One Giant Leap
'When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost.'
'It makes demands in exchange for singularity. And you may be asked to do something against your very nature.'
'Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betrayal.'
'It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation.'
Being back in the job as a paramedic exhausted Rose. Especially when she had a constant stream of going to the end of the town to save lives. And although it was such a tiring job, it comes to be the most rewarding. Saving lives proved more helpful to Rose's state of mind, but there were times when even lived couldn't be saved. There was always that hunger to be better than she was; and if she could fully get a grip on her ability, she could do more than just that.
It was too dangerous for her now, as she didn't want to risk aging another to their death, fearing the repercussions that would come from it. However when her day of work was finally through, she ended back up at a familiar door. It's beginning to be a new pattern, every day has been led back to the Doctor.
Peter had investigated more into his human flight point, finding the book that Chandra Suresh had wrote. Rose overheard that Peter wished to find Chandra to ask more about the genetic code of human, however Nathan has got him distracted with a reporter and the whole 'suicide' talk for his campaign. As much as Rose would love to be there for Peter in his time of need, it was best that one of the two got a head start on all this genetic code stuff.
A knock on the door was all she needed. A familiar feminine face peeled out. A smile grew small on her face as Rose nodded to Eden. However the women did not share the small happiness. She seemed quite on edge. She looked over her shoulder at Mohinder before opening the door to allow Rose to step in.
The blond looked over the two with an observing look. They exchanged a silent gaze to each other as the turned their heads to look at Rose. Suddenly she was starting to feel highly subconscious. She raised her gloved hands to her face and hair, adjusting her look as if something was off put.
"Is there something wrong with my face?" She couldn't help but ask, her voice almost a small whisper. The doctor was the one who spoke up first, glancing at his computer before indulging the question the women had spoken.
"We- we heard the messages you left my father." He stated awkwardly, leaning forward in his chair. Rose's mind drifted, trying to remember what exactly she had left for Chandra when calling him all that time ago. When it dawned on her the color from her face drained.
"Oh." She said, her voice slightly choked in her throat. She looked in horror at the two. "So you know-" she didn't finish before watching the two closely. Continuing into a new train of thought. "This is why I wish to fix this."
Her voice was now firm, determined to change and be able to get a grip on her fascinating ability. "I don't want anyone else to suffer because I can't stop this." She continued holding up her gloved hands that were holding her back. No human contact, it's been like that for weeks.
Mohinder seemed to nod, although the women in front of him had taken a life, it was no where near the problem this 'Sylar' had caused, and that man was doing it for even more horrid reasons. Rose didn't know her ability would kill anyone, and it was not her fault it had done so in the first place.
"We were looking over the Code my father had cracked on the people like you." Mohinder brought up, looking back over his computer while Eden awkwardly worked on the Mac and Cheese she had with her. "However it's all just Gibberish to me at this point."
"Do you think the man we encountered in Madras knows anything about the code?" Rose asked remembering the close encounter in India. Mohinder just stood and shook his head in disagreement before looking over the world map he had up.
"This map is nothing until I can decipher the principle behind it. However I'm lucky to have you find me. Because at least I can validate everything behind my Father's belief." Mohinder points out. "At least I can prove his insanity to be completely sane." He continued looking over Rose with a new thought.
"Mohinder. . ." Eden seemed to sigh, resigned that he was beating himself up over his fathers actions. Mohinder just shrugged it off, running a hand through his messy hair.
"Sorry, I'm just tired." He stated, glancing around. Rose was looking through the notebooks on the desk, hoping to find even more clues to help Mohinder in his quest for answers.
"Mohinder." Rose called to him, her eyes drifting over a page in the note book. The doctor looked over his interests peaked.
QUEENS, NY 11011
"Sylar." Mohinder spoke, seemingly connected some dots that have yet to be clear to Rose. Flipping to the back of the notebook gave a key. Probably relating to the address on the page.
"What is it?" Eden chimed, turning towards the two as Mohinder held up a key.
"Yet another question." Mohinder mumbles looking over the key.
"Whose this Sylar?" Rose asked. Mohinder looked over at Rose, thinking of the right words to say.
"Sylar was apparently Patient Zero to my Father. And according to the voice messages he may possibly be a murderer. One who hunts down people like you- with abilities." Mohinder explained carefully, a fearful gaze passing in Rose's eyes. Mohinder looked over the key. "I need to go to this address."
"Are you insane, Doctor?" Rose blurted, looking at the two in horror. "What if this Sylar guy is there and kills you? What if he's the one who killed your father? We should warn others, like me, about this man."
"I can't warn anyone until I get that code to work." Mohinder shot back.
"You can't get it to work if your dead." Rose responded sharply. The two fell to silence. "I believe I know a couple people who are already like me- people who deserve to know this is happening. I have to warn them. Please don't do anything stupid Suresh."
