Chapter Two (Izuku)
So, let's rewind back a little.
My quirk. Technically, it's just Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis to an extent but still.
My dad is obsessed with the idea of me becoming a hero. It's really annoying. My mother thinks that it's a great idea since that's 'what I was made for' but still. I should have the freedom to choose to be whatever I want. Guess that doesn't happen.
So, for my own relief, I'm applying for two courses. The Hero Course, my parents fault, and the Support Course, I've always loved inventing and gadgets. Both tests are happening on the same day but different times thankfully.
I know that I have to at least try for the Hero Course, if I didn't, my parents would notice and they wouldn't be too happy about that.
I'm going to really apply myself in the Support Course exam since I really like the idea of it.
Either way, it's going to be fun.
I walk through the gates like all the other students. I was walking up some steps when my clumsy ass decided it would be a good idea to get tripped up over my feet. I would have used my quirk but someone beat me to it.
"Sorry to use my quirk on you. But it's bad luck to trip right before the exams!" a short, rosy cheeked, brunette with a cute little bob cut says while beaming. "Thanks darling!" I manage out while grinning at her.
I'm like a good five or six inches taller than her.
"Well, I hope you do well!" she says before bouncing away. I smile softly and continue on my way before accidentally bumping into Katsuki Bakugou. He was my best friend before he got his quirk. After that, he became the egotistical, bitchy, angry, explosive, rude ass Pomeranian. After he got his quirk, he was praised all the time so I guess he didn't like it when I didn't praise him 24/7 like the rest of this history society.
"Tch. Watch where you're going you fucking nerd." Bakugou curses. "Oh fuck off boom boom boi." I snark back and continue on my way.
The academic exam is the same for all courses so thankfully, I didn't have to take more than one test. I was a little disappointed when it only took me about 10-15 minutes to finish it, with triple checking it. The look on the teacher who handed them out, Ectoplasm, was priceless. He was so surprised it was amazing.
Anyways, after completing that, it was time to move onto the physical exam. This is were I can hopefully do enough to satisfy my parents, but not get in. Weird right? But why should I take a spot from someone who could possibly have more potential than me?
The examiners all pile into the auditorium. Present Mic stepped out onto the stage and introduced himself. If I'm being honest, if you don't know who he is, you must be a fucking idiot.
"Hello Listeners! Can I get a yeah?!" he shouts. Nobody responds so I decide to help the guy out. "YEAH!" I shout. He looks at me and is visibly brighter. Everyone stares at me like I'm a fucking psycho. "Damn! I get you people are nervous, but don't leave the poor guy hanging!" I yell. "Thanks examiner #7763!" Mic exclaims. "No problem!"
After that, he starts explaining the point system and everything. There's four robots on our little cards that each have a number. As he was about to finish explaining, some blue haired kid stands up and starts chopping his arms around like a fucking robot.
"Sir. You said that there are three robots on this exam, yet there are four on the card. If this is a mistake, this is very unprofessional coming from Japan's top hero school." he complains. Mic is about to respond before he turns towards me. The hell? I didn't even do shit yet.
"And you! If you're just going to doze off and not pay any attention, you shouldn't be here in the first place as you could distract any other examinees." he calls out. Wow. What a fucking low blow.
"Well, if you had given the man a poor chance, you would realise that he was probably going to end up explaining it. And nobody else seems to be bothered by me being here. So sit down since you are deciding to be so damn extra!" I argue which causes the kid to quickly sit down. I huff and turn back towards Mic. This is why I shouldn't be here but oh well.
Mic looks at me and nods before continuing. "Great question examiner #7711! However, examiner #7763 is right! That last bot is worth 0 points so it's best if you steered clear from that one." he explains. He waits a minute to see if anyone has anymore questions. Nobody does so he continues.
"Now that the instructions are over, can I get a PLUS ULTRA!" he shouts. Again I'm the only one to respond at first before about three others join in. Mic is literally like a walking sun right now. Damn where are my fucking shades at.
Everyone starts to leave but I stay behind so I don't get squished or anything of the sort. I start to leave since everyone else is pretty much gone, when I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Present Mic standing there.
"Hey Listener! Thanks for the backup. I hate when people with call out others like that." he says. "No problem." I say while smiling softly. "Not once had people respond with a yeah or anything, but the fact that you did and got others to was amazing. Thanks!" he says. I stare at him, shocked. "Nobody?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Damn. That's really fucking sad." I let out. He chuckles and nods.
"Hope you do well! You seem like a great kid!" he says. I nod and dash out so I'm not late.
We are all currently on the training grounds waiting to be released. I crack my neck and look around. It seems to be like some sort of fake city since I see the tops of what looks like buildings. I then spit that girl from earlier.
I start to walk over towards her since she looks kind of nervous, but that robotic bitch stops me. "You. You shouldn't be trying to distract other examiners." he says. I groan and stare him down. "Well if you payed attention, you would realise that she seems to be really nervous so I was going to help her out." I said.
Our conversation is cut off when the gates open and Mic yells go. Without any hesitation, I charge off into the city.
"Well? What are you waiting for? There are no countdowns with villains. Go!" he shouts. everyone starts piling in behind me but I pay no attention to them.
I charge at the robots and quickly kick a 3 pointer's head right off. My goal is to get at least 20 villain points, then just stop. I see a 2 pointer and another 3 pointer in the distance. I rush over and take them out easily. 8 points.
I keep running around, destroying some robots here and there, using my telekinesis to crush some, but stopped when I had a headache forming.
I create a small flame in my hand and fire it at a 3 pointer.
24 points. I think that's good enough right? Who knows. I see some purple haired kid almost get crushed by a 2 pointer and rush over. I push him out of the way and check him over. "You good?" I ask. He nods slowly. "How many points you got?" I ask. "N-none." he whispers.
"Quirk?" I ask. "Brainwashing. I can control someone if they respond." I nod and look at him. "Brainwash me and I'll destroy some robots and let you take over." he looks at me like I'm crazy but reluctantly agrees. "What's your name?"
"Izuku." I'm not sure what happens next, but I just know that my body is loving without me knowing. I think I take out a couple more robots before I'm in control again. "What's up?" I ask. "I can take over. Thanks." he says quietly. "No problem eyebags!" I call out while rushing off.
I decide to just focus on help others get in since not everyone has an ideal quirk. I know. How nice of me. See, I'm not someone who has a stick up their ass all the time like robo hands from earlier.
I just helped someone take down a 1 pointer when the ground starts to shake. I look around to see people running away from something. Oh shit.
It's the fucking 0 pointer. I was about to run when I hear someone scream. Well shit.
Here we go.
Into the unknown!
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