Strange Quirk
"There are current reports of a unknown female villain currently attack the shopping district there is no information about quirk except she is causing anyone she touches to suffer a lapse in their bodily functions."
Said a news anchor who was currently on the battlefield.
"M more children."
The female villain ran to the news anchor her arms flailing.
"S stay back."
The news anchor cowered in fear but he felt nothing when he opened his eyes he saw Eijiro Kirishima shielded the man from the attack.
"Hey get out of here, you're gonna get hurt!" Yelled Kirishima as he pushed the villain back.
"Sir come with me I need to escort you and the rest of the civilians out of here."
Said nya Iida as he was escorting the civilians away from the chaos that was currently happening.
"My children... you're taking my babies away from me!!!."
Yelled the villain as she lunged at Iida but Izuku Midoriya aka Deku jumped in front of the crazed woman and she scratched the teens arm.
"Midoriya! are you alright?"
"Yeah it's nothing but a scratch." Replied Izuku as he put his focus onto the villain.
"I already sent out a sos alert and a pro hero should be here soon!"
Iida said as he finished evacuating the remaining citizens.
"Good then we can focus on stalling her until the pro heros arrive." Said Deku as he activated 10% of full cowling.
"Good idea Midoriya we can't let her get away and try to hurt more people."
Kirishima as he stood next to Deku.
"Remember we know next to nothing about her quirk, so it will be best to exercise extreme caution around her."
Iida stood besides his two classmates.
"Y you three would make wonderful babies for me."
The villain quickly rushed to the three teens and she quickly scratched all three of them in a blink of an eye.
"S she's fast!"
Kirishima quickly put the woman in a bear hug while Izuku and Iida restrained the woman's arms.
"We got her!!"
Yelled Deku.
"Kirishima delivered a swift chop to the back of the lady's head instantly knocking her out.
"Did we just take down a villain?"
Kirishima asked.
"Well it wouldn't be the first time but by far this was the smoothest fight we ever had and no one got hurt...not even me.
Deku said as he smiled.
"Yes we were successful today....but we directly disobeyed our usual orders of not directly engaging a villain we should be ashamed ourselves!"
Iida shouted at his two other classmates.
"Iida calm down we took down a villain we should be celebrating.
Kirishima patted his friends backs.
Moments later Aizawa all gsseveral pro-heros arrived on the scene of the battle along with law enforcement to pick up the villain
"Although you have waited before engaging the villain I am proud you three handled it well and no one got hurt so I need you all to go back to your dorms I feel you had enough excitement today."
"Yes sir." All three boys chimed as they started heading back to Heights Alliance.
"M my babies."
The villain said before passing out
"I wonder..what was someone like her doing and how can she cause so much panic if she didn't have some obvious quirk."
Aizawa looked to the policeman
"I don't know, we'll have to question her later."
Said the officer as he handcuffed the woman and put her in his vehicle.
"My my babies!!"
The woman started glowing blue for a moment.
"What is she doing!!"
Yelled the cop as he shielded his eyes.
Aizawa activated his quirk and the woman stopped glowing as she passed out.
"What was that?"
{Ring Ring}
Aizawa heard his phone ring and noticed it was Into.
"What's wrong....what..they what...on my way!!"'
(Moments earlier)
[Heights Alliance]
The three boys were explaining their heroic exploits to all of their classmates in the common area.
"This lady was super crazy she was helping something about babies."
Said Kirishima.
"Hope you three didn't get hurt."
Said Uraraka.
"No we're fine except she did scratch the three of us though but nothing serious though."
Deku rubbed the back of his head.
"You guys are so cool!" Ashido exclaimed.
While the three boys were getting showered with praise Bakugo was leaning against the wall.
"If I was there I could've ended the whole thing in one blast."
Bakugo started walking back to his room.
"Kacchan wait?"
Deku started running towards Bakugo.
"Wait do you want nerd, to rub you success in my face!!!"
Bakugo snapped at Midoriya.
"What n no." Deku said weakly.
"Well that what it feels like, you're not better than me!!"
The blond teen yelled.
Kirishima placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder.
"Yo Bakugo why don't you chill out a bit it was just a some crazy lady you and Deku dealt with a lot more crazier things before right."
Bakugo turn away and started walking to his room.
"Don't worry about him Deku he's just mean."
Uraraka went to comfort the teen.
"Yeah I know."
Deku said a little saddened.
"Midoriya why must you associate yourself with Bakugo anyways he's loud, crude, and arrogant you should spend time with people who appreciates you.
Iida placed his hand on Deku's shoulder.
"Well I can't deny Bakugo is all the Iida described he'll get over it I promise."
Kirishima also tried to comfort Deku by placing his hand on the boys shoulder.
