Their Sign
XbCrafted's POV:
It wasn't a great day to be dealing with all this new information. It felt like I have been hit in the gut with disbelief and lies.
Too bad they aren't lies
The satyr Scar ran off without even waving goodbye and that Grian guy, he's still a stranger in my eyes. And don't even start on Xisuma and Ex, and now this TFC guy is acting all-wise and talking about the gods as if they were holy beings.
"You'll need to be patient, the gods have a plan, the future may look burry now but don't worry." TFC stared off into the distance and said.
"The gods never cared about me, so why would they suddenly care now?" I sneered.
"Xb... I know this is hard on you but... please keep calm." Zed said as he sat on a rock.
"Have faith, put your chin up, we'll help you adjust, and you'll see their sign."
"Their sign... tsk. They never even shown signs they ever existed."
"I'm sure they did," TFC answered
"Oh, where was my all-powerful mother when I needed her when my dad was struggling to pay for basic needs, where was she? Probably in Olympus partying her hat off."
"Now that I think about it, I can remember a guy with my mom smiling at me and the guy looked really weird." Beef muttered.
TFC smiled and said,
"The gods will change their appearance according to time, but sometimes they are a bit far behind..."
"Come on Xb! Your mom must have shown you even a trance of her caring." Zed said.
I tried to think all the way back, even into the foggy bits of memories I buried, no sign... did Mom whoever she was not cared?
"Well you seem to know a lot about the gods, can you guess who's my mom?" I asked TFC.
TFC shrugged and answered, "I'm wise, not psychic. Maybe if you stayed with us for a while and the other hermits may have a good guess."
"How many hermits are there? So far, we only know you, Xisuma, Joe, Grian, Scar, and Etho and I guess Exy." Beef asked.
"24, not counting Ex. There were a few that left, bless them wherever they are, if they want to join back, I and Xisuma will welcome them back with open hands." TFC said as he looked at the blue sky.
"Woah, that's not a lot of demigods, Scar said there were no more demigods that he knows of outside the camp, is that true?" Zed asked.
"So far, it's true," TFC added.
It was a moment of silence, it was one of the more comforting silence, then TFC got up, brushed the dirt off his pants, and said:
"Well, Grian gonna fly up here soon and show you around camp, he is gonna be your camp counselor, if there is any problem tell Ex or Xisuma."
"Wait there's... still..." Zed stuttered.
For an old man with a stump leg, TFC is fast. As Zed, Beef, and I stared at amusement as this old man hopped away, a gust of wind hit our face. A more similar voice then said:
"Man, TFC's fast, he might even beat me in a race."
"Hey cool it with the wind, Grain." I mocked.
The face of the sandy blonde appear, still with the claw marks of whatever attacked us the day before, he smirked: "You're sounding like Exy, so do you want to set up your room first or have me tour the camp first."
"In all honestly, touring a camp sounds more fun and sets up a room," Zedaph answered.
Grian landed on the ground said "This whole place is called HermitCamp, or HermitCraft. Stop and ask me questions any time you want. Welcome officially to the dysfunctional family, new Hermits." and started to walk to the big field of plants. It held a large vine wall to grow grapes on the left, Scar and a girl with brown hair and a bright pink jacket were planting some tomatoes.
"There you'll see a big field for planting stuff, mostly the Demeter kids, Scar and Joe work around there. Just a general rule around here is that you can't run or jump on the fields, or the plants will die more easily."
We all nodded and Grian waved at the girl and Scar:
"Hey! How are the plants?"
"Not bad, I think they are almost ready to harvest!" The girl answered.
Beef asked: "Who's that?"
"That girl is Stress, but she's the most carefree girl you will ever meet." Grian introduced.
Stress waved her hand which by now was covered in mud.
Grian snapped his fingers and then we teleported to the other side, it felt like leaving all your organs behind for a second then all of them just pulled back into your body, in other words, it is not a fun experience.
"Woah, what was that!" Zed asked while trying to find his footing again.
"Oh, yeah. Teleportation. I don't use it much for two reasons, it tires me out and it... never mind." Grian stuttered, there's sweat on his brow and his eyes are glowing? The glow faded as fast as it appeared.
"How about a heads up before you teleport us? I get carsick easily..." Beef muttered with his whiter face.
Grian puffed and said "Sorry! Anyways, from where we are standing and to the opposite side of those mountains are our battlegrounds, right now, no one should be here."
The battlegrounds were large, there is a big river going through the middle and the place was littered with damaged swords and broken shields.
"What's that?" I pointed at a small shed, near it was a row of targets and arrows were everywhere.
"That's our storage shed, want to have a look inside?" Grian looked at us.
Zed, Beef, and my eyes were shining with excitement and I was nodding furiously.
Grian opened the door and in that small shed, was a whole lot of weapons, and a weird machine that runs behind it. There were swords of different lengths, a variety of shields, staffs made out of glowing wood, bows and arrows of different thicknesses, and a few small daggers and knives that are all arranged accordingly. Grian adds:
"The machine back here arranges any weapon that you put into it, it was built by Mumbo, a hermit here. Though don't put everything in the machine at once, I broke it once because of that."
"How does this thing even work?" Zed asked
Grian shrugged and said: "Hey, don't ask me, ask Mumbo, he said something about T-flip flops, and I have no idea what they are."
I was drawn towards the staff and asked "Hey, G, what are these?" I took one of them out and got to see it better, the wand was still slightly shorter than me, on one end was gold that wrapped around the bottom, and on the other was craved into a hook shape and had a few feathers on stings as design, the wood had blueish veins that ran all the way down, it glows a light blue color.
Grian answered: "That's a staff, or Caducei as we call it, after my fa- I mean Hermes's staff, Caduceus."
"Woah, a Caducei." I turned it over gently. Its blue glow warms my whole body, Grian studied the glow:
"You know, it usually doesn't glow like this, it only glows if it senses something or someone with magic similar to its." He said. We then turned around to see Zed and Beef fake fighting with swords,
"Hey! Put them down, you may get injured." Grian said.
"You sound like my mom." Beef laughed and unwillingly put his sword put with the machine. I and Zed soon followed, and we left the shed.
It was a silent walk to the main living area, Grian quickly introduced us to the other cabins and a few Hermits that have come and said hi, and when finally got to the Hermes Cabin, it was starting to be night.
The Hermes Cabin was a medium-sized house with a small porch in front, but unlike the other cabins, the cabin had a tall roof with the symbol of Hermes' Staff, two snakes intertwined and carrying a staff with wings.
Grian opened the door with a key he had and said, "Welcome to my humble cabin. The Hermes cabin takes anyone who hasn't been claimed. Do you know what that means? We're literally the reject cabin."
The interior was a bit plain, there were a few bunk beds and a bookshelf, near the bookshelf, was the door to the bathroom.
"I claim that top bunk!" Zed said as he rushed to it and flopped onto the bed like a tired kid. Beef went below him, and I went below Grian.
The other went out like a lamp and I and Grian were just staring at Zed who was by now snoring.
I asked Grian, "Hey, G, what if we never got claimed?"
Grian waited a while then said: "As I said earlier, we are in the reject cabin. So, if they never do send a sign. No one can blame you for holding a grudge, so hey, at least you're not alone in that."
I signed, "I know, G-man, it just kind of overwhelming."
Grian yawned then said, "If you need a friend to figure it out, you know who to go to, now goodnight."
"Night to you too"
I then had the weirdest dream.
Or was it a nightmare?
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