yayyyyy another update :D
this chapter angsty :>
TWs: Description of blood, death, fighting cats, descriptions of gore
Forestpaw ran around the camp, Frogkit right on her tail. Eventually Frogkit managed to leap up onto Forestpaw's tail, and then her back.
Both collapsed into a pile of laughter.
The day was nearly over, the sun setting behind the trees. Frogkit sat up and looked to Hermitstar hopefully. The leader didn't budge.
Disappointed, the small kit whisked her light-brown tail back and forth and flattened her ears.
"Hey." Forestpaw mumbled,
"What's wrong?"
Frogkit looked away. "I'm six moons. Hermitstar isn't making me an apprentice." They snorted.
"Well, I'm sure you'll be an apprentice soon." Forestpaw lay down beside her sibling with a smile.
"Hermitstar has to have a reason. They'll notice. And, if they don't..." Forestpaw added quickly, seeing the grumpy look on her sibling's face,
"I can go tell them."
Frogkit looked up at their sister with a soft, hopeful smile. "Please!" They whispered.
Forestpaw nodded and got to her paws.
"Stay here," She murmured, "I'll be right back."
Dawnpaw stalked through the bushes, tracking the mouse in front of her. She turned around a large rock and froze, fur prickling up. In front of her, about a tail-length away, was a big, rusty-orange fox. It was eating the mouse Dawnpaw thought she would catch.
Bluefire, behind Dawnpaw, hadn't seen the fox yet. Dawnpaw tried to signal to the warrior, but Bluefire didn't look up in time.
She bumped into the fox's ankles. With a snarl, the fox turned and attacked, slashing at Bluefire's chest. The warrior dodged the attack with surprising speed, accidentally falling onto her side.
Before she could move, the fox pounced. Yowls and screeches of pain were heard. Dawnpaw couldn't move.
Her paws wouldn't budge.
After long moments of not being able to move and Bluefire shrieking, a cat pushed through the bushes and shoved the fox away.
The leader had been followed by Swanpaw, Redeye and Rookpaw. Some of the strongest in the clan, Dawnpaw noticed.
The cats attacked, sending the fox away from HermitClan territory, tail between it's legs.
"Bluefire!" Swanpaw exclaimed, bending down next to the older warrior.
The blue-furred cat was bleeding from many different scrapes. One of her eyes was gone completely, leaving a patch of flesh just hanging there.
Large scrapes ran down her spine and her tail was missing patches of fur. Her good eye was glazed over.
Her ears were torn, bleeding heavily. It was the most gruesome sight Dawnpaw had seen.
Dawnpaw looked away, not being able to bear the sight and stench. It was horrifying.
"Bluefire..." Hermitstar turned, voice full of grief. They stood bravely in front of the dead warrior, standing strong even though they were clearly suffering from the weight on their chest.
"Bluefire... You were a noble warrior. I cannot hold this ceremony here, but know you will be grieved for." They pressed their nose to Bluefire's fur, ears flattening to their head.
"Redeye. Help me carry her back to camp."
Night was falling, the darkness descending over the camp like large clouds. Hermitstar had returned to camp a while ago, and was now standing atop the leader's rock, calling an announcement.
"Bluefire was a great cat and a noble warrior of HermitClan," Hermitstar began, sadness filling their tone. "She was my best friend since kithood..." There was a moment of silence.
"StarClan... I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she was. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on she will be known as Bluefog, for the fire inside has died down, leaving fog in it's place."
There were a couple gasps of astonishment. Hermitstar ignored them and leaped down from the Highledge.
"Bluefog, may StarClan light your path. May you find swift running, good hunting, and shelter where you sleep."
At this, the clan gathered round, touching their noses to Bluefog's fur, sharing a silent moment for the dead warrior.
I have different plans >:D
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