Beetho (Repost)
So, this was one of the books in my hermitcraft oneshot books that I am writing here, and it was also my first smut I wrote so be nice bitch :p
Tw: Nothing really, its just Beef teasing Etho on a buisness call
"So lets go over this again so i know what i am doing. You want What is love by...who was it again?" Etho was on a call with Keralis to discuss the order, he was pacing the bedroom and he occasionally stopped to look up and think before going back to talking again.
This was going on for about 5 minutes when the door to the room opened and there stood was Beef, who had leant against the doorway and was looking at Etho working. He walked into the room and sat down on the bed, watching as Etho kept pacing and didn't notice he was there.
As Etho was listening to Keralis explain something about where he wanted his order or- something like that, Beef got up and waited for Etho to pace near him. When he did Beef carefully pulled him by the waist and sat down, pulling Etho down onto his lap and pulling a small squeak from him.
Etho looked back at Beef as he spoke to Keralis on the phone, "Y-yeah no problem i can- can do that. What else do i need to- k-know about where it is?" Once he had finished talking he covered the bottom of the phone and gave him a look, a look as to say 'What do you fucking want mate i am trying to work for notch's sake' Before looking back at the phone again.
He rolled his eyes and listened to Keralis, breath catching in his throat as he felt Beef lightly bite just below his ear and whisper softly. Just loud enough for Etho to hear but quiet enough so that it wouldn't be picked up on the phone, "You're gonna listen to me, whatever I do you need to keep quiet so that he doesn't hear you. Got it?"
Beef let out a satisfied hum as Etho nodded, still partially listening to Keralis. "Get up, pants off then sit straight back down. Now" Etho nodded again and stood up, using one hand to hold his phone to his ear and the other to work on getting his pants off. He probably would have been cocky but he was to busy working and didn't want to get into trouble right now.
As he listened to Keralis ramble on, occasionally humming in agreement with things he said, Etho slowly managed to get his trousers off and threw them across the room then sitting back down onto Beefs lap with just his boxers on.
"Okay, sorry what was that i didn't quite- hear you- f-fuck" Etho bit his lip to stop anything coming out of his mouth as he felt Beef lightly rub the tip of his clothed length. As Beef did this, a lot slower than he would usually go, he pulled out a half full bottle and set it beside them.
Beef carried on while leaning to Ethos ear, and whispering softly once again, "Put it on speaker, now." He nodded and whimpered as he put it on speaker and held it partially away from him so his noises weren't heard.
"You ok there Etho? You sound like you're in pain or something!" Keralis spoke through the phone and sounded worried as beef nudged Etho to reply as he sped his hand movements up causing Etho to reply in stutters and gasps, "y-yeah I am- am alr-alright, do-don't worry"
Beef smiled as Keralis agreed and continued to talk about something very- confusing. He wasn't paying attention, but instead he moved his hand from Etho's crotch to the small bottle from earlier and smirking as he heard the others light panting.
He slipped a finger into the waist and of Ethos boxers and pulled at it, waiting for him to gain his breath back before letting it go and snap back against his skin erecting a small gasp from Etho. Beef did it again but this time pulling his boxers down and throwing them off to the side to never be seen again.
Etho was clearly getting impatient as he carried on speaking to Keralis, occasionally humming to make it seem like he was paying attention. Beef noticed this and smiled as he squirt some of the bottles content onto two of his fingers and rubbing them together to warm it up.
After a couple of seconds of impatience from Etho, he felt a light poke at his hole causing his breath to catch in his throat while trying to talk.
"Ye-Yeah so Wh-what was the-the agar-agreed pric-price again" Once Etho finished talking he muted his microphone so he could let out a light moan as beef slowly slid both fingers in at the same time, without warning. "Unmute it, now" Beef reached around and unmuted it, causing Etho to harshly bit his own lip to minimise any sounds he might make.
"So the- Etho, seriously are you ok. Do I need to come and check in on you or something?" Keralis was half annoyed half worried about Etho as he let out a quiet but just audible answer, "Y-Yeah I'm okay y-you do-don't née-need to check on m-me" "You do you man, lets just run over my order once more then I will let you go"
Etho hummed in agreement as Beef started to scissor his fingers sorta roughly, clearly wanting to get whatever prep out of the way as soon as possible. After a couple of minutes of this, Etho holding back whines as he listened to Keralis, Beef pulled his fingers out and earn't a very quiet sigh.
As Keralis kept rambling on, repeating what he said before, Beef was using the lube that was left from his fingers and was slowly spreading it across his length just in case. As Etho felt it rub against his hole, his breath caught in his throat while waiting for him to push in. When he didn't he looked at beef and went pink as he pointed at the phone.
So he was gonna make him finish the call to get what he wanted. Alright.
"So then the payment was-" "Gunpo-powder and Me-mending bo-books, I s-see. Is that it?" Etho spoke quickly, clearly trying to get it over and done with.
"Yep that's all, have fun you two" When Keralis said that Ethos eyes widened and before he could say anything the call had ended. He sighed and put the phone down, then looked back at Beef.
He didn't say anything, he just teased his entrance until he got the other to beg for it. "P-please sir, ple-please"
"You can do better than that come on" Beef smirked and lightly sucked on the others collarbone, causing him to shudder and beg more.
"Please please pleeeeease sir, please stop te-teasing. I need it so b-badly" Etho spoke in the whiniest tone he could manage, attempting to push himself down to be cut off with the older grabbing his waist. Beef took a second to ponder Etho's words before letting go of the others waist again and letting him take the lead.
After he let out a sigh of relief he pulled his knees up and sat them on either side of Beef before taking a deep breath in- and then lowering himself down, letting a shudder flow up his spine and a light moan escape his mouth.
Slowly, he lowered himself down to Beef's base and stayed still, cherishing the feeling of being filled to the brim. After a hot minute Etho decided he had enough of waiting and slowly lifted himself up again. He only lifted a small amount before falling straight (hahah-) back down again and a small whimper escaping from him.
Once again, Etho did the same thing, slowly lifting himself further and carefully lowering himself as to not get himself hurt. The younger started to get a rhythm, slowly and carefully bouncing and occasionally letting out a small moan or whimper.
Beef moved his hands to Etho's waist and guided him along, every now and again pulling him down roughly to milk the lewd sounds out of the other. Etho buried his head in the crook of the olders neck, letting him take the lead as he started to thrust upwards.
The room was quickly filled with Etho's moans as he was being thrusted into, and as Beef reangled his thrusts just a small amount he was satisfied with the drawn out whine followed by a slutty moan that the younger hermit let out at the feeling.
"Ah- ah fuck sir please- shit- I'm cl- close-" Etho kept whimpering and whining out words as he felt a familiar knot in his stomach start to appear. The older leaned forward and spoke into the youngers ear with a raspy dry voice, "Go on, cum for me"
Immediately he was thrown off the edge, the sweet sticky white stuff (is this familiar Lou?) splattering across his stomach signalling for Beef to finish up, pressing himself inside Etho and releasing to fill him up more.
Beef pulled out, listening to Etho whimper as he tensed up to keep Beefs cum inside of him for as long as he could while curling into his side. He smiled and lay back along with the other, Etho lying his head on Beefs chest and slowly drifting to sleep.
The older watched and smiled, pulling him close and listening to his soft snores that slowly lulled him into a deep slumber as well.
Isn't this beautiful
It's 2:30am
I should be sleeping now writing about 2 youtubers fucking
Okay i will go to sleep now
Word count : 1648
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