hehe :D
this is dying :D
Since Bluefog's death, the camp had been a bit more silent than usual. Without Bluefog yelling at apprentices for doing some small thing wrong, the camp didn't flow as it had before.
Azaleapaw carried some freshly plucked herbs to the medicine den. They waved their tail as they entered, the vines moving as they pushed past them.
"Hi, Azaleapaw." Aledpaw mumbled as they lifted their head.
Azaleapaw set down the pile by the stone shelves where the herbs were kept. They began to sort through them, creating separate piles for different uses.
"You're just in time. Breezerunner got a thorn in his paw," Aledpaw spoke softly, "Do ya think you could help him?"
Azaleapaw nodded and with an enthusiastic wave of her tail, she began inspecting Breezerunner. They spotted the thorn pretty quickly, yanking it out with a swift tug. Breezerunner hissed slightly.
"Keep it clean," Azaleapaw instructed. Breezerunner nodded and began to lick the paw. "You can leave now. But remember to maybe not throw yourself into a thorn bush?"
"I didn't throw myself!" The warrior protested, getting up to leave, "There was a bird. I would've caught it, too, if Deerpaw hadn't tripped!"
"Mm-hm." Aledpaw's ears twitched as the tom left the den. They sighed with annoyance.
"That's one problem solved."
Azaleapaw noticed Nightpool sleeping in a nearby nest. They went over to her and touched their nose to her soft pelt. Azaleapaw leapt back with a jolt of surprise. Nightpool's pelt was cold as snow.
"Aledpaw?" Azaleapaw sniffed at the medicine cat. "Something's wrong with Nightpool."
Frogkit followed Forestpaw silently, keeping to the edge of the bushes as the apprentice had instructed. The moon's glow barely lit up the path ahead, and Frogkit had to squint their eyes to see.
Forestpaw suddenly stopped and raised her nose to the sky.
After a moment, she beckoned Frogkit forwards with a swish of her tail.
Frogkit bounded up to Forestpaw's side, excitement making their heart race.
"Woah..." Frogkit mumbled, gazing up at the large trees. Forestpaw laughed quietly, resting her tail on Frogkit's head.
"When you're an apprentice, you can climb these trees."
Frogkit prodded the earth. It was soft and muddy, unlike the dry, sandy earth of the camp. They lifted one of their paws and batted at a blade of grass sticking up.
"We should head back to camp now." Forestpaw hissed, getting to her paws.
"What? But we just got here!" Frogkit complained, "I want to stay!"
"We have to get back before dawn. Hermitstar will get suspicious."
"I don't care if Hermitstar gets suspicious!" Frogkit grumbled, "I'm nearly 7 moons! What could Hermitstar possibly do? Send me to the nursery forever? I deserve to be and apprentice."
"Hermitstar could hold back your ceremony," Forestpaw warned.
"Hold it back more than they already have? Wow, what a change." Frogkit replied sarcastically, ears twitching.
"Fine!" Forestpaw whipped around, "Why don't you live in the forest if you love it so much?!" She began to stalk away in the direction of camp.
Frogkit hissed in annoyance as their sibling-like friend walked away.
"Fine. Maybe I will!"
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