Anniversary (Beef/Etho)
{I have made a return! I'm still not okay ,but I'm surviving, anyway fun fact this fic was the inspiration for my last angst fic (everlasting love) ,also you can trust the florist...this time xD
Anyway this was an actual request!
Request by: sixth_constellation
Prompt: some fluff of my favourite ship , a fic about confessions or gift giving (I chose gift giving )
Ship: Beetho? (Beef/etho, I forgot the shit's been awhile since I've wrote this ship TwT)
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: None! No angst ,only slightly rushed at the end cause it's 2am when I'm finishing this ,also some slight similarities to everlasting love cause well , everlasting love was based off the same concept....except deadly
Anyway I'm back, I hope y'all enjoy! Have a good day/night }
Etho hummed softly to himself as he made his way towards the florist, nothing but joy and love in his heart, he smiled softly underneath his mask at the thought of his husband, today was their 2 year anniversary, they have been friends, even longer than that, they met when they were teens, and were friends for most of highschool, sadly though Etho left during the middle of highschool, they tried to keep in contact, but they eventually lost contact; they ended up meeting each other again in college, brought together by fate, and after a long 6 months of pinning , one thing led to another and they ended up together, they've been dating for around 2 years and married for 2 years….yeah Beef decided to propose on their anniversary .
The fox hybrid came to a stop as he finally reached the florists, Etho didn't bother looking at the other flowers on display, not because he didn't want to or like them, he just didn't need to as he already had an order, to pick up, as he reached the counter , he cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the florist, who originally had their back turned attending to other flower, turning around the girls eyes lit up with recognition , she quickly made her way to the back room, to presumably get his order.
Etho let his gaze wander as he waited, smile brightening as he looked over the other flowers , smiling as he could smell there soothing fragrances, his hybrid abilities enhancing the smells, making him feel at peace,
“ Here you go sir, I hope your partner will like them”
Etho smiled softly,
“Thank you, this bouquet is beautiful, I'm sure my husband will love them” he replied softly taking the bouquet from her hands
He couldn't help but admire the flower arrangement, he knew Beef would love the arrangement, the hybrid made sure to choose his husband's favourite flowers afterall.
Giving his thanks and goodbyes to the cashier, Etho made his way to finally meet up with his husband, his beloved soul mate, as his destination came into view he felt his heart flutter, nothing but love and happiness running through him.
Standing in front of the metal gate, Etho took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, despite doing this many times, he still got nervous, and anxious, to the point he feels like he's that same anxious outcasted teen again, pushing open the gate.
He winced at the loud creaking, that noise never failing to make him jump, his ears flattening on his head in annoyance, his tail wagged back and forth in excitement as he made his way across the park, his ears perking back up as he noticed the silhouette of his beloved, sitting beneath a tree.
Etho's smile brightens as Beef notices him, chuckling as the other male , got up quickly , he sighed happily as his husband brought him into a loving hug, planing a kiss between the hybrid head, making the fox hybrids tail wag even faster,
“ Hey love, glad you made it” Beef spoke softly, stepping back to look at his partner
“ sorry i'm late Beefers, had to pick up your gift “ Etho responded back happily, handing the bouquet to Beef
Beef smiled happily, letting out a soft sigh, as he took the arrangement from his partner, smelling then softly, he gently grabs the hybrids hand bringing him over to their spot, the white haired male tail continues to wag as he notices the picnic that was laid out.
“ A picnic? “ Etho softly spoke, looking back at Beef
“Yeah, sorry if it's not the best”
Etho rolls his eyes, placing his masked lips upon Beefs, after he brings Beef down, so both were sitting against the tree
“Beefers how many times do I have to tell you , that anything you do will be perfect for me, plus you know I love simple things like this, you know this “
Beef chuckled in response, nodding
“Yeah, i know…me too you know? I love these peaceful little dates, even though we don't get to have a lot of them most days, moments like these makes me happy”
“ I love these moments too, Beefers, I love any moment I spend with you”
Beefs gently places his hand upon Etho’s cheek, pulling down his husband's mask with his consent , he leant in placing his lips upon the others, both of them instantly melt into the kiss, the kiss was passionate yet soft, Etho definitely knew his cheeks were red, and knowing Beefs are the same.
Finally breaking from the kiss, both of them are panting quite heavily, Beef looks at his lover, nothing but love in his eyes
“ I love you Etho”
“ I Love you too Beefers”
And with that soft exchantment, both of them dig in to the food, both of them sharing kisses now and then, reminiscing about memories, and joking around, after a while both decided to just cuddle underneath the stars, enjoying their moment together, enjoying the loving embrace of eachother
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