Rose seemed to look over the two again, worry filling her gut. She had a bad feeling of what was to go down today, however she didn't wait around to entertain the fact. She nodded to the two and left, making her way out of the apartment. If this Sylar guy was to go after people with abilities like her, he could be anywhere in New York tracking her or Peter down. She was not going to allow that to happen.
She had to find Peter.
Rose worked her fingers to pull out the proper keys to her car as she made her way out of the building and to the lot. When she found the key she readied herself to unlock her vehicle- but before she had a chance, a shock filled her back. She had no reaction time, just a spasm before she collapsed to the ground.
A man with horn-rimmed glasses stood over her, pulling out a phone and calling. He glanced around the parking lot as the phone rang, and the voice rang out calmly.
"Hello. Yea, I got her, we are bringing her in." His voice seemed firm as he looked down at her passed our body. Somewhat regretful that he had to do things in such away. All the less he picked her up, looking over to his partner nodding to the black SUV. "Let's get her back."
The room was fuzzy. Her head drifting from side to side looking over the blue lit room. It was like the room she was in was shaking. Rose blinked, feeling numb in the head, trying to open her mouth to speak. No words could escape.
Instinctively she tried to move her arms, eyes slowly roll to look at her wrists. They were latched to whatever platform she was laying on. She squinted slowly trying to get her eyes to focus in the shaking environment. Whatever drug she was injected with, it didn't help her motion sickness.
Unintelligible voices were ringing in her ear as it echoed the room. Briefly she caught the figures talking nearby, as a man with dark skin watched her. Nodding to whatever the other was saying he started to approach. The dark skinned hand flew over Rose's eyes and again, everything went black.
The next time Rose came to, she was in a beige room. She shot up looking around, she looked down at the leather couch she was sitting on. Her mind filled with confusion. Where the hell was she? She thought to the last thing she could remember, and all she got was leaving Mohinder's apartment. So what happened after that?
She stood up carefully, looking around the long room she was in. It wasn't that large, however it's was nicely decorated. The windows had closed blinds. In the corners were fern plants, which Rose approached tentatively. In almost a instinct she lifted her hand to rub a thumb over the plant's leaves. An African Fig, she thought smiling at the feeling of the leaves. Rose blinked, realizing she felt how the plant felt, and noticed she was no longer wearing her gloves.
However looking over the plant it was perfectly fine, no dried up form came from touching it. That still didn't mean anything was safe though, Rose looked around frantically, hoping they were just nearby. They were no where to be seen. She tried for the door. Locked. She looked through the blinds to see a hallway with a couple people walking by. The blond sighed and turned around, curling back up on the couch, too frighten to go near anything else in the room.
Where was she? Better yet, how the hell did she get here. Rose forced herself to think back on leaving Mohinder's apartment. Unfortunately the trail of thought was interrupted when a man entered the room. A man with horn-rimmed glasses, like the ones that were in Madras.
"Rose, is it?" He started, holding a file up as he shut the door behind him. Assuring it was locked with a click. "Or should I said Vanessa Waters?" Rose blinked at the man.
"Who?" She spoke, confused on what he was asking. The man seemed to open the file he walked in, looking down at it as he continued.
"Vanessa Waters, born in June, and born of twins. You and your brother, separated as children and grew up in different lives." He babbled, Rose looking at him with all the confusion she could muster up. "You see, Vanessa Waters went missing about 4 years ago, and Rose popped up, you. Hanging out with the Petrelli family, who took you in for a time until you got back on your feet."
"I think you have the wrong-" Rose tried to interject, however right was the second part. "I'm not this Vanessa Waters you talk about, at least I don't think so. However my past really isn't something even I remember." She mumbled to herself, realizing how true it could be that she was this Vanessa.
The man with the Horn-Rimmed glasses looked over her, and Rose realized it was her time to push back. Who cares about this thing, all she wanted to know is where she was, and what she was really doing here. Or who this man was and what on earth happened to her gloves.
"Who are you anyway? Where am I? How did I get here." She stood raising to show her bare hands to the man. "And what happened to my gloves?" The man tossed her, her gloves, and she swiftly put them on. He pushed up his glasses and leaned on the counter in the room, causing Rose to cross her arms.
"I'm Noah Bennett. Your in Odessa, Texas." He said tightly, as if not to reveal to much to the women. Rose looked around shocked.
"I was in New York five hours ago." She stated looking at the watch attached to her wrist. "How-"
"Actually you were at New York yesterday. You were. . . found, passed out and brought here." Noah stated through slightly gritted teeth. Rose froze, it's been a day?
"I have to to tell Peter about-" she stopped talking as she looked over Noah again. His eyes studying her, just the way she was studying him. She couldn't just spout off everything to him, not until she got answers out of whoever this man was.
"What do you want with me? Why is it I'm really here- and why was it I was awake without my gloves on?" Rose approached him, trying to get anything out of Noah she could. She was not trying to threaten the man in anyway, but she was intrigued what truly brought her to this place. To add, why it involved the man that she heard in Madras.
'Like the earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do it hope and trust.'
'That when you've served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.'
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