"What's it like being an apprentice?!" Frogkit asked eagerly.
"Calm down, it's only been one day!" Copperpaw laughed. Featherpaw was running and crashed into another cat across the camp. That "another cat" turned out to be Dawnpaw, who nearly fell over but caught herself last minute.
Frogkit snickered loudly seeing this. Copperpaw lifted off the ground from her position of laying on the ground and shook her fur out.
"Bluefire!" The new apprentice called for her mentor. Bluefire looked up from chatting with Palefoot, an elder, and smiled at her new apprentice.
"Yes, Copperpaw?"
"Can we go hunting?!"
Bluefire stood up and stretched. "Sure. Why don't you go get some friends?" Copperpaw nodded and bounded off, calling to her friends.
Within minutes, Copperpaw had gathered Featherpaw, Forestpaw, Treepaw and Dawnpaw. Bluefire signaled to Crowclaw and Pinefall, and then lead the group out of camp.
Once the group had entered the forest for a little bit, Crowclaw took the lead and broke through the bushes into a large clearing smaller than camp and surrounded by moss-covered logs.
"Is this the training area?!" Featherpaw asked excitedly. Crowclaw nodded and sat down calmly.
"We're going to learn some training moves now." Bluefire explained. Treepaw lowered themselves to the ground and whisked their tail across the sandy earth, preparing an attack move.
Forestpaw shared a look with Treepaw and crouched in front of them, eyes narrowing and teeth bared.
Without warning, Treepaw leaped, claws sheathed, and landed on Forestpaw's back. Forestpaw rolled over and tried to squash Treepaw under her. Treepaw lifted their paws and shoved Forestpaw off, scrambling to their paws and shaking out their pelt.
With a soft snarl, Forestpaw leaped and flipped Treepaw over with ease. Treepaw struggled. Before Forestpaw could gently bite down on their neck, however, Dawnpaw jumped in, headbutting Forestpaw out of the way and helping Treepaw to their feet.
Featherpaw and Copperpaw jumped in together in front of Forestpaw.
And then the tables turned. Forestpaw pinned Featherpaw to the ground. While trying to save her sister, Copperpaw got shoved away towards Treepaw and grabbed by the scruff.
Dawnpaw held Copperpaw in her teeth, shaking the new apprentice lightly so she wouldn't hurt her.
Featherpaw somehow managed to wiggle out of Forestpaw's grasp and leaped on top of Dawnpaw with confusion, not knowing what to do.
"Alright, stop there!" Crowclaw called, bringing the battle to a halt. Forestpaw sat up and licked a paw, bringing it over her ear multiple times. Dawnpaw set down Copperpaw gently and helped Featherpaw jump down from her back.
"That was great, Featherpaw and Copperpaw! I like how you jumped in the battle. But, next time you battle, make sure you know proper fighting techniques." Pinefall pointed out with a purr. Featherpaw shuffled her paws, looking embarrassed.
Bluefire walked up to the new apprentices calmly, inspecting them. "You'll live, both of you." She said teasingly. Lowering herself to the ground, the warrior signaled for the two apprentices to copy her.
"But we should teach you moves... just in case."
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