(A little short story I made inspired by Mumbo's video! Hope you enjoy!)
Mumbo's been waiting an hour for pickles.
He didn't have any, and any pickles still left in the neighboring biomes were surely taken.
So that left only one option: Grian's pickle shop.
But when he got there, all the pickles were out of stock—all that was left were pickle puns. So he decided to ask Grian himself for one.
He's still waiting after an hour.
Mumbo started working on other projects while waiting at Sahara, exploring the Sahara Now section that Iskall had built, and adding the other ice streams. He couldn't do anything else, though, until Grian brought the pickles.
"I'll just go get them myself," Mumbo muttered, taking flight towards the builder's base.
"Grian?" Mumbo asked. "Are you here?"
"Yeah, give me a moment!" Came a muffled reply. A thud followed, and Mumbo followed the sound to Grian's mess of a storage system.
Grian was covered in items, shulker boxes littered everywhere, and even those were overflowing with blocks. Chests were stacked against the concrete walls, and a single Ender Chest was hiding in the corner.
"I've been trying to find those pickles, but I can't seem to remember where I put them..." Grian said as a chest burst open. "Oh, that's where my beacon went!"
"Have you been here for the past hour?" Mumbo asked in disbelief. The man needed to build a sorter system.
"No!" Grian said defiantly. "I may have gotten a little...sidetracked..."
Mumbo sighed.
"I was going to see how many pickles you needed!" Grian protested. "But then as I was flying to Sahara, Tek To The Skies had a fireworks sale! So then I had to take the Nether Hub home because I decided to check and restock my old shops. And then I realized you were still waiting for me, so I went back home and I've been searching my base for the past 15 minutes for pickles!"
"You know we have communicators for a reason, right?" Mumbo asked, massaging his temples.
"Yeah...but I wanted to see the system again."
"And possibly throw a spud into the system?"
"No!" Grian said unconvincingly.
"You need a sorting system in here," Mumbo said, surveying the junkyard of chests. He opened one. "Is that my old pickaxe?" The Redstoner asked, holding up an enchanted diamond pick.
The builder glanced at what Mumbo was looking at. "Honestly, I don't know. There are dozens of picks in here. Oh, wait, I already looked in there." He said, closing a green shulker box.
"Didn't you have a pickle farm in your starter base?" Mumbo asked, remembering the old ship in a bottle.
Realization dawned on Grian's base. "Oh."
"You've been looking in here for fifteen minutes and forgot about your pickle farm?" Mumbo asked in disbelief. "I thought I was the spoon."
"I got sidetracked, okay?" Grian said, taking off with his Elytra. "I'll grab the pickles."
"Hey, now, I'm coming with you." Mumbo tried to take off but forgot he didn't have his Elytra on.
Grian giggled as he headed towards the ocean, where his sunken ship was waiting for him. Dive-bombing when he reached the location, he heard a firework as Mumbo finally achieved liftoff. After getting the pickles from his base, Grian and Mumbo headed off towards Sahara.
"Finally," Mumbo exhaled as he put the last of the pickles. "Now I just need to stock the items."
"Well, since you didn't need any help, I guess I'll be going," Grian said, equipping his Elytra.
Before taking off, he chucked a spare pickle down the item stream.
"Grian—agh, that's going to circulate the system now!"
The builder laughed as he took off. "Good luck getting that out!"
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