Sickness (Beef/Etho)
(Hiya Lovelies,welcome to another oneshot,that i am once again,posting from an internet cafe,also i finished this yesterday but the internet cafe was closed ,since well i've already explained why,lmao,now this is actually in place of a different oneshot,mainly because i decided to take a break from the other,and i knew i had to write my all time favourite ship,im surprised personally i had yet to write this ,now enough rambling ,on to the oneshot
(Of course this is slightly OCC)
Hurt/comfort(Technically,Some angsty points)
But other than that its pure fluff,it's also technically a sick fic,well it's respawn pain
Also I have not entirely proofread because well I'm dead inside, I've been working on this for 2 hours,so if ya see any mistakes just tell me and I'll fix it !!)
Etho shivered,groaning at the splitting pain that went up his spine,when he shifted slightly,his muscles tensing slightly,before he relaxed them slightly against the bed,trying not to strain them.
“Hey hun”a calming voice murmured,making etho look up,at the sound of the voice,instantly recognizing the voice of his lovely boyfriend,Beef,Etho just hummed in response gazing at the soup in his boyfriends hands
“Is that for me?”Questioned the ninja
“No i made this all for myself,letting my sick boyfriend starve” Beef sarcastically responded to his sick boyfriend,Etho smiled slightly and chuckled at his boyfriends sarcastic ,what in turn made Beef smile wildly,happy that his boyfriend is finally smiling again,this sickness has made his usually calm and happy boyfriend,more agitated and more tired than usual,what Beef couldn't blame his ninja of a boyfriend,he was in pain,every move etho made was very painful,and Beef couldn't help but feel slightly guilty,he knows it wasn't truly his fault,how could beef know sneaking up behind the ninja,and end up accidentally scaring the ninja the usually guarded male,that ended up making the ninja fall onto the hard ground below,of course Beef,picked up his lovers scattered belongings,feeling guilty of what he has done,knowing how painful respawning is,how even if they don't exactly die,the deaths are still painful,and the phantom pains that come are definitely the worst of it all.
A hand on his arm snapped him out of his thoughts,looking back at Etho and noticing his worried glaze,Beef shook his head slightly,forcing a smile and finally handing Etho the warm soup
“Here i hope you like it hun,took some time to make,there is of course some healing potion dunked in there,to help ease your pains”
Etho smiled slightly at Beef,still slightly worried but he still grabs the soup,taking a long sip of the soup,it instantly warms him up,the health potion instantly taking effect,making etho smile more,feeling the pain slightly dim.
“Thanks Beefers,this is delicious”
Etho responded to his boyfriend
“Got to be the best soup i've ever eaten...better than anything i've ever cooked”he continued making Beef smile more genuinely this time,glad his soup was making his boyfriend feel a tad bit more,but it still didn't make him feel less guilty
“Hey” Etho spoke gently ,sensing his boyfriends inner dilemma ,Beef just hummed in response
“How about you sit down,relax a bit,instead of just standing there awkwardly ,wallowing in guilt,you practically stink of guilt”continued the ninja making Beef blush in response,not at all shocked that his boyfriend knew how he was feeling guilty,despite the ninja himself not liking to show his true emotions,it took him quite a while to show his emotions infront of Beef,but that's another story,despite etho not showing his emotions he seems to always know how other people truly feel,especially Beef.
Beef shakes his head before,deciding against his better judgment taking a seat next to his boyfriend,as soon as he sat ,he felt arms encircling his waist,the arms pulled him close to ethos chest,making Beef yelp slightly,despite being together for a year,theses little signs of affection still shocks and flusters Beef,still not used to Etho showing affection,despite it being simple things,like holding hands or hugging,it still makes Beef flustered and also happy,that Etho trust Beef enough to let his guard down,and show emotion
“You know it ain't your fault right?”Etho questioned genuinely ,snapping Beef once again out of his thoughts,Beef hummed slightly before frowning,looking up at Etho
“But it is!..if i hadn't of snuck up on you,you wouldn't of gotten scared and wouldn't of Died”
The butcher exclaimed to his boyfriend,Etho chuckled slightly,placing his now finished soup on the nightstand beside him
“No it isn't Beef ,it was funny,I would have done the same!Given the opportunity,of course,but the death part was definitely unexpected”Etho responded,calming his worried boyfriend against his chest before continuing
“Plus death happens to everyone,i would of likely died anywho,yes respawn is painful but atleast i aint truly dead” Etho smiled rensurely,showing his boyfriend he wasn't mad at him.
Beef nodded,sighing slightly,before smiling feeling a tad bit better
“Now that's settled,how about we watch a movie? I know you would definitely not allow me to leave this bed until i truly feel better” Etho chuckled slightly,the mood of the room feeling less tense,Beef nodded slightly,liking that idea,both males laid down on the twin bed and they cuddled up,spending the rest of their day,watching some disney movies,occasionally sharing kisses ,in between scenes,Despite how horrible the day started,Beef wouldn't change anything,he quite enjoyed spending the rest of the day in his lovers arms.
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