hey Kat, Midoriya has to come over for a few hours so I can help him with a project, okay?"
"You're going to show that traitor where you live?!" Kat yelled.
"I'm helping him with a project! If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're jealous!" I folded my arms. "Midoroya is my friend. He helped rescue you from the villains, h-
"He is a villain, if you need a reminder." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever. I don't care that he comes over. Just stay out of my way, alright?" Kat looked around his bed angrily before grabbing his headphones and started to tune us out with music. I sighed and shook my head.
"Should we," Midoriya nodded towards the door as if he was indicating that we should leave.
"Yeah. I'll see you later Katsuki." I looked back at my boyfriend, but all he did was grunt to let me know that he heard me. I rolled my eyes. "Let me know when you stop being so salty." I stood up and walked out of his room, slamming the door in the process.
"Whoa." I looked to see where the noise came from and I noticed that Kaminari was standing in the hallway. "Trouble in Paradise?"
"Oh shut up. I want to play Minecraft until my mom gets here. Wanna join?" I offered.
"You know that I'll never turn down a Minecraft offer. Do you play, Midoriya?"
"I never had anything that had Minecraft on it, so no."
Kaminari and I gasped at the same time. "You've never played Minecraft?" Kaminari walked towards Midoriya.
"Uh, no?"
"Dude, I have three electronics and all of them have Minecraft on it. You can play on my laptop. You have to join us. Let's go to my room!" Kaminari ran to the elevator, with me following close behind.
"Come on Midoriya!" I yelled and he made it before the elavator shut.
"Aww, this thing seems friendly!" I looked at Midoriya's screen. "I'm going to let it into the house!"
"A what?" I watched as the creeper exploded, killing him and destroying a chunk of the house in the process. "What?! It killed me!"
"Creepers explode when you get close to them." I explained as Kaminari sulked.
"My hooouuuussseee."
"Don't worry Kami, we can rebuild your house. It's made out of wood."
"But it's made out of Spruce and there is no spruce anywhere near here." Kaminari complained.
"Let's just rebuild it using the blocks that are floating."
"Hey guys, I have no idea where I am." Midoriya said.
"What? You didn't fall asleep in your bed?" I asked and Midoriya nodded.
"I did, but the thing must have blew it up. Hey! The creeper's quirk is like Kacchan's!"
I laughed. "You're right, but in the Minecraft world, things don't have quirks. Creepers are the only thing that really has a special ability."
"I can't believe that you're forgetting my man, the Enderman." Kaminari said.
"Is the Enderman this tall black thing with a block and purple eye- IT'S ATTACKING ME!" Midoriya yelled.
"Did you look into it's eyes?!"
"Well, yes bu-"
"It makes them mad if you look into thier eyes. They're self conscious or something." Kaminari explained.
"I'll try to save you Midoriya." I went off to look for the spawn point, but I was too late. I watched as the tall killer murdered Midoriya in cold blood. The Enderman looked at me and I quickly moved my screen so I couldn't see it's face, but I could see it's body. I watched as it disappeared into the day. Then Midoriya respawned.
"I'm back, but I'm still lost." I watched as his character started to look in the wrong ways.
"Midoriya, look behind you and follow me."
His character turned and he saw me. "Oh! Thank you Ei!"
Kaminari looked at me before looking at Midoriya. "Why did you call him 'Ei'?"
"Because it's a nickname." He said as I led him to the broken house. Kaminari looked at me and I shrugged. "Kacchan calls him that so I thought that it was okay to."
"Here's the house Midoriya." I said before I felt my phone buzz. I looked at the notification and I saw that it was from my Mom.
Hey Eijirou! Get your friends and let's go. I'm here.
"Hey Midoriya, my mom is here." I stood up. "I might join you again later, but I'm going to be busy. "Bye Kami."
"Bye dudes. Text me later!" Kaminari yelled as I shut the door.
"Hey Midoriya, I think that maybe you should go to the car and I'll get Katsuki, okay?"
"Okay! I'll meet you out there." I watched as Midoriya took the stairs down and I went up using the elavator.
I knocked on Kat's door before opening it. "Hey Ka- whoa." I looked around the room as I noticed burn marks everywhere. I noticed that he moved from the bed, so I knocked on the bathroom door. "Kat? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine! Give me a second." I waited for him to open up the door and I noticed that he must have been taking a shower. "What?"
"My mom's here, I wanted to come and get you, but are you alright? There are burn marks all over the walls."
"I'm fine, let me grab my stuff and we can go." Katsuki brushed past me to grab his phone, charger, and head phones. "Let's go."
"Hey Kat, are you sure that you're okay? I'm worried for you, man." My gaze followed him as he stood in the doorway.
"I just- I was training and I went too rough. That's all that happened. Look at your punching bag for evidence. I'll see you in the car." I watched as Kat walked out, leaving me alone in his room.
Author's Note- AYY, WE MADE IT TO FORTY CHAPTERS! One of the reasons why was probably because I'm too lazy to make a second book lol. Anyways, stay fresh, Cheese Bags!
Total Word Count- 1463
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