Grooming Pains(Grumbo)
(Woop another oneshot done..this took me like 1 hour,i finally stopped procrastinating and doing one of the oneshots i needed to do,anywho this A/N is short,but um let me know what y’all think?I'm doing a new writing style ,let me know if y’all,like this style or prefer my other
Also thanks to the lovely bamalexis22 for encouraging me ,and giving me confidences to write this in 1 1 hour
ship:Grumbo(Grian/Mumbo)(Finally surprised it took me so long to do this,since Grumbo was the first hermit ship I found out about ,lmao xD,still one of my favourites though!!)
Warnings:none?Slight angst? Limeish
I hope ya lovelies have a fabulous day//afternoon//night,im in absolute pain rn TwT,but anywho bye for now,if y’all have any requests,request them!!)
Grian groaned slightly,a shift of his wings,sent a pulse of throbbing pain,going all the way from his wings and up his back,he whimpered,as he shifted them again,more pain shooting up his back,he was trying to get comfortable on his bed,trying to be careful of his wings.
Grian,was currently laying on his side,his wings carefully took by his side,and his knees were took up,into his chest ,and he had slight tears in his eyes,he was in absolute pain,but he knew the pain was his fault,with all the building,resources gathering,stocking the barge and flying,he had neglected to groom his wings,well he actually has been avoiding it,grooming his wings takes time,its time consuming and also extremely annoying to have to rearrange and make sure every feather is at its peak condition,and frankly he has not had enough time to groom them,it has been 2 months since he's properly groomed them.
He knew he should get up from his bed and groom them,but he is in too much pain now to even move,what has annoyed him more,because of how much work he knows he still has to do,a lot of restocking and building,but the thought of even flying,made him groan even more.
The sound of rockets and a groan,made Grian flinch slightly,he raised his head slightly when he heard a slight call of his name,he couldn't help but smile when he saw who it was ,but he was slightly confused
“Mumbo?” Grian croaked out,voice slightly sore
Mumbo looked over at his small winged boyfriend worriedly,his previous smile fell,he quietly approach the curled up boy on the bed,and put his hand upon Grian’s shoulder,his worriedness grew when Grian flinched at the touch,Mumbo quickly drew his hand back and went in front of Grian and he crouched down,in front of the smaller boy,cupping his face,noticing the tears in the corners of Grian’s eyes
“Grian?Hun? What’s wrong?What happened?Did i do something wrong?Are you hurt?”Mumbo rambled out,wiping the tears that were in the corners,of Grian’s eyes
“I-I”Grian tried to stutter out,but his throat didn't seem to want to work,he coughed slightly clearing his throat,he also smiled slightly and the patient smile in Mumbo’s eyes,patiently waiting for Grian to continue
“My wings”Grian finally managed to get out,coughing once again,wincing as his wings shifted once again
Mumbo’s eyes widened and gasped slightly,his worry grew even more
“What happened?Did you break them?How badly are they hurt?What did you do?” Mumbo once again rambleded,worriedness evident in his voice,
Grian chuckled slightly at that,his heart fluttered at how worried his boyfriend was for him,he smiled ,feeling a bit more happier than he originally was,but a throbbing pain,made him realize the reason he was upset and annoyed in the first place,sighing slightly ,Grian finally responded
“Well...i may of forgotten to groom my wings”
Grian looked away from mumbo,hanging his head in shame,not wanting to see the disappointment on his love’s face
“When was the last time you groomed them?” was Mumbo’s instant reply,
That response instantly made Grian look up in shock,surprised at no scolding from Grian’s own neglect,but when he looked into Mumbo’s eyes,all he saw was genuine concern and he also saw love
“About 2 months ago ,i think?” he replied to Mumbo’s question,
Mumbo frowned once again and sighed
“Grian,Love?Why haven't you groomed them?Why make yourself be in so much pain?”
Mumbo once again questioned,being careful of what he said,as to not upset his winged boyfriend
Grian once again sighed,
“It’s just grooming ,takes too much time and its extremely annoying,ad i've been too busy,to do it”
Mumbo shook his head slightly,but he isn’t surprised,this isn't the first time Grian has neglected to take care of himself,in favour of doing building and flying,He sighed slightly knowing Grian,needed to learn,how to take better care of himself,but that's what Mumbo is here for,to take care of his boyfriend,when he neglects too.
Mumbo smiled slightly to himself,when an idea came to mind,on how to help his suffering boyfriend
“How about I do it?”Mumbo once again questioned
Grian stared up at Mumbo confused,he tilted his head cutely,complete confusion on his face
“Do what?” he questioned back
“Well,how about I help you with grooming love!” Mumbo elaborated ,gleaming down at Grian
Grian gasped slightly,a bewilved expression upon his face
“What!? No ,Mumbo-- You don’t have to?”
“Your right i don't have to,but i want to ,i can’t stand to see you in pain hun”
Mumbo responded,sighing at the end of his sentence,nothing but honesty in his tone,once again making,Grian’s heart flutter
“But -- I--”
“No buts hun” Mumbo cut him off ,chuckling at the giggle he got in response,from his immature boyfriend
Grian once again sighed before nodding,agreeing with Mumbo.
