I played some gartic phone last night with some peeps from Evil Anvil's discord server. Which is why there is the image. I did NOT make the art, I believe Moth did. (someone in the server lol, they change their name every day)
Kits bounced out of the nursery, full of excitement and ready to get the clan started with chaos.
Dawnpaw watched with a smile. She licked a paw and brought it over her ear, settling down in a patch of warm sunlight, purring softly. She was about to fall asleep when something small and fluffy bumped into Dawnpaw's back with a small "oof!".
Dawnpaw turned her head and saw Frogkit climb over her back to the ground again.
"Sorry, Dawnpaw!" They called before racing off again to play with Copperkit and Featherkit.
Dawnpaw rolled her eyes with a smile.
"...extra border patrols on that side of the river, we've been getting some fox scents..."
Dawnpaw was just close enough to hear Redeye, the deputy, meow about foxes. The fur on the back of her neck stood up a little bit and she saw Pinepaw stiffen from afar.
"Dawnpaw, Forestpaw and Pinepaw! You get to go with Stormfur, Bluefire, Dawncloud and Sharpeye on a border patrol!" Redeye called. Dawncloud looked up from the squirrel she was eating. The warriors gathered near the camp entrance.
Dawnpaw rose to her feet and bounded up to the group, taking a place beside Forestpaw. Once Pinepaw had joined them, the group set off into the forest towards the river. Dawnpaw noticed that Pinepaw's tail was bushed the entire way towards the border.
"We're here. Redeye said something about a fox on the other side of the border, so be careful." Stormfur warned. He set a marker and stood to the side.
Forestpaw took a couple of pawsteps towards the border. She looked into the river water and smiled.
There was a distanced noise of barking, and Dawnpaw slid her claws out. The barking stopped after a few moments, but then continued, closer than before.
Pinepaw's back arched and her fur bushed as the bushes trembled. A dark ginger cat that looked about apprentice age burst from the bushes. They waited and two dogs crashed out of the bushes after them. The cat leapt on top on of one of the dog's back, raking sharp claws down it's side.
The second dog grabbed the cat by the tail and yanked it off of the first. Pinepaw shook her head and jumped in front of the orange cat, fur bristling and teeth bared.
Bluefire seemed to be in shock, standing there with her mouth open like a kit seeing snow for the first time. Stormfur leaped onto a dog's head, clinging there and scraping it's eyes. Sharpeye clawed at the second dog's hind legs.
Without hesitation, Dawnpaw and Forestpaw sprang into action, attacking both of the dog's chests.
After what seemed like hours of dodging and attacking, the dogs fled. Pinepaw yowled victory, tail in the air happily.
The dark orange cat tried to shuffle away but Bluefire stopped them with a paw on their back, holding them down.
"You haven't told us why you're in our territory yet." Bluefire snarled, flexing her claws. The orange cat hissed and squirmed under Bluefire's claws.
"I was escaping dogs, rat-face!" The cat hissed, scraping the earth with their sharp claws. (lol imagine a cat named Ratface just sadly in the background)
"Bluefire, stop!" Stormfur commanded. Bluefire glared at him and sunk her claws deeper into the strange cat's fur.
Pinepaw hissed softly and headbutted Bluefire, sending her backwards. She stood between Bluefire and the orange cat, fur bristling in anger. Bluefire got to her paws and shook her fur.
"Pesky apprentices! Never know what they're doing!" She spat, before turning back towards camp and walking alone.
Pinepaw heaved a sigh of relief. She turned to the new cat with a smile. "You okay?" She asked gently, nudging them up to their paws.
The dark orange cat smiled back after a moment. "Y-yeah... uh, thanks..." They seemed to be struggling with breath, and Pinepaw noticed a huge, gaping wound on the cat's chest.
The cat wavered on their paws, almost falling over. Forestpaw darted to the cat's side quickly, letting them lean against her shoulder. Dawnpaw joined Forestpaw, supporting the cat on the other side with her own shoulder.
"We have to get them back to camp!" Pinepaw meowed urgently, leading the way. Stormfur and Sharpeye brought up the rear, keeping watch for any dogs or foxes or badgers.
"We need a medicine cat!" Pinepaw yowled, racing into camp ahead of the others. As soon as she said it, the medicine cats snapped to attention. Aledpaw ran up with a bundle of herbs to the strange cat.
"Lay down." They instructed, inspecting the wound. Aledpaw crushed up some marigold and smeared it into the wound, covering it with cobwebs and then taking a step back. They nodded and meowed, "If you feel any pain, come to see me or Nightpool."
The cat nodded, looking a bit confused and overwhelmed at the amount of cats in the camp. They looked up just in time to see four bundles of fur run and crash into them, crawling all over their belly.
"Kits! No!" Pinepaw shooed the kittens away and rolled her eyes with a smile.
"I- I really don't know anybody..." The dark orange cat mumbled, with laughter in their voice.
Pinepaw turned her head and smiled. "Right, sorry. I'm Pinepaw."
The orange cat nodded. "My name's Ember."
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