Stay away (Cryptid!Ranboo AU)
Stay away of the Eternal Woods.
That's what they all say.
There's something there, something unnatural.
Something neither human nor mob, or it could be both. No one dared investigating to find out.
No one was foolish enough.
At least, they were.
Two teens. One tall and lanky, blond hair falling over his bright blue eyes. His name was Tom Simmons, aka Tommy.
By his side, a smaller brunet boy kept pace next to him. This boy's name was Toby Smith, or Tubbo.
The two had been best friends since they were young, immediately clicking together. They completed each other.
So when Tubbo got the bright idea to search the Eternal Woods, Tommy knew he had to accompany him.
The duo came equipped with a flashlight each, enough food and drink to last awhile, and a Lodestone compass in case they got lost.
"Tom?" A hushed whisper cut through Tommy's thoughts.
The blond cast a glance at his friend, the smaller shuffling close to him. That's when he noticed just how cold it was.
Thick fog was rolling in, probably the thing that was spooking his friend. You see, Tubbo liked to think he was big and brave, but when faced with actual scary stuff, he dissolved back to being almost like a small child.
Come to think of it, the sudden temperature drop was a little alarming. It must've dropped from around 20 degrees Celsius (68F) to only 8 degrees (46F).
That didn't make any sense, it was only the beginning of Autumn, temperatures like this shouldn't be coming for a few more weeks. Plus, it was broad f*cking daylight out! So how was there even a mist, let alone thick freaking fog!
"Tubs I don't like this" Tommy made a motion to grab for his friend. "We should just go-"
He only grabbed air.
Tubbo no longer stood there. It was just Tommy, alone.
The strange fog came in thicker, threatening to swallow Tommy whole, so he'd never see the outside world again.
"TubbO!!" The teen screamed, his voice breaking horribly. It felt like he was breathing smoke, the mist suffocating him and attempting to pull him down.
Where was Toby? Was he alright? Did he escape? Or was he suffering just like Tommy? All alone, where no one would ever hear his cries for help.
This was a stupid idea, he should've talked Tubbo out of it before they even came here. But no, he let his curiosity get the better of him. Now he was going to die alone, without knowing if his best friend was okay or not.
In a hazy corner of his mind, he could've sworn he heard light footsteps.
Tubbo was lost, and that's putting it lightly. He really shouldn't have let go of Tommy's hand when the mist started rolling in. But he let go, one minute he was with Tommy, and the next his vision was obstructed by a wall of white.
His Lodestone compass was going haywire, further hammering in the despair he already felt. He wouldn't leave without Tommy, but now even if he did get his friend back, they'd both be incredibly lost and beyond outside help.
An animalistic screech split the still air, causing the brunet boy yell in fright and duck down next to an old tree.
"TubbO!!" A more human sounding scream came next. Tommy. Tommy was here, Tommy was close!
But where?! The sound had echoed around, seemingly coming from everywhere at one.
Footsteps, light ones at that. Definitely not human.
Hopefully just a deer or something harmless.
The creature came into view.
It stood on two hooves legs. It's tall stature rivaling Tommy, with it's head nearly reaching tree branches. A long thin bi-colored tail whipped around. It's arms looked disproportionate to it's long legs. It's fur (skin?) was also bi-colored, white and black contrasting each other.
Heterochromic red and green glowing eyes were it's defining feature of all things, with the sclera being a differing shade of red or green.
It almost looked like an Enderman, if Endermen had hooved feet and had half white skin.
It's glowing eyes found the teen, and Tubbo felt pure, unbridled dread wash over him. But, then it did something strange.
It's tail lashed, and it took an unsteady step back, keeping it's unnatural eyes fixated on the boy. It's clawed hands were clasped together, but Tubbo could still see the slight shivers. Strange distress clicking sounds could be heard coming from this thing.
That's when it clicked. This creature... was afraid of him.
Deep warbling sounds could be heard coming from it. Then, they shaped into sometimes almost coherent.
Stay away
The creature kinda sounded, young?? It was slightly deep, but still had the distinct tone of youth.
Tubbo now had gotten a good look at it. The creature's eyes were wide as it continued stepping away from him.
It had the tattered remains of a dark suit draped over it's shoulders. Worn dress pants stopped halfway down the creature's long legs.
The creature hissed a few times, not necessarily threatening, but rather telling the boy it perceives as a threat to not go after it. A low warble followed the hisses as the creature stood up straight.
Then, with one last hiss, the thing left in a blur of motion, taking the mist along with it.
"TUBBO!!" A white and red blur crashed into the boy, strong arms wrapping around his midsection.
"WHA- TOMMY?!?" The boy gasped, before returning the crushing grip. They were together, Tommy was here, he was okay.
"Did... did you see...?" Tubbo's voice trailed off when he saw the confusion on his friend's face.
"You alright?" The taller helped him up, glancing around at the woods surrounding them.
"Yeah, I just... nevermind, let's just go home."
"Sounds good to me!" The blond laughed, the sound echoing easily in the still forest.
Back home, Tubbo couldn't stop thinking about the creature he saw. He wondered just what on earth he'd stumbled across not even an hour ago.
Only time will tell.
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