My Icarus (p1 out of ?)
This is a combination of au's:
What if Grian and Welsknight swapped seasons? (Grian joins season 4 and Wels season 6).
Wels and Grian, father and son au.
And throw in them both being Fallen Angels, because I'm currently riding the high of caffeine + why the heck not?
Wels knew many truths. He knew his role in the Kingdom of Ether, a royal guardsmen. He knew he was well received and respected among his peers.
He knew his limits and when to push past them.
And now? He became aware of something else.
When he fell for her, he knew. It wouldn't last. It hurt, but he persevered.
And then his son was born. It was the best day of his life. His light, his own sunshine, to cherish and hold forever.
Wels made a choice, one he'd regret to this very day. He took his son back with him to Ether, hoping that somehow, the Angels would accept him, even if he was different.
Life never works that way, though.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" Wels screamed, his twin sets of wings flapped desperately, trying to push him forward.
Another guardsmen, Wren, held him back. He yelled in his ear, telling him not to interfere. Wels didn't care.
His son, his sunshine, was being held up by one of his wings.
One of the High Angels said something. Something forever engraved in his mind.
Evil. He called his boy evil...
Their grip on his son's wing tightened. No way... were they....?!
No... no!
Paternal instincts flooded him, a feeling so energizing, so intoxicating that it was hard to focus on anything else.
He twisted harshly, wrenching his body free from Wren's grasp. The gathered crowd gasped as he shot at the leader.
He didn't care what happened to him. He didn't care what everyone else would think.
He was being selfish. He knew that. It was unbecoming of an Arch Angel like him.
Whatever. This 'paradise' he lived in, it wasn't his home anymore. He knew what happened to Angels that went against the status quo, and he made his peace.
It was almost funny. A few centuries ago, he would've balked at the idea of what he was doing. Strange how things change.
What he was doing was right, and that's always what he upheld. Doing the right thing, no matter the adversity.
He landed on top of Solomon, the leader.
The grip on his son was released. He fell, whimpering in pain, but wings still firmly attached. His already dim halo flickered but stayed put.
Wels flared out his wings, both huge sets completely obscuring his son from view. A low, rattling hiss escaped him, something he'd only seen birds on Terra do.
"Stand down Wels," Solomon's voice was sharp and stern. A younger Wels would've obeyed, no questions asked. But he was different now. "We know you're attached, but that... thing can't be allowed to exist here."
Even through the haze, Wels could pick some faces of the crowd.
Myth, who held Joey tightly. He glared at Solomon, three sets of pure white wings wrapping around his son.
Skizz, who watched on in agony. Tears barely held back.
Both dear friends, both now watching as he rightfully stood up for what he believed in.
He shifted one of his wings, nudging his son gently. "Grian. Run. Now!"
The boy took off, his still too-small wings propelling him forward.
Solomon shrieked, launching forward. Wels intercepted him, both falling to the solid cloud floor.
"You can't DO THIS!!" Wels screamed, even if it was more of a sob. "He's innocent!"
"HE doesn't belong here!" Solomon panted, winded from the more muscle-bound man pulling him down. "He never has, and he never will! I'M correcting your mistake!"
One of Solomon's followers tore after Grian, catching up on swift wings.
Ice shot through him, freezing him in place. The follower landed in front of the boy, leaving him to backpedal away.
He shoved Solomon off of him, wings poised and ready.
The follower slashed at Grian, striking him across the chest. The boy stumbled backward, a hand unconsciously reaching for the wound.
"NO!" Wels was taking flight now. Maybe if he was fast enough, maybe... just maybe... he could reach him.
Please... don't do this to him...
He reached out and-
Grian fell past him, a few feet of distance.
"GRIANNNN!!!" The unhinged scream echoed through the Kingdom, the Arch Angel dive-bombing after his son.
He heard shouts, gasps, and screams mixing with his own. He didn't care, all that mattered to him was his son, and even that was slipping through his fingers.
Where was he?!
Wels tucked his wings in tighter, ignoring the burning that consumed them. Ignoring the flames that scorched them black.
The ground was fast approaching, and Wels came to his senses a second too late. His wings slammed out, but gained no lift, charred, and broken by the atmosphere.
He knew his boy suffered the same fate, and that thought provided no comfort as he met the earth below.
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