MCYT Pokémon AU
Soooo I wanna write a Pokémon au story but know I won't finish it... but here's who I think would have what Pokémon. Feel free to use this for your own Pokémon AUs!
Grian - Chatot
Scar - Meowth
Mumbo - Noibat
Jimmy - Feebas
Scott - Alolan Vulpix
Tango - Chimchar
Lizzie - Wooper
Joel - Bulbasaur
Cleo - Machamp
Pearl - Trubbish
Gem - Mismagius
Shelby - Foongus
Xornoth - Shiny Rayquaza
Joey - Totodile
Owen - Charmander
Etho - Glaceon
Bdubs - Chikorita
Ren - Growlithe
Doc - Gogoat
Martyn - Unown
Fwhip - Sableye
Xisuma - Beedrill
Sausage - Smoochum
Pix - Ho-oh
Zedaph - Mareep
Impulse - Magneton
Oli - Jynx
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