Final Chapter (Mr. 'I never break the rules' lied)
I walk into the class to see Mr. Aizawa napping like normal. I go to my seat and wait for class to start.
"Alright class. As apart of the hero course, you all are going to take an internship. Basically, you are going to be working under heroes. After the Sports Festival, you all got some heroes willing to take you." he explains. He then points to the chalk board to show most of our names there with the amount of offers we got.
I see my name and I got about 40 or so. I see Izuku got about 100 ish, with Bakugo, Todoroki getting a lot more but still. Almost everyone's names were on the board. "Don't worry if your name isn't on the board. You all will be taking an internship. Now, I'm going to hand out some sheets with different hero agencies for you to intern at. You have until the weekend to pick where you are interning." Mr. Aizawa adds.
"Alright. Everyone, spend the rest of this period to search through your options." Sensei says after handing them all out.
After looking through all of my options, I write down one choice, it's an agency in Hosu. Where my brother was attacked by Stain the Hero Killer. Me and Izuku having been bonding a little since e both have someone in the hospital. Sometimes he will visit my brother, Tensei, with me.
We both we hanging out one day when Izuku noticed how Stain usually ends up attacking a certain amount of heroes per city.
In Hosu, he has only attacked my brother. So, he should still be in Hosu. I'm not going to go out of my way to find him. But still.
"Where are you going to intern at, Iida-Kun?" Uraraka asks. "I'm thinking of interning with the pro hero Manual." I answered. I look over at Izuku to see him talking to Shinso. He stares at me and gives me this look, but I ignore it.
"What about you Uraraka?" I ask. "I'm thinking of interning with Gunhead." she said. "Aren't you trying to be a rescue hero?" Momo asks as her and Todoroki steps over towards us. "Yeah, but I want to be able to defend myself still." she said with a cute determined look on her face.
Tenya no.
She is your classmate.
"Where are you interning Izu?" Todoroki asks him. "Dunno." he shrugged. "What about you?" Kaminari asks Shinso. "Mr. Aizawa is actually interning me." he said. "What about you Shoto?" Izuku asks the bi coloured boy. "With my father. He reached out an offer to you." he responds.
"I know. I put him down as my second choice." he said. "Who's your first?" I ask. "I don't know.." he muttered while looking away in embarrassment. Why is he embarrassed?
"Alright class, today you all are going to pick your hero name. Be careful because you may be stuck with this for the rest of your hero career." Sensei says before shuddering a little. "Midnight will be helping everyone picking out your names. I'm going to be napping." he adds while climbing into his sleeping bag.
Midnight starts passing out white boards with a marker. I grab my board and start thinking about my name.
I'm just going to sum it up because i'm lazy
Aoyama - Can't Stop Twinkling
Mina - Pinky
Tsu - Rainy Season Hero: Froppy
Iida - Ingenium
Uraraka - Uravity
Ojiro - Martial Arts Hero: Tailman
Kaminari - Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt
Kirishima - The Sturdy Hero: Red Riot
Koda - Petting Hero: Anima
Sato - Sweets Hero: Sugarman
Shoji - Tentacle Hero: Tentacole
Jiro - Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack
Sero - Taping Hero: Cellophane
Tokoyami - Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi
Todoroki - Hellfrost
Hagakure - Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl
Bakugo - (Still Deciding)
Mineta - Fresh Picked Hero: Grape Juice
Momo - Everything Hero: Creati
Izuku - Izuku
"You are going with your name?" Midnight asked. Izuku just stiffly nods before returning to his seat. "Well, all of your names were wonderful!" she cheers.
"Alright, remember, you can't wear your costumes unless you get permission." Aizawa-Sensei reminds us. We all just nod and then walk to our respected train. Right as I was about to hop onto my train, Izuku stops be. "Yes?" I ask him.
"You can always talk to me. We are friends. If anxiety is eating you up, don't be afraid to puch it in it's balls and text me. Don't do something stupid dumbass." he said with a smile. That's the most he's talked since the Sports Festival. I nod and offer up a small smile. The doors close leaving me on the train. Alone with my thought...
I wonder where Izuku is interning at.
WEEEEEEE okay so, this is the final chapter of this book, there will be a sequel!! Now, let me explain some things. Izuku's dad isn't dead. When his mom said that he left, she meant as in he tried to kill himself because of Izuku so he tried to leave this world
obviously thats not what happened but he doesnt know that
the Stain incident will happen
Now as for his hero name and his internship
Izuku still doesn't want to be a hero
his views on heroes changed after he saw how Aizawa risked his life for class 1-A but that progress was pushed back as he thinks that Izuku's dad's condition is his fault
he was only going to be a hero for his dad, so this take a toll on him as he is thinking that he isnt enough
I hope you all enjoyed this book and hopefully can wait a bit until I can get the sequel out!
there will be a sequel so dont worry!!
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