Chapter 5
Light attacked Grians eyes, though it wasn't the chest.
Grian stood up, or at least, he tries to. Half of his body says that he wants to get up, the other half thinks he's still asleep.
Grian managed to use his awake half and move his asleep half up to stand, "I've never felt this way before, what was that all about?" He thought to himself.
He checked his surroundings, noticing something different, "this isn't my base..." He thought,before hearing fireworks from above as someone crashed themselves right in front of Grians feet.
"Hey Mumbo I- OH MY GOD!!!" It was Scar, but he instantly fell back when he got startled looking at Grian.
"What?" He asked, noticing his voice slightly a bit off.
Scar just stared, not taking a single eye off his puzzled friend.
"Scar, you okay?" He asked again, still confused at how half of his voice sounded normal, while the other half was very low and sounded nothing like Grian.
"Mumbo, y-you... Uhh..." The words wouldn't spill from Scars mouth.
"Mumbo? Why would I be mistaken for being Mumbo?" Though Grian while the other half of his brain thought, "why am I on top of The Statue Of Hermity? And why is Scar freaking out on me?"
Cub finally joined Scars side (A/N My pen decided to run out of ink so I added it to my collection of inkless pens before I got back to writing this... Someday, I will have a pen, and it will last me years!) until he gave the exact same scream that scar gave from the start.
"What's wrong!?" Grian asked again, still annoyed at his half weird and triggering voice.
"M-M-Mumbo? G-Grian?" Asked Cub still confused about what was going on.
"Yes?" Grian and his triggering voice replied together.
Scar and Cub jumped instantly, dropping their jaws and froze into place, until Cub came back to life and shook himself out of it. "What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
Scar went into his inventory and grabbed three shulker boxes, searching for something when he managed to find a mirror in the second box.
With no hesitation, he forced the mirror in front of Grians face, causing him to shriek.
The mirror showed a reflection of Grian with Mumbos mustache. Half of his hair was blond, and the other half was deep black. At least Grians eyes were still there..."
Cub and Scar just looked at each other, giving off an obvious expression that screamed "we know what happened, but we don't wanna say cause there are consequences!"
The two looked back at the Grian/Mumbo who still seemed to be freaking out.
Scar sighed and turned back to Cub, "I knew the glowing light was a bad idea!" He whispered.
Cub folded his arms, "well I'M not the one that said that maybe we should CURSE it!" He whispered back.
They looked back at Mumbo/Grian. "Can you tell us what you last remember?" Cub asked.
Grian thought for a moment, when his other half, Mumbos mind, asked telepathically, "didn't we go somewhere?"
"Oh yeah, true! Grian telepathically answered back, " but where did we go?'
Cub and Scar noticed a frown forming on the Mumbo/Grians face.
"Maybe we should try help them by ringing a few bells so we can get the answer we need" said Scar
Cub nodded, "does a creepy dark cave ring any bells?" He asked them.
The Mumbo/Grian nodded.
"Did you open a chest or something?" Scar continued.
"Yeah, Iskall and X were with us too" they said.
"Scar, this is why you shouldn't (A/N My second pen just ran out of ink! And its 2am at night! Now I can't use paper to draft so get ready for grammar even worse than it already is!) have cursed the chest!"
"How was I supposes to know that someone was ACTUALLY gonna open it? For all we know, you should be glad!"
"You make a point there, but still! It could've been ANY other curse, ANYTHING that was easy to reverse, BUT YOU CHOSE A FUSION SPELL!"
"It's not a Fusion Spell, it's a Fusion Curse!"
"That just makes this scenario even worse!"
"I know! But the authors tired and it's past her bed time! Let her do what she wants! It's not gonna make sence in the end anyways!"
"FINE! She suffers too much anyways..."
The Mumbo/Grian stared at the two as they kept on bickering."Guys! We're right here!"
The two stopped and turned their focus back on the cursed ones, "so what did you do to us?"
"The curse is basically supposed to have two people or more, and fuse them together, causing them to become this thing called, fusions." Answered Scar.
"So we are now fused together into one body... How long will it take to reverse us?"
Cub instantly turned to Scar, giving him an angry glare.
Scar shrugged at the fusions, "sadly the ingredients don't exist anymore b-"
"WHAT?" They interrupted.
He shook his head at them, "yeah... Though it will be all over in two weeks!"
Cub started chuckling to hinself, forcing Scar to angrily nudge him, and give him the evil stare, he then looked back at the poor fusion. "Sorry for the inconveniences"
"It's alright" the fusion sighed.
Cub moved around t check their back, which seemed to be missing an elytra, "do you want us to fly you to your base?"
"Actually that would be great!"
"Alright, which one?"
Mumbo waited for a telepathic message from Grian, though he didn't get one, so he asked his friend himself, "his about mine? I have a lit of farms that could help us out"
"Yeah but scince we need to get used to our new surroundings, wouldn't it be a better idea if we went to my base, since it's safer?" A telepathic message came back.
"Right! Your base it is!"
Authors note:
Its currently 3:00 am...
I had no sleep...
I won't bother writing an...
Good Night...
Do not disturb...
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