As I said in my previous post I've been getting into hermits I never really watched one of them being Etho! What I'm sad I never used to watch him,cause watching back to his other vids(the mindcrack days!!) ,I really loved watching them and started to binge the lovely Canadians vids xD,and I really love his hermitcraft s7 vids and his shady business xD,all honesty at first I wasn't sure if I was going to like watching etho but I found out I really do like watching him,it's different from always watching grian ,nice to see different choas(if that makes sense ?) Anywho take this drawing I did of etho ,with his hair slightly down//in his face,what's a style I've sorta fallen in love with -_-
Anywho night y'all,how you have an amazing day//night,love y'all <3(especially my bestie Alex ,love you more and also love my bean squad,and Kimmy,I love all my friends...night y'all)
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