When the three teens were touching the scratches the three boys had gotten during their battle started emitting a strange bluish light.
"What's happening to them!"
Uraraka shouted.
"I'm going to grab a teacher, someone call Aizawa!"
Yayorozu ran off to find a teacher near campus.
The blue light that came from the boy's scratches enveloped their whole bodies and it started getting smaller and smaller as if the boy's were shrinking.
Yayorozu came back holding Principal Nezu.
"Here they are sir."
Yayorozu placed the creature down to present the three boy's current state.
"Well..this is quite the anybody know what happened?"
Nezu asked the students.
"No they were fine one second then the next they just started glowing."
Uraraka pointed to the three boys who were still glowing.
Aizawa entered the building to see the blinding light.
"Aizawa glad you're here, try using your quirk on the boy's it might cancel out whatever is affecting them."
Nezu said.
Aizawa nodded as he activated his Erasure quirk and the light started getting dimmer and dimmer until what was left was the clothes of the three teens.
Everyone was shocked.
"A-are they."
Uraraka started tearing up.
"Wait I see something."
Nezu walked towards the like clothing and he lifted it up to see a small black and green haired child.
"While hello there little one."
Nezu picked up the child when he did two other kids popped their heads from under the clothes pile one with red eyes and dark hair and the other with short hair.
"What the hell."
Aizawa had to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
Nezu looked at the child in his hands.
"Izuku that you?".
"Wha happen."
Said the child as he started crying.
"Yeah that him."
Said Aizawa as he turned to the other two boys
"That means those two are Kirishima and Iida."
Nezu pointed out the two other kids
Kirishima stepped out his clothes and he ran to Nezu as he wanted to be picked up too.
"Okay I go you to."
Nezu picked up the naked toddler.
"Put cwothes on!"
Iida said as he wrapped his old clothes around himself.
"This is the strangest thing I have ever seen."
Said Aizawa as he looked upon his now babyfied students.
"Same here Mr.Aizawa I believe we're going to need recovery girl for this."
Nezu grabbed his phone and he called Recovery girl and a few minutes later arrived and started performing test on the three boys.
"I can't make heads or tails of this from everything I did these three a normal babies."
Said the elderly woman.
"Well darn I guess we better do more research. Mr.Aizawa you said that the villain is currently in police custody?"
"Yes sir but she is out of her mind though so I'm not sure how much information we can get out of her."
"Any information is good information Mr.Aizawa and report your findings to me and recovery girl."
Said the principal.
"On it."
Aizawa nodded in agreement.
"Yes sir."
Said Recovery girl as she started walking towards U.A
"What are we gonna do about these three."
Kaminari asked his teacher.
"That's going to be up to you all."
Said Aizawa.
The entire class stayed quiet for see few seconds until Todoroki spoke up.
"You don't mean we're supposed to take care of them do you?"
"Oh that's a wonderful idea, it'll teach the students some proper responsibilities, I'll even count it as a extra Home Ec credit.
"Why do we have have to take care of a bunch of brats for! Count me out."
Bakugo shouted.
" Bakugo think of the times on how boss three saved your life when you were kidnapped by villains or the countless times Midoriya saved your skin."
Todoroki said to the angry teen.
"Shut up Icy Hot!!"
Bakugo screamed out to the fire and Ice teen.
"Anyways one kid is in a group of three and they will be swapped so for today I'll put Midoriya with Uraraka, Yayorozu, and Ashido. Iida will go with Koda, Kaminari, and Ojiro. And finally for Kirishima will go with Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tokoyomi."
The chosen students grouped up and they were handed their assigned child.
"I'll have someone give you all some supplies shortly. Yayorozu do you think you could make us some diapers?"
Nezu turned to the teen.
"Of course."
Yayorozu used her creation quirk to make three pairs of diapers and she handed two of them off to the other groups.
"Alright everyone dismissed and I'll come back with the supplies."
Aizawa said as he left with Nezu.
"Alright ladies let's go to my room I want to make Deku so many cute outfits!"
Yayorozu said gleefully.
"Oh that sounds fun, right Deku?" Uraraka said to the tot.
Deku blushed a little.
"Aww look at him he's blushing, he's so cute I could die!"
Said Ashido.
The three girls went inside Yayorozu's room.
"Well I guess we should go to Koda's room since he has a better suited room."
Ojiro suggested.
"Yeah and besides I don't want baby drool on my stuff."
So the three teens went inside Koda's room.
"You're all welcome to come to my room since it's probably the safest."
Todoroki said as he motioned for Bakugo and Tokoyomi to follow him.
Tokoyomi followed Todoroki to his room along with Bakugo who begrudgingly followed behind.
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