They'll regret this
Couldn't sleep, this is the result, and sorry I'm not the best at writing what comes later in this chaper....
In this if someone kills you with the intention of killing you you die permanently, or at least your supposed to.
Warnings: Swearing, torture
Grian was confused. It had been what he would of thought to be a normal day. He was planning on adding to his mansion, but he seemed to be out of dark prismarine, so he headed off to the shopping district.
Nothing seemed off, that was, until he stepped out of the shopping district portal. What was a normal very active place, especially at this time of day, seemed dead.
No hermits wandering around or shuffling through chests, no mayor sitting on the diamond throne, not even the noise of rockets in the distance. It was just empty.
'Maybe this is just one big prank.' He thought, but despite his gut feeling wary, he decided to look around for the hermits.
He checked through the rest of the shopping district, decked out, the Minigame district, heck, he even took the time to check through a majority of their bases. Nothing.
He was just about to give up and head back to his hobbit hole when he felt his communicator buzz.
<Xisuma> Hey Grian, could you meet me at (insert coordinates)?
<Grian> Uh, sure! But where is everyone?
He replied, no response.
Strange. He hadn't seen Xisuma much this season, let alone talked to him, so why did he want to meet up? And why so far away? 'This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.'
'But then again, he is the admin, so I should probably get going.' And so, despite his gut basically screaming at him to not, he headed to the coordinations.
He landed in the spot that Xisuma had told him to, to find..... nothing?
'Where is he?' He began to look around the field, but there wasn't exactly many places where he could be hiding. "X-I-zuuma-voiadd?Xisuma? X?"
He was about to continue calling out when he felt a presence behind behind him. He turned around to see Xisuma's bee coloured armour. He was about to say something when X cut him off.
"Hello Grian." He said in a near-monotone voice.
"Uhh... hi? X? Why did you want? Where is everyo-"
X cut him off a second time. "This will all make sense soon, Grian."
He was just about about to asked him what I'm the world he meant by that, when he heard shuffling, and something smacked the back of his head, causing him to black out.
He should of listened to his gut.
He woke up with a massive migraine.
He attempted to sit up only to realize that both his hands and legs were bound to the almost dentist like chair he was on.
He began to take in his surroundings. It seemed he was in a cave of sorts, but with some of the walls hollowed out to make makeshift shelves, and an iron door blocking the only exit.
Where was he? What happened? Then it all came rushing back to him: The other hermits no where to be found, Xisuma acting off, getting knocked out.
Had they brought him here? 'Surely not, the hermits wouldn't do this, would they?' But he couldn't deny that all the evidence pointed towards it. Maybe it was just a prank to get back for all the ones he pulled on them?
His thoughts all came to a stop when he heard the door click open.
He looked up to see all of the hermits walk in. Xisuma, Scar, Mumbo, Doc, literally all of them.
"H-hey guys.... what is g-going on-n?" He asked, shacking.
"H-hello? Guys?"
"T-this is a p-prank right? Is t-thi-"
"SHUT UP!" Mumbo yelled, causing him to flinch. Mumbo never yelled like that.
He was trembling even more than before.
"YOU'RE JUST A STUPID WHINEY BITCH WHO LIKES ATTENTION!" He continued, then pulled something out of his suits pocket, a knife.
"Mumbo wha-" one glare shut him up.
"You think that you can just mess with us whenever you want to, don't you?" He slashed his arm with (heh, 666 words here) the knife.
"Did you think that I found it funny when you replaced all of my hard work with mycelium?" Scar added, slashing him with his sword.
"How about when you brought us back to beta?" Impulse and Ren added. " Do you think that was funny?!" Slash
This went on until his whole body was drenched in his own blood, to the point where he could barely stay conscious.
He wanted nothing more than for the pain to end, and for him to wake up in his bed after this nightmare, but that would never happen.
He thought the pain couldn't get any worse, then they brought out the whip.
Grian whimpered and struggled in his binds with what little energy he had left, but it was futile. His voice was to strained to scream anymore, and his eyes were dry of tears, them having already been spilt.
The taunts and whipping continued for what felt like years to him. 'What did I do..?' He questioned, vision growing dark. He only had one final thought before drifting into darkness:
'They'll regret this.'
So.. this happened... might make a part 2 where Grian somehow gets revenge, but no promises.
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