Snippets Because Why Not
Have a variety of snippets, mostly fluffy/crack, and a few that can't really be classified as anything~ :D
(Some are a bit longer than others)
Hermitcraft S7
Grian swooped into his mansion, then flew up to the small living space behind his Netherite Throne. On the back of the throne itself, there was a plasma screen TV, and in front of that, two cushy spruce-colored sofas. There was a small, battered, and stained coffee table in between the couches.
On the left sofa, the one closer to Grian, Chat was curled up in a nest of blankets and pillows, fast asleep. She still had an open book in her hands, as if she'd been reading it.
Grian smiled, sitting down next to her. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder. Chat squinted her eyes open, looking at her father.
"Mmmm... Hi Daddy..." She murmured, smiling at him. She fell back asleep.
Grian just sat there with her, until he fell asleep, too.
Doc stared at his lap dejectedly. He was lonely, which was normal, but he didn't have to like it.
He pulled out his communicator and wondered if he should ask someone to hang out.
Then again, he had something of a jealous boyfriend.
Oh, come on! A tiny Grian voice said in his brain. It's not like I start murdering people with lightning every time you say hello to someone!
Doc groaned internally.
He stared at his communicator again, then sighed and slipped it back in his pocket.
Then Stress appeared in his doorway, smiling. Doc started.
"Stress! I didn't hear you coming. What is it?" He asked, his tail twitching.
Stress just sat down next to him on his bed and grinned. "You're lonely and you need company that Grian won't get jealous of." She said matter-of-factly.
Doc stared at her in surprise. "Can you read my mind or something?"
Stress flashed him a cheeky smile, then put her finger over her mouth like she was sworn to secrecy.
Doc rolled his eyes, letting out a pleased, yet mildly exasperated sigh.
Stress gave him a big hug, then started stroking his back like you would pet your dog or something.
The creeper started purring quietly, his tail swishing happily. Then he realized he was purring and flushed with embarrassment.
His sister laughed. "Aww, I thought it was cute! And you know I won't sell you out to Chat, love."
Doc sighed, then allowed himself to keep purring. Stress moved her hand up and scratched the back of his organic ear, smiling cheekily. Doc made a small yelp, then his purring intensified to be better described as a the noise a giant chainsaw makes. He leaned so hard into the scratch he almost fell on her.
Eventually she stopped, and Doc just flopped into her lap. She grinned down at him, then stroked his hair. He sighed contentedly, closing his eyes and smiling.
"I swear, you have the most obvious crush on the face of the Earth." X remarked as he saw his brother staring dreamily at Grian, who was stocking up the Barge.
Ex blushed until his face was the color of his eyes. "I- I do not! I just... uh... Kinda want to be friends with him..." Impossibly, Ex blushed even harder. "Shut up." He muttered.
X laughed, grinning through his helmet. "You can be so adorable it's not even funny." The admin said, trying to squash his smile.
Ex glared at him, still blushing ridiculously. "I am not adorable! I am evil. It is LITERALLY in my NAME, X. And if it isn't funny then don't LAUGH. AT. ME."
Ex's brother started giggling uncontrollably, almost falling out of the tree they were sitting on.
Ex growled to himself, praying his face would stop heating up.
X patted his "evil" twin on the back. "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I have a crush too."
Ex looked over and blinked. "You do? And you would actually tell me, the least trustworthy person on the server?" X snorted. "You're hardly the least trustworthy. That would be Chat." Ex nodded. "True enough. But I am the second least trustworthy person! Because I am EVIL!" Evil X puffed out his chest and put his hands on his hips.
Xisuma started giggling again, falling over.
His brother glared at him. "Can't you see that I'm trying to be a proper evil alter ego over here? If you keep giggling at everything I say and making my face turn the color of a tomato, I can't successfully be the villain the server needs."
X sat up and batted Ex on the shoulder. "We've got Hels and BadTimes for that, brother. I never said you had to be evil."
Ex sighed.
"...Alright. Just this one time."
"HIYA! HA! TAKE THAT, FEIND! HEATHEN! HA-" Hels' "training" aka stabbing a practice dummy with Wels' face on it, was paused when his golden hair came out of its ponytail and got in his eyes. He growled, taking his helmet off.
"How in the Nether does he do it? Does he use magic hair ties or something?!" Hels grumbled, taking another hair tie out of his inventory and remaking his ponytail.
He heard someone snickering behind him, and he spun around.
Wels calmly stood with the point of Hels' sword pressed against his windpipe, smirking.
He easily moved out of his twins' reach, then just as easily disarmed him with a quick, flowing motion.
Hels pouted at him. "Can you please just let me practice for once? I'm supposed to be the one that's good at swordplay!"
