Hello folks! I'm back! And I'm using this whole 'new account' thing as a fresh start. Basically, I got to work, and now I have a whole bunch of new headcannons, ships, redesigns, and aus! This is like... The Chatverse 2.0 I guess. Anything that happened in my previous book never happened in this universe unless I state otherwise! :D
(I'm also using this as a way to show I can write better than I used to lol)
Let the headcannons be underway!!! >:D
Has a bedroll on his back at all times
Very cautious with everything; trust, survival, relationships, ect.
Once got purposefully electrocuted by a certain creeper *cough* Doc *cough*
When he's surprised, the anime eyes show
When he's in the Upsidown, he sprouts a medium-sized set of horns
Wears the Grass Order Brooch; a diamond-shaped grass block with a diamond rim and backing
Vex wings
His eyes glow white when he gets mad
Can phase through walls, summon small swords out of thin air, hover somewhat, and teleport
Wears the Grass Order Brooch; a diamond-shaped grass block with a diamond rim and backing
Always has at least one potion in his hotbar
When he laughs, it sounds creepy with a dark layer over it
Docm77 (be prepared for a long one lol):
Tail that if cut off, can grow back in a month or so (very painful)
Electrical shocking implant in the back of his neck, which can be activated with a remote of the right frequency (hence the hermits don't use remotes for their redstone stuff)
Can blow up if he gets mad enough
When he trips, he falls, he can't catch himself no matter how good his reflexes are
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
He's very intimidating until he tries to be, then he's just cute
Smol forked tongue
Black blood
Bad at relationships
Very jealous
Control over storms, but needs concentration and drains him a lot
Will definitely kill to keep a friend safe
Irrational Fear Of CatsTM
Starts speaking German when he gets nervous/is near hot people
7'7 ft tall
Stress' brother
Cat peets >w<
Sorry, this section of "Hermitcraft Fanfic Fun the Sequel! :D - Info" has been hacked by That's private info lol
Almost inhumanly fast reflexes
Near-perfect accuracy
Seemingly knows when you're lying or telling the truth
Appears to know nearly every fighting style
Knows nothing about how relationships work (ex: "The fastest way to a man's heart is through the 4th and 5th ribs")
Actually a really innocent, protecc le bean from the hornies
Has a wild imagination
Somehow managed to make "magic crystals" which are tiny fragments of Author Majiks trapped in a shard of colored glass
Loves cats, and has Jellie with him at all times (which is why Doc was always very stressed when working with Scar in Area 77)
Covered with scars, won't tell anyone why though
Very soft with relationships, seems to always know exactly how to cheer his partner up
Wears the Grass Order Brooch; a diamond-shaped grass block with a diamond rim and backing, his has a little gold crown on top
Grian (yet another long one -w-):
Dirty blonde-colored feathers and hair
Ponytail (why? Cus it's my book and I think it's cute)
Black birb legs
Loves birds and talks to them in Avian sometimes, confuzzling everyone else
Solid gold eyes with slit pupils
Extremely good eyesight
Pointy ears
Has a human form with the gold eyes and pointed ears
Carries a shulker in his inventory with his spare clothes and various stolen bits and bobs
Loves TNT because the boom is so satisfying and it gives him a flight boost
When he's in the Upsidown, he has a large set of horns
When he's near Mycelium, the thick vein of purple fungus on his face and neck shows, and the mycelium tries to crawl up his legs
5'4 ft tall
I currently have no headcannons for Hypno
Can melt in high heat
If he/someone else shoves dye in him, he changes color, but he prefers to be electric blue
Rich boy has diamonds floating around inside of him
Sugar daddy
Actual imp, he has harvest yellow scales and bright gold eyes, with small wings, a demon-like tail, and small black horns
Prefers human form, which just looks like normal Impulse
When near mycelium, a little pair of mushrooms sprouts on one of his arms, and the mycelium moves towards him
His eye malfunctions sometimes, causing hallucinations
Starts speaking Swedish when he forgets a word in English
Always really goofy in relationships
Always writes in cursive
Fluent in every language
Dad uwu
The hermits actually treat him like a dad, like: "Doc, go to bed." "Fiiiiiiine..."
Put (non-harmful) dog traps around Hermitcraft
Can be a bit silly sometimes
Wears big round white glasses with little black dots in the middle
Wears a 'screaming mouth' mask
(idk that much about Keralis tbh -w-)
6'3 ft tall
Seems like he would be strong but he can't lift a shulker of stone for the life of him, so he just puts it in his inventory
Bad at PVP
Terrible liar
Dog hybrid; chocolate brown wolf ears and tail
Sometimes acts like a doggo
Falls in Joe's dog traps a lot
"Sit!" *sits* "Good boy!" *habbi panting*
Likes dog bones
He wags his tail so hard he can knock people over (he once knocked Doc over, who was not very happy about it)
Can make dog noises
Sweet, innocent bean
Doc's sister
Smol (5'4)
Thinks it's funny to throw love potions at people on Valentines
That girl can d a n c e (I am so random lmao)
Ghast hybrid
Has ghast markings on his face
Can float but prefers elytra
Cold temperatures and water can permakill him, but usually just knock him out and give him a really nasty cold
Sometimes coughs up ghast balls
Cries ghast tears
I currently have no headcannons for TFC
I currently have no headcannons for Beef
I currently have no headcannons for Wels
I currently have no headcannons for xB
Void Alien
Need his helmet to filter the air, but he can take it off for short periods of time and in the End
One of three brothers
6'3 ft tall
Admin magic
The longer he has his helmet off, the weaker he gets, until he passes out and eventually permadies
I currently have no headcannons for Zed
Zombie hybrid
Can take off her limbs, but it's a hassle to sew them back on
If she spends too long in the desert she becomes a husk, and if she spends too long underwater, she becomes a drowned
Can be turned human with a harming potion and a golden apple
Original purpose was to be a murderbot, basically
Sometimes he loses control and starts killing everything in sight
His greatest fear is himself, his worst nightmares are what he could do
I currently have no headcannons for Jess
Irrational Fear Of CatsTM
Can blow up if he get mad enough
Cat peets >w<
Tail that can grow back in a month or so if cut off (very painful)
Immune to fire damage
When he trips, he falls, he can't catch himself no matter how good his reflexes are
Evil X:
Void Alien
One of three brothers
Need his helmet to filter the air, but he can take it off for short periods of time and in the End
Admin magic
The longer he has his helmet off, the weaker he gets, until he passes out and eventually permadies
6'3 ft tall
Huge and very obvious crush on Grian (GEX REVOLUTION UNITE!!!)
Doesn't like high temperatures
Immune to fire
Anxiety attacks (credit to sweetest-honeybee on tumblr)
"Lol I'm just the hottest dude in Hell is all."
Gay, SO GAY, Gayest man alive lmao
Death headcannon:
There's an internal 'respawn' mechanic in all players, but not alters or authors. The respawn mechanic activates when the players knows they're going to die. But if they were asleep, or it was an insta-kill, or eating poisoned food/drinking poison. This respawn mechanic can be removed/deactivated by hacking (Etho don't you f*cking dare-).
PHEW! That was a long list, lol... I might put up an art book or somethin for my hermit designs if anyone wants! :D
Hope you enjoyed this, I might start writing something soon. :3
~Chat, signing off, for now!~
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