Bratty Kirishima
Kirishima cried as he patted the top of his head.
"Dammit Kirishima! Just shut up already!!".
Bakugo shouted to the young boy.
"Yelling only makes it worse Bakugo."
Todoroki picked up the crying child.
"Kirishima what's wrong with you, we can't help you if you're constantly crying."
Todoroki asked the child but Kirishima was too upset to respond.
"God damnit someone shut him up!"
Bakugo felt like he was going to go insane from the loud baby.
Tokoyami kept on inspecting the young boy as he was patting his head.
"Let me try something."
The raven head teen asked, prompting Todoroki to pass the toddler off to Tokoyami.
"Kirishima are you sad that your hair isn't red anymore?"
Tokoyami asked the crying toddler which caused him to stop crying and nod.
"THAT'S IT!! HE JUST WANTED TO DYE HIS HAIR!!" Bakugo shouted angrily."Hey keep quiet or he'll start crying again."
Todoroki nudged Bakugo.
Bakugo shouted.
Kirishima started whimpering.
"He's gonna start crying again if you don't stop."
Tokoyami warned his classmates.
"Can't have him crying again, you should listen Bakugo."
Todoroki words made Bakugo practically steam up seeing Kirishima's teary eyed face made him hold in his anger.
"Now I think Kirishima had some hair dye in his room. Do any of us know how to do hair?"
Tokoyami asked as both him and Todoroki turned to Bakugo.
"Why ya staring at me!"
Bakugo shouted.
"Because you know how to do these things obviously."
Todoroki said to the blond teen.
Bakugo started blushing.
"He's in denial."
Tokoyami sighed.
"Well it looks like we can't dye your hair Kirishima since Bakugo doesn't want to help you."
Tokoyami told the toddler.
"B bud... waaaaaaaaaaaah!!"
Kirishima started crying again.
"Grrr ALRIGHT!! I'll dye you stupid hair."
Bakugo picked up the crying toddler and he left his room and he went to Kirishima's room.
"Where's that hair dye at?"
Kirishima pointed to a dresser, there was a bottle of hair dye in too of the dresser, the color that was on the bottle said Crimson Riot red.
"Of course it's Crimson Riot's brand."
Bakugo grabbed a comb and some spiking gel and he went to the Men's common bathroom.
Once in the bathroom Bakugo sat Kirishima on the sink.
"Alright takes your clothes off, so we don't get the dye on them."
Bakugo told the boy but all he got was a look of confusion in response.
"You do realize he's a baby now, he doesn't know how to do certain things anymore."
Todoroki said as he helped Kirishima out of his clothes leaving him in just his diaper.
"I got this Icy-Hot!"
Bakugo went about dyeing Kirishima's hair.
"Make sure you cover his eyes."
Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to maneuver around Bakugo to cover Kirishima's eyes.
"I knew that too!"
Bakugo continued to dye the toddler's hair.
"Wan see wan see!"
Kirishima said excitedly as he shook at the thought of having his cool hairstyle.
"Stay still."
Bakugo said as he finished dyeing the boy's hair.
"Alright let me just spike it."
Bakugo dabbed some spiking gel into Kirishima's hair and he started combing it, after some time later Bakugo finished.
"Alright I'm finished."
"Me see me see me see!"
Kirishima started wiggling with excitement.
Dark Shadow uncovered the toddler's eyes so Kirishima could see his hair and the boy was happy it was just the way he liked it.
"Wike haiw!"
Kirishima hugged Bakugo.
"Tank ou Bago!!!!"
Kirishima hugged the teen causing him to blush.
"Whatever I just needed you to stop crying that's all."
Bakugo said as he stood the boy back up and helped him back into his clothes.
"Not bad Bakugo."
Tokoyomi commented on Bakugo's hair styling skills.
"Shut up! I know it's good. Best Jeanist made me learn it, it's no big deal."
"Hey, you should probably open your own salon instead of becoming a hero since you're so good at hair."
Todoroki teased the aggressive teen.
"You know you shouldn't be saying things like that Bakugo."
Tokoyami scolded the teen.
"I can say whatever the FUCK I want asshole!"
Bakugo shouted.
"If Kirishima picks up your swearing habit it's all on you.
Todoroki picked up the boy.
"He's not gonna say anything like that he's a dumb baby he's no gonna say anything."
Bakugo said.
"Nod dumb!"
Kirishima pouted.
Kirishima's stomach started gurgling.
"You sound hungry, what do you want to eat?"
Todoroki asked the boy.
"Wan nuggies."
Kirishima said.
"I think he wants chicken nuggets."
"Chicken nuggets?"
Todoroki asked the boy which Kirishima nodded in response.
"We don't have those here, you have to pick something else."
The half cold half hot hero replied.
"Bud wan nuggies."
The toddler whined.
"How about we go see what we do have."
The group went to the kitchen and they started looking through the fridge for something Kirishima can eat.
"No chicken nuggets, how about we make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
Todoroki suggested to the boy.
"No wan day!"
Kirishima started pouting.
"Fine starve see do I care."
Bakugo said as he turned away.
"B bud me hugwy."
Kirishima started tearing up.
"If you're hungry then you wouldn't be so damn picky."
Bakugo made Kirishima a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Now hurry up and eat that."
"I don't think he's going to eat it."
Tokoyami told Bakugo.
