HHCF 1 - Glitter glue: think of all the short bitches i could terrify
HHCF stands for Hermittpad High Chatfic :)))))))
SallyTheChicken added 5 people to Unnamed chat
SallyTheChicken renamed Unnamed chat to CHAOS!!!!
SallyTheChicken: hi!
poultry_sis_ left the chat
SallyTheChicken added 1 person to CHAOS!!!!
SallyTheChicken: ur not leaving, chloe :)
poultry_man_: We literally live together??
poultry_man_: Why are we in a group chat???
poultry_sis_: sal i am going to kill you
SallyTheChicken changed 1 nickname
chloe: of who?
chloe: oh
chloe: really couldn't do any better huh
chloe: I thought levi taught you how to use the username juice
poultry_man_: 0~0 no????
chloe: hold on who else did you add sal
Professor_parrot: hi :D
chloe: get me out of here
Professor_parrot: D:
SallyTheChicken: YOU MADE HIM SAD!!!
JungleBandit: Chloe, I don't think we've met
JungleBandit: But I already like you
chloe: fuck off jungle boy
JungleBandit: Bold of you to assume I'm a boy
SallyTheChicken changed 2 nicknames
discount magic maker: wait did you change mine
discount magic maker: THATS MY GIRL
Mag1c_Mak3r: how dare you desecrate this sacred name by with it coining such a slime
SallyTheChicken changed 1 nickname
who names there kid Gal lol: what is it this time
poultry_man_: Sally it's "their" ^-^
who names there kid Gal lol: sally there are LINES that should not be CROSSED
discount magic maker: yeah
discount magic maker: like misspelling "their"
who names there kid Gal lol: why do we hang out again
SallyTheChicken changed 1 nickname
Glitter glue: did you fix it
Glitter glue: oh
Glitter glue: that's a new one
Glitter glue: first the magic maker, then just MM, then M&M, then shoemaker
Glitter glue: how'd you even get glitter glue out of any of that
discount magic maker: hey sal?
SallyTheChicken: yesss??
discount magic maker: did you really not add a single responsible person to this chat?
SallyTheChicken: @poultry_man_
poultry_man_: ??
discount magic maker: look
discount magic maker: he may be the most responsible one here
discount magic maker: but that doesnt mean hes actually responsible
SallyTheChicken: mm you've got a point
poultry_man_: Sally you can't just change some of our names
poultry_man_: Either you change all of them or none of them
SallyTheChicken: awwwww
SallyTheChicken: fineeee
SallyTheChicken changed 3 nicknames
mother hen: is this better
TARZAAAANNNNNN: .... why did you name yourself "mother hen"
TARZAAAANNNNNN: You're literally younger than all of us
mother hen: funny srory!
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: *story
mother hen: you actaully werent living in hermittpad yet
mother hen: but this guy
mother hen: Observer or something
mother hen: he built this thing and his younger brother accidently set it off
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: NOPE WE'RE STOPPING THERE
Doctor Birb: oh?? tea?????
discount magic maker: it was great
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: And it is also ~*not going to be discussed*~
mother hen: HAHAHAAHAH
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: SALLY
TARZAAAANNNNNN: Sorry I'm just imagining tiny pm
Glitter glue: *tinier
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: You're only a centimeter tallre than me???
mother hen: SHORT
Glitter glue: sal you are THE shortest one here
mother hen: D:
Doctor Birb: not everyone is like TEN FEET TALL
Glitter glue: oh i WISH i was ten feet tall
Glitter glue: think of all the short bitches i could terrify
Doctor Birb: really?
Doctor Birb: what about Tarzan would you scare them?? HMMM????
Glitter glue: probably not
mother hen: OH???
Glitter glue: because they're my friend
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, E G G: Am I not your friend??
discount magic maker: ha! imagine having friends
Doctor Birb: i am right here!!!! D:
mother hen: ok are we just going to ~ignore~ glitter glue saying the only one she wouldnt scare is Tarzan????
Glitter glue: yes
Doctor Birb: ngl I ship it
TARZAAAANNNNNN: I could break your legs in your sleep Beaks
Doctor Birb: ngl I do not ship it
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