i'm sorry if these chapters are getting less descriptive. I just wanna finish up this book D:
TWs: d e p r e s s i o n, shocking discoveries for the readers, etc
(also enjoy it while you can)
Smoke pressed more crunched-up leaves to the bleeding cat, scrunching up her nose as more blood threatened to pour from the scrapes. It was a messy job, but it was her only chance at saving the poor kit.
She'd been working on healing for almost five moons, and she had honestly begun losing hope in saving them. She would've lost hope a while ago, if it weren't for the ragged breathing.
Smoke suddenly froze as she heard rustling, and voices. She dragged the body into a nearby den that had been abandoned by a fox.
The voices sounded close, but they eventually got lower and farther away.
Smoke heard a soft groan of pain and turned.
Struggling to stand up was the injured cat.
Five cats in total had been put in a state of depression. Robinflight, Forestpaw, Copperpaw, Featherpaw, and Dawnpaw.
Well, Aledwish said that Dawnpaw was depressed, but she didn't exactly believe them.
Dawnpaw, currently, was laying near the edges of the camp, staring at the thrush she wouldn't eat.
It had been a whole five moons. Frogkit's body was never found. Dawnpaw remembered the chilling sight and shuddered.
"Hey, Dawnpaw." Dawnpaw looked up at Emberpaw, who was the newest medicine cat's apprentice besides Azaleapaw.
"You need to eat something." The ginger cat sat down beside Dawnpaw, talking in a gentle voice.
"I don't feel like eating." Dawnpaw mumbled back, pushing her thrush away.
"Well, too bad. Eat." Emberpaw nudged the thrush next to Dawnpaw's muzzle. "We don't want a third cat dying."
Who said I didn't want to die? Dawnpaw thought angrily. But instead of voicing the words, she took a bite of the prey and forced herself to swallow.
The ferns and bushes that formed the entrance to the camp trembled, and Dawnpaw noticed Deerfrost, Rookwing, Pinefall and Copperpaw all laden with prey.
Emberpaw flicked their tail in a greeting to Pinefall. Pinefall nodded, unable to speak with a plump pidgeon in her mouth.
Dawnpaw looked down at her pure black paws. The amount of blood shed in the past moons had hurt her, and now she shivered at the thought.
She was so focussed on her thoughts she didn't notice Forestpaw beside her until she was sat beside her.
The two apprentices didn't have to say anything. They grieved together, leaning on eachother for support, watching the sun dip below the horizon.
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