Place to stay - pt 1
TW: Homophobia
As everyone filtered out of Club Hybrid for that day, Etho noticed that Bdubs was lingering around. The enderman walked over to him.
"What's up, Bdubs?"
"I can't go home."
"Can you tell me why?"
"I, uh, came out to my parents as gay. And now they hate me." Bdubs looked at the floor, shuffling his feet.
"You can stay with me, if you want? We can get your stuff and you can have the guest bedroom"
"I only have my clothes and a few plushies. I know, childish."
"Not at all, I love plushies!" Said Etho, smiling.
"I think my parents would be OK with me popping in to grab my stuff."
"Ok, just let me finish cleaning up first, then we can go, ok? I usually walk here, so can you drive us over?"
"Yep, sounds good."
Time skip brought to you by Mumbo's mustache
Etho finished putting away art supplies from that day and walked over to Bdubs.
"⊑⟒⊬ ⊑⏃⋏⎅⌇⍜⋔⟒." Said Etho {Hey handsome}
"What?" Asked Bdubs.
"I'm done cleaning ready to go?"
" Yep. I speak ender too, by the way. 'Hey' to you too." Never had Etho ever been so grateful that he wears a mask, as it was hiding the blush crawling across his face.
"Let's just go." Said the enderman. The two walked to Bdubs' car and drove to the house.
"Want me to go up with you?" Asked Etho. Bdubs gave a nod and they walked up the path together. When they got to the door they knocked. The door opened and standing on front of Etho and Bdubs was Bdubs' father. Disgust was on his face.
"Oh, look who it is. Someone that used to be my son." He looked Etho up and down.
"And is this your boyfriend? Disgusting." He sneered.
"No, it my FRIEND. We met only a week ago. Anyways, I'm here to get my stuff." Bdubs pushed through his father and the door, pulling Etho with him. They trudged down a hallway to Bdubs' room.
"Can you carry the plushies?" Asked Bdubs, handing Etho an empty bag to put them in. Etho nodded and started putting every plush on the bed into the bag, whIle the glare put his clothes and valueless into a suitcase.
"Do your parents speak ender?" Asked the enderman.
"No, just me."
"That's good."
"Why is it good?"
"I can say ⟟ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ without getting in trouble." Said Etho, picking up the last plushie. (I like you)
Bdubs blushed and stammered.
"I... WHAT!?!?"
"Haha, made you flusssterredddd!"
"Did not!" Bdubs finished packing.
"Did toooooo." Said Etho in a singsong-y voice.
"We're leaving now. Come on." The two hybrids pushed through Bdubs' father on the way out. When they got in the car, Bdubs unrolled the window.
"See you hopefully never, loser!" He yelled as he drove away.
"So you're not going back?"
"Naw. I'm 19, what are they gonna do about it? Besides, I have enough saved up for a small apartment."
"I was gonna let you stay with me, y'know. Wanna split costs 50/50?"
"Deal. Be the way, where is OUR house?"
"257 Boatem drive."
"No wonder you walk to club, it's so close!"
"Yep, we can walk tomorrow." The two pulled up to the house.
That's only part one of this one shot because it'll take wayyyyy too long otherwise.
What do you think so far? Please correct me on spelling or grammar, I did this when I woke up.
Love you all!/p
Drink water, y'all are dehydrated af
Have a good day/night!
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