My Rancher (Jimmy/Tango)
{hi y'all ,been awhile ,anyway here's some rancher reunion that took me a bit to write ,some ideas snatched from my rancher talking session with bamalexis22 , the ranchers have my heart ,I love them, I'd die for them , also I'm kinda rusty so I apologize for it
Genre:Fluff , also I have a lil special thing at the end of the chapter ^^ , 703 words}
It had been a long day, after making it to the rift with some of the other hermits, and being transported to this strange world, he was tired, interacting with some new and some familiar people, it was tiring, plus the stress of not knowing how long they'd be stuck in this world , but tbh despite that lingering fear, Tango was excited , happy to take a break from his projects and happy to just appreciate these spectacular builds.
Tango hummed softly to himself as he walked through the mesa biome, eyes looking around with curiosity, the place he seemed to find himself seemed to be some type of western themed area , as he continued walking, he could hear voices coming from a tunnel, he slowly made his way towards the voices, as he made his way through the the tunnel, his eyes gazed over the people who were there, there was fwhip, the goblin who he originally was with but seemed to disappear, there was joel, and also grian and scar , as his eyes reached the final person, he felt himself freeze , he heard a gasp as their eyes met, it couldn't be , it was...his rancher, his Jimmy.
" Jimmy?" he couldn't help but mutter out
Jimmy eyes snapped to Tango, eyes widening in shock, his mouth gaping slightly,
"Tango?" Jimmy replied back in equal shock
"Is that my rancher" Jimmy continued , a bashful smile plastered on his face , his eyes glazing over in joy
His body moved over to Jimmy subconsciously , before he started to run, to make it the rest of the way, he dived into jimmy awaiting arms, embracing the taller male, tail wrapping tightly around the canaries waist and both them wrapped their arms around each other tightly, scared if they let go, the other would just disappear, Jimmy spun Tango around happily, whispering sweet nothings to each other, both were too caught up with each other Jimmy failed to notice the rail behind him, he let out a gasp as both of them fell,.
Jimmy groaned as he felt a dull pain, knowing there will be a bruise later, he looked over Tango making sure he didn't hurt his tail, seeing as it was wrapped around his waist, luckily though Tango , was fast enough to move his tail , both started at each other in shock, Tango flustered slightly embarrassed, after a couple of minutes both of them broke out in giggles , Tangos tail re wrapping itself around Jimmy's waist, and he buried his head into the canaries neck, still slightly embarrassed, .
Jimmy placed a gentle kiss upon Tangos hair, fingers combing through Tangos hair, humming softly, letting out small chirps as he feels Tango place gentle kisses upon his neck , both were in their own little comforting bubble, they failed to notice that their friends decided to leave them be
"Gosh your beautiful" muttered Jimmy placing another kiss upon Tangos head
Tango squeaked softly in response , burying his head deeper into Jimmy's neck, Jimmy just chuckled, tightening his arms around Tango, he shifted slightly making sure himself and Tango were more comfortable knowing they were most likely going to be cuddled up here for some time. They both sat in silence for some time, just content to be in each other's arms again. A soft rumbling noise slightly startled Jimmy, as he looked back down at Tango, he realised where the noise was coming from, the netherborn was purring ? , Jimmy couldn't help but coo at that , chuckling as Tango buried himself deeper into Jimmy's neck
"Aweee Tango, no need to be embarrassed , your adorable"
Tango just grumbles at that, kissing on the neck , smiling into Jimmy's neck as he heard his partner let out a slight yelp
" I love you Jimmy" the netherborn murmured tiredly
"I love you too, my rancher"
Both of them decided to sleep in the tunnel, it may of not be the best place to sleep, and Jimmy knows his back will regret it later, but Jimmy didn't care, all he cared about right now, was his soulmate, who was currently fast asleep, upon his chest, curled up and purring, he was just content to lay here with his love, his soulmate, his rancher.
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