Chapter Sixteen (Uraraka)
I bounced over towards Izuku to see him sulking. "What's wrong Izu?" I ask. "I don't want to even be here." he grumbles.
"What do you mean?" I question quietly. "I don't want to be some stupid hero! I don't want to be a hero. I don't want to be like my dad. I don't want to be in the hero course. I don't want to 'save the day'. I just want to be a teenager!" he rants. I quickly hug him and pat his back softly.
He hugs back and we just wait until we are called up for the fight. "Sorry. I'm wasting your chance of being a hero. Let's form a plan, yeah?" he says. I nod and we discuss a small plan.
"Bakugo will definitely try to go after me. I will distract him since he probably left Iida to protect the bomb. You can go and try to sneak up to get the bomb. I'll stay back to fight the angry explosive bitch." he says.
"Alright. You sure?" I ask. "Certain. When you go up, try to be as quiet as possible. I'll try to get past Bakuhoe to help you. Okay?" he explains farther. I nod in agreement. Then All Might's voice rings throughout the building and into our earpieces. "Begin!"
We both walked into the building and glanced around carefully. I nodded to Izuku before progressing slightly down the hallway. I check to see nobody coming so I signal him to advance. Once he came beside me, we heard heaving stomping.
"Way to give your position away." Izuku grumbles. I just choose to ignore him and continue on towards a closet. I slip inside and close the door quietly. Izuku is purposefully waiting by the entrance so Bakugo can come down to fight him, while I slip past him and get to the bomb.
"DEKUUUU!!" I hear Bakugo shout at the top of his lungs. I wait a second before slowly peeking out of the closet. I see Izuku dodging a ruthless attack from Bakugo. He's able to slip a small wink in my direction, saying that I can go. I nod and start making my way up to the bomb.
I go up a couple of flights before hearing a large explosion. I look back and hope that Izu is okay. I shake the thought away and keep progressing.
I climb up a couple more stairs before I see Iida positioned outside the only entrance to the room with the bomb in it. I hear another explosion and a lot of shouting. Iida looks towards the stairs to which I quickly jump out of view and wait. He then turns around and keeps scouting out the area.
As quietly as I can, I shuffle over towards him. He spots me and charges. Well so much for stealth. He raises his leg, ready to strike. At the last moment, I put my hands up and quickly touch him. I didn't intend to use my quirk, I was originally just going to block but the works too.
I make him float and quickly rush into towards the bomb. He tries to use his engines to move forward but he was too late.
"Heroes win!" All Might shouts. I let Iida go and apologise. "I'm sorry Iida!" I apologise. "It's alright Uraraka. It was part of the exercise. Nice quick thinking." he comments. I beam and nod. We make our way back to the observation room to see Bakugo super pissy and Izuku just ignoring the Pomeranian.
"Hey Izuku! How did you do?" I ask while bouncing towards the taller. "Eh. Good job with Iida! You too Iida. I know working with Bakugo can be a struggle." the boy comments, completely ignoring the death glares from Bakugo.
"Thank you Mi- Izuku. You did great as well." Iida says. "All right! Does anyone want to say who the MVP of this match was? And why?" All Might says in his teacher voice. Or tries a teacher voice.
"I can." Yaoyorozu speaks up. "I believe Midoriya should since he put together a well thought out plan, having already guessed what Bakugo and Iida were to do. He distracted Bakugo and trusted that his partner would be able to get to the bomb." Yaoyorozu explains. "Heh. Thanks. But it was luck coming from me." Izuku spoke up. I smack him lightly while Hitoshi rolls his eyes. "Take some credit for once will ya?" Hitoshi says.
Izuku rolls his eyes as a response. "Great observation Yaoyorozu! Alright. Next battle will commence in a couple of minutes. Team B and I please head out. If any of you four need to see Recovery Girl, please go ahead." All Might instructed. Yaoyorozuzu had blushed slightly at the praise while Izuku stuck his hand up. "I do. Bakugo had gotten me." he says.
All Might nods and let's him go while the rest of us sit back and watch the matches.
"Would you like someone to go with?" he asks. "No it's fine sir." Izuku responds. All Might just nods and let's him go.
We all turn to the screen and watch the match. If you could even call it that.
Todoroki just froze the whole building and won since the 'villains', Ojiro and Hagakure, were immobilised.
The next match was between Tokoyami and Asui against Sero and Kirishima. They put up a decent fight against each other, but ultimately the 'heroes', Tokoyami and Asui, won after tricking Kirishima getting caught in Sero's tape. That collision gave the two enough time to get to the fake bomb.
The next match was between Kaminari and Jiro against Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Hitoshi.
That fight was a little bit more eventful. Kaminari ended up short circuiting, not before successfully taking Mineta out. Yaoyorozu was fighting Jiro but got tripped up and ended up getting out as well. It was all up to Shinso.
Jiro didn't know his quirk which gave him and advantage. In the end, she ended up giving in and responding. She's just not a talkative one in a fight which is good most of the time. He then knocked her out and they won.
The final match up was with Sato and Koda as the villains against Ashido and Aoyama as the heroes. Koda panicked in the middle and got knocked out by Aoyama's laser. Sato was being distracted by Ashido as Aoyama went and touched the bomb.
When class ended, everyone went to the locker rooms and got changed. Mineta had tried to peek through this tiny hole in on the girls, only for his eye to be stabbed by one of Jiro's earphone jacks.
We went back to class to see Izuku sleeping peacefully on his desk while Aizawa-Sensei was sleeping in his sleeping bag. We all hushed as to not wake them, except for Bakugo. He charged over towards Izuku and woke him up by exploding his desk. This is result woke up Aizawa-Sensei causing him to glare at Bakugo and giving him detention for ruining school property.
Izuku got a new desk while Bakugo was sulking at his desk, pouting about his detention.
"All right class. Settle down. When the be rings, go to lunch." Aizawa ordered. "Be quiet until then." Aizawa added before shooting Bakugo a glare and Izuku a sympathetic look. Probably since he was also woken up.
Everyone broke off into their own groups as me and Shinso walked over to Izuku. "Hey Izu!" I beamed. He looked up and nodded in acknowledgement. Shinso just nodded towards the boy who gave him a nod in return. You boys and your nodding I swear.
I sit down in the desk next to him as Shinso sat on the floor. Iida walked over and started a conversation with us.
Eventually the bell rung to which we all got up and walked to lunch. Iida ended up joining us again for lunch. We walked into the cafeteria and met up with Mei. She smiled and we all went to go and get lunch. Izuku stuck with a smaller meal, not sure why but I just assumed he wasn't as hungry today.
When lunch ended we all went back to our respected classrooms, Izuku leaving with Mei, and me, Shinso, and Iida walked back to 1-A.
The rest of the day was pretty normal. Nothing happened. We just got to know our classmates a little more through exercises and whatnot.
When school ended, our little group, plus Iida who seems to be slowly joining our little squad, walked each other home.
After everyone got home, we did a group call to work on some homework. Nothing too interesting happened except that Izuku scolded Shinso for his horrible sleeping habits. Shinso just retorted back with a short, "As if yours is any better." and they just ended the argument with subtle glaring.
Izuku had to leave early due to something related to him and his dad or something. Who knows. We stayed on the call a little longer until we all just hung up to go do other things.
Overall today wasn't that bad.
This year seems to have started of pretty good.
Let's hope it stays that way. Ya know?
would you all be interested if I did a POV of Shinso's match in his pov or nah? if not i'll just continue onto the next day
i might do a pov of the fight between bakugo and midoriya
if i do, who's pov should it be in?
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