"He's gonna eat it or he'll go hungry."
Bakugo said.
Kirishima threw the sandwich at Bakugo.
Todoroki and Tokoyami dodged the incoming sandwich, but Bakugo was not so fortunate as the sand bit him in the back of the head.
Kirishima stuck his tongue out at the three teens.
Bakugo started charging at the toddler, until Todoroki froze him.
"Maybe you should calm down and cool your head Bakugo.
Bakugo growled in anger at the toddler.
"Kirishima I think it's time you had a nap."
Todoroki picked up the toddler.
"N no nap!"
Kirishima tried to resist and fight against Todoroki, the boy not ready for a nap but the Half color Half hot teen placed the toddler in a crib that was in his room.
"Get some sleep, maybe both you and Bakugo can calm down."
Todoroki turned on the lights in his room and he left.
Kirishima started tearing up as he sat down in his crib.
Kirishima cried loudly as he started kicking the bars of his crib.
It wasn't his fault Bakugo was a total jerk and of course he was mad that they didn't what he wanted surely if he wants something at that exact moment it should already be here.
Kirishima continued to cry loudly until he heard the door open.
"Why on crying?"
Kirishima looked up to see Iida standing next to his crib holding what looked like a chocolate bar.
"Ou ged chocwite! Me wan Chocwite."
Kirishima said to the two year old.
"Rikido give me it buIlt nod pose ead candy cuz I need dinner fiwst."
Iida swelled his chest in pride, even though he was two he still wanted to prove he's just as mature as he always was before he turned younger.
"Me haf cake! Me hungwy." Kirishima begged for a piece of candy but Iida looked at the boy skeptically.
"Id ou nap time so ou nod pose haf candy so ou can sleep."
Iida was prepared to leave the room but Kirishima grabbed the boy's shirt.
"Pwease wan chocwite, me hungwy ".
The red bed whined.
"...Otay but on hafta sleep."
Iida handed his chocolate bar over to Kirishima and he left.
Kirishima ripped off the wrapper of the chocolate bar he was given and started eating it, while he was eating his treat he had managed to get it all over himself and the clothes he was wearing.
."Hey Kirishima, you calmed down?"
Todoroki walked into the room to see Kirishima eating the chocolate
"Where did you get that and why is it all over you?"
Todoroki took the rest of the slice of cake from the toddler and he threw it away.
"I have to tell Rikido not to give you anything sweet since you'll only make a mess."
Kirishima started crying loudly. He really wanted that chocolate bar and now he can't have anymore.
"That brat is still bitching about what we don't have?"
Bakugo said as he walked into the room.
"He somehow got his hands on some candy and he got it all over himself."
Todoroki picked up the boy at length.
"He's going to need a bath."
Kirishima's eyes widened, he did not want a bath.
"No baff!!"
The boy protested as he started kicking his feet at Todoroki.
"Here I got him."
Tokoyami unleashed Dark Shadow to pick up the toddler.
"Noooooo!!! No no no no!!"
Kirishima started pounding his fist on Dark Shadow but the shadow beast wasn't affected.
The group made it to the boy's restroom where Dark Shadow put Kirishima down, the toddler tried to run out the door but Bakugo closed it.
"You're not going anywhere you little bastard."
Bakugo said to the boy.
Todoroki started the bath water and poured some bubble bath in.
"Look Kirishima, there's like those right?
Todoroki started trying to get Kirishima undressed but the boy kept fighting the teen.
"Move I got this."
Bakugo pushed Todoroki away and he got Kirishima undressed, leaving him in just his diaper.
"Alright now you're going to stop squirming and take a damn bath!"
Bakugo shouted as he inched towards the boy.
Kirishima activated his hardening quirk causing him to become rigid and heavy.
"He activated his quirk!?"
Tokoyami said, surprised.
"Don't most kids quirk don't show up until they're like six or eight, maybe because his quirk already manifested so his body despite being regressed still houses his quirk's abilities.
Todoroki speculated.
"Doesn't matter! He's getting in this bathtub!"
Bakugo tried to lift the young boy but he was having trouble picking him up.
"No baff!"
Kirishima bit Bakugo on his arm causing the teen to drop him.
Bakugo shouted.
"Get back here!"
Tokoyami tried to grab the boy by his diaper but since Kirishima's hardening quirk was active the toddler ripped through the diaper and he busted through the bathroom door running naked into the hallway.
"Damn he's getting away."
Todoroki ran after the young boy.
"I'll catch him and he'll have hell to pay for biting me!!"
Bakugo ran out of the bathroom.
"Good grief."
Tokoyami ran out of the bathroom.
When the three teens made it to the living room they saw Kirishima jumping on the various furniture but he ends up them since his quirk makes him hard like a rock causing the furniture to break with each time he hops on one and Iida was also in the living room, the boy clearly has a sugar high as he ran around the entire common area even up the walls and on the ceiling.
"Iida wait!"
Rikido shouted as he tried to run after the hyper Iida.
"I got him!"
Ojiro hopped on his tail and jumped up to try and grab Iida.
"What happened to Iida."
Tokoyami asked Kaminari.
"We may have given him too much candy and now he's like this."
Kaminari rubbed the back of his head shamefully.
"Well we have two raging kids to deal with now."
Tokoyami sighed.
"I didn't think becoming a hero would involve chasing around children."
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