Kirishima's Point Of View
I woke up tied to a chair. I looked around and I saw Tomura standing behind a chair that contained Bakugou. No. I panicked. "He-Hey! Let him go!" I tried to use my quirk but it wasn't working. "What the heck is going on?"
I looked back at the other two. "Don't do what they want Kiri. Please don-"
"Quiet you!" He looked back at me. "Join us like your little friends Eijirou."
Bakugou tried to bite Tomura. He thrashed around with his mouth open, showing his teeth. "Don't call him that! Only I can!"
Tomura stepped back. "Jealous much?" He let out a sinister laugh. "He came on his free will."
"No I didn't! I was tricked by the girl with the two ponytails!" I yelled.
"They are called twin buns actually and I put a lot of work in those each morning for her." I heard a vocie behind me. I turned around and saw Dabi.
"All we had to do was take a little bit of blood from this one and boom! You fell into our hands. Well, van but there really isn't much of a difference." Tomura ignored Dabi and continued. He tapped Bakugou's head when he said 'this one' and extended his arms once he said boom for dramatic effect.
I tried to leap out of the chair. "Keep your mitts off of him!"
"Wow. We would've thought that you two were dating if we didn't know that you are both too afraid to admitt it!" Toga appeared with a smile and the small machine she used a week or so ago. She stuck a needle into my leg and took some of my blood. I groaned in pain and glared at her. She laughed and took out the needle once she was done.
Bakugou was going crazy in his chair. He was trying to hop over but Tomura grabbed his chair, leaving out his pinkie, and pulled him back. "Kirishima, let me ask you my question from earlier again. Do you want to join the League Of Villains?"
"Say no! Eijirou, don't listen to them! They are nothing but crazy lunatics!" Bakugou yelled at me. I felt my cheeks burn up a little.
"No-no. I won't join you guys." I stated.
"Dabi, switch me out." Tomura walked away from Bakugou's chair and Dabi walked to replace him. "You know what to do."
Dabi placed a hand on his arm and it was soon engulfed in blue flames. Bakugou screamed.
"Okay! Okay! I'll join! Please stop hurting him!" I screeched.
Dabi let go and revealed a giant burn mark on his arm. Bakugou growled at me. "I told you not to join!"
"I didn't want you to be hurt more." Suddenly, Tomura plopped something onto my lap. I saw that it was my phone.
"Don't worry, I added me in. I didn't want you to go through all of that trouble just for me." He smiled through his hand.
"I'm going to freaking beat you into a pulp." Bakugou glared at Tomura.
"Ooohhhh. I'm so scared." He smirked. "Dabi, get that one healed up then we can take them back to their dorm." Tomura walked out of a metal door that I didn't recognize until that moment.
"Sorry Kiri, I have to tranquilize you again." I felt another pain in my arm. I looked over and I saw Toga. The last thing I saw was Dabi putting something on Bakugou's arm and wrapping it up in a bandage.
Dabi saw me looking over and smiled. "Welcome to the League of Villains Kirishima."
I woke up in the van again. I blinked and opened my eyes fully. I saw that Bakugou was staring out of the front window, yelling at Dabi and Toga. I noticed that he still had the bandage on. I remembered how I was the one who did that. I also noticed some small cuts on his face.
"-its! Both of you are!" Bakugou was cussing them out most likely.
I put a hand on Bakugou and pulled myself into a sitting potition. "Bakugou, calm down. It's not worth it."
He saw me. "How are you feeling?" I responded with okay. He nodded before he started hitting me. "Why-don't-you-lis-ten!" He yelled between hits.
"Hey! I didn't want you hurt Katsuki!" I started to hit back. After around a minute of us hitting each other, he backed off and tched. "Look, I'm sorry okay?"
He snorted before we were launched forward. Toga opened up the small wire part that was separating us from them. "This is your stop! Byee!" She shoved us both out and they sped off.
Reality hit me harder than the ground. I was now a member of the League of Villains. I would have to give up my dream of ever being a hero if others find out. I gripped my hair. I have worked so hard to get to where I am now! Now it's all being torn away from me!