Wels snorted. "Yeah, right. I seem to recall I outpaced you in like... Everything, back when we were kids." Wels pointed out, quite literally, as he pointed his sword at Hels as he said so.
Hels growled. "Can you please stop saying that? You only got better than me because Dad liked you better and trained you more."
Wels arched and eyebrow. "Mhm, sure. Anyways, I heard you asking how to deal with your hair. Trust me, I have the same problems." The knight said, taking of his helmet to reveal a flawless hairdo: Just his usual low ponytail, but it wasn't even messy in the slightest.
Hels spread out his arms in a "see?" gesture. "Do you get someone to magically enhance your hair or something? I can't go five steps without it falling in my face."
Wels snorted. "Actually, I just wash it and brush it every day. Seriously, dude, when was the last time you pulled a brush though that mop? You're getting dreadlocks."
Hels crossed his arms. "Well, I tried to cut it once, but it grows back in like, a week." He grumbled.
Wels shrugged. "You just have to accept the fact that you have long hair, and that you need to take care of it. Unless you plan to shave your head every weekend."
"Fine. I'll do it your way." Hels grunted, walking off towards his brother's house where he was staying.
(Trust me, Helsy, I have dealt with all of these issues. It is very difficult to maintain thick hair.)
BadTimes sashayed into the Town Hall and leaned seductively in the doorway.
"You called, milord?" He smirked, cocking his head at his brother, who was sitting on his throne and petting Jellie.
Scar facepalmed. "Do you have to do that every single time I ask you over?" The mayor pleaded.
BadTimes shrugged. "What's the point of being the hottest man alive if you don't show it off?"
"More like the most hot headed man alive..." Scar grumbled, but he put Jellie down and hopped off the Diamond Throne.
"So, I invited Tango along. He always has the best outfit." Scar's older brother said.
Speak of the devil, there he was. Tango also sashayed in, wearing blood-red high-heels, a mid-shin-length sparkly crimson dress with a slit leg, black fishnet stockings and gloves, and to top it all off, gorgeous black eyeliner.
Scar put a hand over his mouth and BadTimes started jumping up and down and making fanboy-level squeals.
Tango grinned. "I think I wore the right dress, didn't I? This'll be a great double-date."
Bdubs came in behind Tango, eyes wide as he stared at the ghast hybrid. Bdubs himself was wearing a white suit with a red bowtie. BadTimes grinned at his brother. "Come on, hun. Let's go get our outfits on! I brought mine." BadTimes hurried over to the dressing room excitedly. Scar followed, still staring at Tango, who flashed him a grin.
They came out, Scar first, who was wearing a lilac-colored tie and a black tuxedo, then BadTimes.
BadTimes definitely went overkill.
He was wearing a sleeveless black mermaid dress with an incredibly low neckline, silver high-heel boots, and a black cowboy hat with silver studs. He had nail polish that alternated black and silver, and black eyeliner on one eye, silver on the other. When the others saw him, their jaws dropped even further.
BadTimes grinned, steepling his fingers.
"Let's go, sweethearts! It's double-date time!" He said, hooking his arm with Tango's.
Xisuma, who had to open a portal for them to the World Hub, had come to see them off.
When he saw Tango and BadTimes, bless his pansexual little heart, he choked like his helmet had abruptly stopped working. BadTimes flashed him a grin, then sashayed through the portal with Tango.
X stared blankly at where they'd been standing, and he had to take his helmet off for a moment, his fluffy purple hair flopping into his equally purple eyes.
"I... I might need a minute," he sounded a little faint.
Scar sighed. BadTimes poked his head through the portal, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you coming, hun?" He asked.
Scar pointed at X, who was vacantly staring at his helmet.
He scowled, or rather, attempted to scowl, at his big brother. "BT, you broke Xisuma," He said.
BadTimes shrugged, then went back into the portal.
Scar sighed, then took Bdubs' hand and followed the other two.
Okay let's just;
1) Yes I can be adorable at time uwu
2) Doc can also be very adorable, Newkid knows what I mean (I think my current killstreak for killing New with fluffy Doc is... oof, 67 I think?)
3) Exy's crush on my dad is very cute, even I admit that. Though I'ma hafta angst dump him and his brother for calling me untrustworthy, complete truth or not.
4) Oh, Hels. I deal with the same problems and I feel your pain.
5) DANNNNNGGGGGGGG BT. DANG. Honestly if I was in X's place (single pansexual) I would have swooned, admittedly. BC DANG THAT IS HELLA HOT GOOD LORDY-
Anyways, thank you for reading! I'ma make the double date into a shipfic ofc. (Just btw, Tango being poly means he can date literally every man in the server and no one will care)
Farewell, beloved readers!
~Chat, signing off, for now!~
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