Mumbo grinned at that,standing up slightly and in turn helping Grian to sit up,on the edge of the bed.
Grian slightly leaned against the headboard,his wings fluttering slightly,making him once again groaned,Mumbo in response to the groan,casted Grian a sympathetic smile,apologizing slightly,before moving around the bed,and sitting behind Grian,being careful of his wings
“Sooo ,how do i do this?”Mumbo asked once again
Grian giggled at that,knowing how much of a spoon Mumbo can be,he shook his head,trying to conceal his amusement,he failed in doing so,in turn that made Mumbo chuckled happy to make his boyfriend happy,
“I-I I can guide you through it “Grian finally managed to say,through giggles,
Mumbo nodded at that,eager to help his boyfriend,and he was also a tad bit excited to touch his boyfriends ,soft wings.
Grian guided Mumbo through how to properly and expertly groom his wings,without accidentally hurting the winged boy,Grian would occasionally groan and flinch,making Mumbo apologize each time
“Well i'm pretty sure i've got this now” Mumbo said
Grian smiled slightly and nodded in response,humming slightly as mumbo continued to groom his wings.
This is the first time Grian has ever had anyone groom his wings for him,he normally does it himself,he hardly even lets people touch them,not because he doesn't trust them,it's just their so sensitive and admittedly one of his weakness,and of course he trust Mumbo with this secret and he was happy that Mumbo understood and respected his wishes,of not having his wings touch,he knew of Grian’s past,so he knew why Grian would rather keep,this weakness a secret,not wanting this weakness to get used against him,not that any of the hurts would do that,but given his past,he was still a little unsure.
A shiver ran up Grian’s wings,when he felt one of Mumbo’s hands brush against his most sensitive part of his wings,the base of his wings,he whimpered slightly,snapping out of his thoughts.
Mumbo instantly retracted his hand,concerned he hurt Grian
“Oh gosh love! Did I hurt you?” Mumbo worriedly asked
“No! No! You didn't’s just…”he trailed of blushing slightly embarrassed, looking away slightly
Mumbo hummed in response,he was worried but patient with his boyfriend,Grian sighed before looking back up
“Well,you see that’s my most sensitive part of my it’s more ticklish their “Grian murmured blush,deepening
Mumbo chuckled ,relieved at this,glad he never hurt Grian before smirking slightly,trailing his hand back up Grian’s wings and to the base,using both hands to massage their,digging both thumbs in.
Grian let out a surprised moan at that,he also squealed slightly
“So do you want me to continue?”Mumbo questioned,continuing to massage the base of Grian’s wings,smiling and chuckling at each moan,squeal and sigh,his winged boyfriend let out
Grian just rapidly nodded in response,not trusting his voice,Mumbo hummed in response.
Mumbo continued to groom his boyfriends wings,massaging his base now and then,his heart soaring each time Grian would moan,squeal and let out a happy sigh,they mainly sat in a comfortable silence,apart from the noises Grian was making and Mumbo was humming slightly,happy how happy he was making his boyfriend,glad he was finally helping ease Grian’s pain,Mumbo wished he knew about this ,but it's too late to think of the past,no way of going back,all he could do now is help,Grian in the present .
Mumbo finally completed grooming Grian’s wings,Mumbo sat up from the bed ,stretching his arms above his head,sighing at the audible pnop.
Grian sat up a bit more,shook his head slightly,seemily to have dozed off slightly,he also stretched out his wings,sighing at finally not feeling pain
“Thanks mumbo,that actually took less time than i originally thought”
Grian said,rubbing his eyes slightly,yawning,
Mumbo smiled gently and patted Grian upon his head
“It’s fine love,next time just ask me to help you with grooming”Mumbo responded,sitting down next to Grian,
Grian just nodded in response,burying his head in Mumbo’s chest ,yawning once again
Mumbo’s smile grew,he helped Grian carefully lay down upon his bed
“Come on hun,you deserve some sleep,knowing you,you spent countless nights with no sleep,cause of this “
Grian once again nodded in response,Mumbo smiled laying behind Grian,smile grew even more as Grian turned around,cuddling and shoving his head into Mumbo’s chest,Grian was also careful with his wings,one of them laid spread behind him,whilst the other laid draped over Mumbo,Mumbo instinctually cuddled up,into Grian and the warmth of his wing.
Mumbo also bent down,and placed a kiss upon his boyfriends dirty blond hair,making Grian even more fluster and squeal slightly
“I love you Gri” Mumbo lovingly said
“I love you to Mumbo” Grian responded smiling into his boyfriend's chest
Both males eventually feel asleep,they spent the rest of the day upon Grian’s bed,cuddling and occasionally sharing kisses,Grian knew for sure next time his wings needed grooming,he would ask his boyfriend,if this is what would happen,each time Mumbo groomed his wings.
God Grian was in love with his mustached boyfriend,so much.
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