Chapter One (Izuku)
You know, I really hate society.
Why are we so fixed on quirks? We act like we can't do anything without them. Which isn't true.
Sure, some of these quirks are helpful and all, but in the end, we have people who want to use their power for evil intentions.
Sometimes, people are forced into being a villain because of quirks!
Quirks. What are those?
Quirks are what define society today. Without them, we would be quirkless. Which to the world now means that you are below everyone else. If you have a weak, 'villainous', or lack of a quirk, you are nothing.
Isn't that funny?
No of course that shit isn't funny.
But whatever!
Quirks are these supernatural powers that started popping up randomly with no proper explanation as to where they came from.
Quirks can range from stretchy fingers to having qualities of an animal to super strength.
In this world, we are decided by what type of powers we have. And I'm not talking like something from Avatar The Last Airbender or some badass shit like that, I'm talking about how we view everyone else.
For example, Endeavor, the Number Two Hero in Japan. His quirk is call Hellflame. Just strong, flashy, and just badass and edgy. Perfect for a hero all about the spotlight. He would be considered a Limelight hero. Someone who is in the spotlight. There are several types of heroes. Rescue Heroes, Limelight, and Underground to name a few.
A good example of a Rescue hero would be Thirteen. Their quirk is black hole. They can create a black hole that can suck up different debris and shit.
A great example of an Underground Hero would be Eraserhead. Not many know him. Which basically means he's doing his job right. I know him because I just know a LOT of shit I shouldn't. Anyways, his quirk is Erasure. I've gotta thank whoever came up with his Hero name since I sure as hell know he didn't.
Then of course, for a Limelight, an example other than Endeavor would have to be someone that I personally respect. Native!
Kidding! Kidding!
While most of the world, especially Japan, loves All Might, since he is the Number One Hero, I personally think that Present Mic, and Midnight deserve more love. However, unlike most of the world, I dislike heroes. I just about despise them.
What's so good about them anyways. Sure, there are some good ones don't get me wrong, but nowadays, there are so many who just want to be able to use their quirk and make money.
I will admit, Present Mic at first wanted to be a hero just so he could scream, but as time went by, being a hero had a better definition to him.
He has podcasts and interviews along with his own songs and tracks. He's only made one song but it's still crazy good. He tends to donate a lot of money to different organisations to help others out.
He basically shits on other heroes and the public with his interviews with little to no backlash. He's just that cool I guess.
There isn't any difference between cops and heroes except that one gets to use their quirks and gets to wear a cool costume. That's the only difference. When heroes get to use their quirks, they get all of the credit and are listened to. Cops? Nope!
It's so stupid! Why can't cops get to use their quirks? They get no credit for anything they do. Nobody listens to them! Kind of feels like me in a way.
All my dad wants for me is for me to be a stupid hero.
I don't want to be no god damn stuck up bratty no good shit eating hero!
They are stupid and selfish.
Most of them.
Thats just not what I want to do with my life. Does my father listen? No.
He thinks that just because he was one, and dropped his dream just because he got hurt, that I have to be one too! That's not how shit works man!
But no, don't listen to the person that is actually having to live the life you want.
If anything, I'd rather invent gadgets. That's what I'm good at. Not beating up bad guys. Or helping a citizen by fighting for them.
I failed ethics class four times! Four! Do I look like I can be a hero?
Do I want to be a hero?
Does it matter?
But of course, with heroes, there are of course villains. It's a hero's job to take down said villains. It's also their job to protect the citizens. Plus they also have to try and prevent as many casualties from happening.
Casualties. I hate how we call it 'casualties'. If it's such a casual thing for people dying, why do we stress about it?
If you're dead, you don't have to live on this shitty ass world we call Earth.
The world isn't just made of black and white. No, there is also a thin line of gray that many overlook. Vigilantes.
They are people on the other side of the law. Doing good while having to break a law in order to do that good thing.
Those people are the real heroes. Not some blonde ass bitch who shouts "I AM HERE!" like a fucking idiot. No. They are the people that save others and don't get money in return. They do so much good, yet it gets overlooked by many.
A good example of a vigilante is Stendhal. Or, he was a vigilante until he suddenly disappeared.
Anyways, he always did god just didn't do it in a 'heroic' way.
Nowadays, a vigilante is someone who uses their quirk to do hero work illegally.
Again, everything is about quirks.
Now, from how I'm talking, you would think that I'm quirkless. But I am in fact not quirkless. I have a quirk/quirks. Can You consider it quirks? I'm not sure.
My name is Izuku Midoriya.
My dad is Hisashi Midoriya, also known as the American Pro Hero Pyro. His quirk is fire breath.
My mother is Inko Midoriya, a simple civilian. Her quirk is a weak telekinesis.
I have both in a way.
Basically I'm a fucking fire and air bender. Those two don't mix well in the show but fuck it!
Let me explain.
I have two in a sense. I can use telekinesis to lift objects. However, when I lift too many or too heavy of an object, I start getting headaches. To activate my quirk, I have to be staring at the object, so I can get as Dry Eye. Like Eraserhead! I'm not his secret love child. Fuck off. This is called Telekinesis. Simple.
My second quirk is called Dragon's Inferno. I can control fire. So, say Endeavor was throwing fire at me. I could use my quirk to redirect the fire and fire it back at him. I could be able to fully control the fire. Within time, and a lot of training with Dad, I was able to make my own fire.
The more I use my fire quirk, the bigger of a headache I get.
As much as my Dad wants me to be a hero, I just don't want to be one.
So here I am, standing in front of the gates of UA High, about to take my exams to 'hopefully' get into the hero course.
Big fun.
I'm fucking joking! I don't want to be here.
Wish me luck.
Or don't.
I could care less.
Pick a ship
before anything really happens, just pick a ship for me to go off of
the first ship that I see, i'm going to try and lean towards
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