"Kacchan? Kirishima? What happened?" I was surprised once I saw Todoroki and Midoriya standing over us.
"Midoriya and Todorki? What are you doing here?" I asked. I noticed that Todoroki noticed the burn on Bakugou's arm. He then looked at me. I knew that he knew what happened.
"What happened to you two?" Midoriya went to help me up but Katsuki hit his hand away.
"None of your business Deku. Come on Eijirou." He yanked me off of the ground and we walked inside together.
When we were inside, I saw Momo and Kaminari on the couch. They saw us walk in and they darted over. "What happened?" Kaminari held up Bakugou's arm.
"I'm one of you guys now." I did a pathetic version of jazz hands and plopped onto the couch. I felt awful. I knew that I didn't have the same experience as them, Momo was held at gunpoint. When I had to join, nobody was held at gun point, but Bakugou got a big burn mark. Thanks to modern medicine though, his burn should heal within a few days.
"I'm sorry Kirishima. I didn't want this to happen to you." Kaminari sat down next to me.
"It's nobody's fault but mine. I eavesdropped on Katsuki's conversation after the dorm attack and I talked to Tomura on the phone. Todoroki was trying to warn me when that happened." I buried my face into my hands. "Oh god, I'm an idiot."
"I told you to say no Ei! But do you listen? NooOoooOOooOooo. You have to be the freaking caring person you are and freaking say yes." Katsuki plopped down next to me.
"I know. I'm a pushover. I didn't want you to get hurt even more though. Your arm looks pretty bad as it is. You might've had it scarred like Todoroki or have your entire forearm burned to a crisp."
"It's not your fault Kirishima." I felt Momo's hand on my head.
There was was a growl from Katsuki, but we didn't really mind it too much.
"So what all happened when you guys were there?" Kaminari asked.
"When I arrived at their base, I tried to go off on Tomura, but he called backup like the little bish he is and I got beat up to the point of passing out. Once I woke up, I was tied down and they were bringing in Kirishima. I tried to get out of the chair. That Toga chick must've took my blood when I was passed out because Tomura mentioned it when he was explaining it to Eijirou. Eijirou got some of his blood taken too and refused to join. But the moment I'm getting burned by the Blue Version of Todoroki's Left Side, he decides 'Hey, this is fine' and join them."
I say nothing. I remove my hands and stare at the floor, close to tears. I felt determined that I wasn't going to cry right then and there.
"I'm sorry Eijirou, I just didn't want you to be going on the same road as us. You still had a future." I look at Katsuki and I knew that he was being sincere.
I smiled, knowing that he cared. "It's okay Kat."
"Y'know, we are still here." I look over and I saw Kaminari was smiling. "You two calling each other pet names is one of the most adorable thing I've seen."
Katsuki threw a pillow at him yelling 'Die'. We all laughed, excpet for Kat but he was too red for us to care. We heard a ding but we didn't really care for it. Suddenly, he smirked. "I bet that Tape Elbows is the first in your book."
"I'm the first in who's book?" We all turn and saw Sero standing there.
"Nothing!" Kaminari yells, making me, Momo, and Bakugou laugh.
"Ooookay. Anyways, what's goin' on here?" He leaps over the couch and sits next to Kaminari.
"Nothing, just talking." Momo covers for us.
"Okay. About what? Also, what happened to your arm Bakugou?" Sero points to the bandage on Bakugou's arm.
"None of your business." Bakugou said harshly.
"Wow, someone's angry. Anyways, Kaminari wanna play Mario Kart with me?" Sero asked.
"Heck yeah! Let's go!" Kaminari leaps up. "I call Peach!"
"I'll be Daisy then! She's a Queen!" Sero chased after him.
"Peach is better." Kaminaro says in a matter-of-fact voice.
The elevator doors close and we all laugh. It was better to talk about this than about the Villains. Suddenly, Momo froze. "Guys, we had company." Kat and I turn around and we saw Jirou slowly stand up from behind the counters holding a bag of chips.
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