A/N: Hey people! I decided to be nice and update. Up top is a picture of Jess. I have a new co-author. Who is drum roll ........... Harmony_0230 so follow her. Also I'm trying to get to 100 followers on wattpad and 100 subscribers on youtube so please follow me on wattpad and subscribe to my channel which is The Girls got the Scoop. Also I'm not going to be writing from the original characters POV because it is quite hard. What I will be doing is writing from my character's POV so that's it on to the chapter.
Jason POV
We had a great day at the beach just doing normal teenage stuff. You know getting trapped in a bubble underwater and arguing with your friends until a 6 year old tells you to shut up. Humiliating. I can just see Isabella in the future telling all my children and grandchildren about how she had scolded me. I cringed at the thought. Any thoughts going through my mind were cut off when a loud smack cut through the air followed by a loud cry.
"OWWW" Percy yelled.
"YOU IDIOT! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!!!" Annabeth yelled at Percy, who was holding his arm.
"Chill Annabeth. It was just a game. I wasn't actually going to hurt you guys. Just scare you." Percy said.
"Annabeth, calm down this was supposed to be a nice day at the beach" Piper commented.
"Yeah. If it makes you feel any better I'll personally punch him in the head later when we're getting ready for bed." Emily said looking at her brother evilly.
I have never felt so confused.. First I'm trapped in a bubble by Emily, miss the ENTIRE game, then Isabella yells at us. Next thing I know, Percy and Annabeth are yelling at each other. WHAT IN THE HADES IS GOING ON?
"Oh Jason by the way. While my sister was being her usual diabolical self," Jess began looking at Emily who sat there smiling innocently. "My other idiot sibling tried to drown Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel. But, you know we're all good now." Jess explained shooting Emily and Percy annoyed glances. Percy was still holding his arm while Emily was sipping lemonade like she didn't have a care in the world.
"Oh anybody want blue cookies and lemonade?" Emily said like everything else that was going on was very unimportant and that the cookies and lemonade were top priority.
"Yes" Isabella said answering for everyone before we could open our mouths.
"Did you poison them." I asked looking her in the eyes. She doesn't even flinch and i'm very intimidating.
"You look disappointed that I didn't cower at you gaze. First of all, if that's your best death glare you need help. Second of all, I did not poison them Jess and Percy prohibit me from being that evil. Also I have been on the receiving end of Percy and Annabeth and Thalia and Nico angry and let me just tell you nothing scares me anymore." Emily said plainly. "Except maybe disorganization and my brothers piece of the cabin that is so, disorganized I can't even look at it without having a panic attack. But I blame the OCD for that." She added.
"Yeah Emily is the queen of clean" Max stated. "It's so bad that last time she was in the my cabin I had dirty clothes everywhere and she walked in, looked at the floor and started to clean everything. When she was done it looked like a brand new cabin." He added looking at Emily who sat glaring at him.
"Well if you weren't so damn disorganized this wouldn't happen!" Emily stated intensifying her glare at Max. She was scary, her glare was a worthy match for Annabeth's. Poor Max was now hiding behind Alexa. Who looked up at Emily then at Max.
"You guys are so OTP. To bad you're both to stubborn to admit you like each other. Even my matchmaking skills can't fix that." Alexa said making both Max and Emily turn scarlet red.
"For a daughter of Hades you sure act like your Aphrodite's right hand girl." Emily muttered glaring at her friend.
"Hey, what can I say? I'm a very unique child." said Alexa looking quite proud of herself that she made Emily annoyed.
"No.... not unique I would say more like...... weird like an alien." shot back Emily looking at Alexa with absolute spite.
I decided to cut in right here like the nice guy I am, "Hey, um... uh... stop. Remember it's a nice day and the sea is calm didn't we say we were going to have that game of tag? Like, on land? Cuz you promised us Emily."
"WHAT? WHEN DID I EVER?! Wha-" sputtered Emily.
"Just now and you owe me remember? That duel that I won?" I said.
"WHAT DUEL!?!? There was no duel. And even if there was a duel I would beat your butt. In a Greek vs Roman fight Greeks always win because we have chaos which breaks all of you romans orderly line things. I swear you people are worst than the Athena cabin. No offense Annabeth." Emily yelled
"Why are you yelling?" I asked her.
"I wasn't yelling I was stating my opinion loudly." She replied
"I now understand how you and Percy are related." I said. All the children of Poseidon had the same sassy attitude and good sarcastic comebacks. Even Isabella was a smart mouth.
"Percy everytime you bring back friends they just get more irritating and irritating. Minus Piper, Hazel, and Frank." Emily said ignoring me.
"Would you to quit arguing!" Jess said.
"I wasn't arguing I was explaining why I was right." Emily said flipping her hair , getting up, and walking toward the ocean. When she got to the waters edge she sat where the sand met the water and stared out.
"Sorry about her she is not found of the romans, especially you for that matter." Alexa said after a few minutes of silence. She got up and went to her friend, Max following after.
A/N: Hey people! What's up?(if someone comments a joke about that phrase I'll follow them) Ok so I know it's been like a million years(9 months) but I'm back because I went Spain and had like 50 concerts between band and chorus I wasn't able to update but know I can and I am super excited. If you have any ideas for plots or even characters( I need demigods from the roman camp) then feel free to leave them in the comments. Any way that's all BYEEE!
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