Hermione Granger's New Life (A Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover FanFiction)
*Hermione's POV*
After the Wizarding War I thought everything would go back to normal... but I was wrong. Every night I relived the war in my nightmares. I dreamt of the deaths of some of my classmates, I had flashbacks of my torture sessions at Malfoy Manor but the most horrible of all was the nightmares of my parents' deaths. The Death Eaters had tortured them in front of me and made me beg for their lives, but obviously they didn't listen to me and just killed them anyway... as much as I try I can never forget those memories. I thought I would be able to protect my parents by erasing their memories of me but the Death Eaters still found them.
Since the war I had changed both mentally and physically. I found it hard to trust those who I didn't know and whenever someone mentioned my parents I would just breakdown and begin to cry hysterically or I would just get angry and start to break things. Also my appearance had changed slightly. I've grown quite a lot and I'm now a little taller than Harry and Ron. Instead of my old bushy hair, it was now a nice shade of light brown and fell into soft ringlets down my back reaching the bottom of my shoulder blades. I had begun to exercise everyday now and I had become quite athletic, I found that exercise was a good way to let off steam. Also my eyes have turned a weird brown colour with silver specks, I thought it looked quite nice to be honest.
Something did happen during the war which I originally thought was going to ruin my life but in fact it became quite a good thing. Not only Werewolves (like Greyback) fought on Voldemort's side but also a few creatures called Wolf-bloods. Wolf-bloods could turn from their human form into their wolf form at will. Most Wolf-bloods were good but a few were bad. During the war I was bitten by a Wolf-blood therefore turning me into one myself. I quite like being a Wolf-blood because I can turn into a wolf at will and also I have added agility, strength and heightened senses. My wolf form is pure white wolf just a little smaller than a horse and also my eyes turn bright silvery blue when I transform. My eyes also turn a bright silvery blue colour when I get angry.
I decided that it would be a good idea for a fresh start away from England and away from the memories of the war. Harry and the Weasleys supported my decision as long as I visited as much as possible. Harry had told me that he would only allow me to go if I took Kreacher with me (his House Elf) so that Kreacher update him on what I'm doing (a bit over protective don't you think). So that's what I was doing. I was sat in my black Mercedes-Benz driving through Forks, Washington. I was going to be living in my parents' second home that they had bought in Forks just after I was born. I've been here a few times before but I didn't know what state it would be in so I had sent Kreacher to the house with all my belongings to tidy and unpack. The last time I had been here was last summer for a few weeks.
I drove through a quiet part of Forks until I arrived at my new house. The house itself was quite big, it had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen/dining room, a small office that belonged to my father and a small room that was lined with shelf after shelf of books (magical and muggle). The front garden had a small variety of flowers growing and the lawn looked as though it had recently been cut. I parked my car in front of the garage and climbed out. I found my keys in my bag and unlocked the front door. It was just how I remembered it. It also looked as though Kreacher had cleaned the whole house.
"Kreacher!" I called.
"Yes Mistress?" Asked Kreacher after he appeared in front of me with a 'pop'.
"Is everything unpacked?" I asked.
"Yes Mistress. Just as you requested. Will there be anything else?" He asked.
"No thank you, Kreacher. I'll call if I need anything." I said.
"Lunch will be ready at 12 o'clock." He replied before he disappeared with a 'crack'.
I sighed as I looked around. I immediately walked up the stairs and into my bedroom which was the largest of the two. It had cream walls apart from the wall opposite my bed which I had completely covered with pictures of me, Harry, Ron, Luna, Fred, George, Ginny, the rest of the Weasleys, Dean, Seamus, Neville, the DA, the Order members, my family, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, even some of me and my muggle friends and some others but mainly of myself and my friends at Hogwarts (the pictures were magical so the people in the pictures were moving and some were muggle so they stayed still). The wall that the door was a part of had books piled high on numerous shelves, both magical and muggle. The wall on the far side of the room had two double glass doors in the centre of the wall that led out on to a small balcony that looked out into the forest. The other wall had my king-sized bed against it which had brand new white bed sheets and matching pillows whilst there was two identical bed side tables on either side of the bed. My wardrobe was on one side of the balcony doors whilst my dressing table and mirror were on the other side.
I walked over to my bed and picked up the paper work that I needed for when I started my new school tomorrow. I don't know what possessed me to decide to go to a muggle school, I've already graduated from Hogwarts with honours. I mean I'm known as the brightest witch of my generation! I should be able to handle a muggle school easy enough.
It was nearly 12 o'clock so I went downstairs into the dining room where Kreacher had just placed a plate of pasta and salad on the table for me.
"Thank you, Kreacher." I said before I tucked in to the delicious tomato pasta.
I excused myself from the dining room when I had finished eating to go upstairs to get changed. I opened my wardrobe and quickly changed into a pair of black running shorts, a grey t-shirt and my running shoes. I pocketed my wand and I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail before I grabbed my Ipod and walked down stairs.
"Kreacher!" I called as I walked into the living room where he was tidying.
"Yes Mistress?" He asked.
"I'm going for my run. I'll be back later." I said.
"Of course Mistress." Said Kreacher bowing his head.
I nodded and walked out of the living room and out of the house. As soon as I walked across the road I put my ear phones in and began to play some songs on my Ipod as I started to run down the road at a steady pace. I started to breathe a little heavier after I had been running for a little over an hour. I wasn't really paying any attention to where I was going, I started to run down some quiet roads and now I was running along a beach that I think was called La Push.
I looked further down the beach and saw a group of four tall, tanned, shirtless guys sat on the beach. Well, maybe there's something good about this place after all, I thought as I smirked to myself. One of the guys noticed me and nudged the one next to him who turned to look at me as well. The four guys stood up and walked over to me causing me to stop my running and pull the ear phones out of my ears so I could hear them.
"Hi there." Said the first one that approached me.
"Hi." I said.
"I'm Embry Call." He said as he offered me his hand to shake.
"I'm Hermione Granger." I replied as I shook his hand. His skin was incredibly warm and that's when I noticed the tattoo on his right arm. He's part of the Quileute tribe, I thought as I released his hand and turned my attention to the others.
"I'm Brady Fuller." Said the one with messy hair.
"Collin Littlesea." Said the other.
"And I'm Quil Atearer Jr." Said the last one introducing himself.
"Nice to meet you." I said as I shook the others' offered hands.
"So are you new around here? I've never seen you before. I'm sure I'd remember someone as pretty as you." Said Embry which made me roll my eyes.
"Yeah I just arrived today." I replied.
"Well, welcome to Forks." Said Collin.
"Thanks. Do you guys go to school here?" I asked.
"Yeah we do." Said Quil. "Are you going to be going to Forks High School?"
"Yeah. I'm starting there tomorrow." I said.
"Well, we look forward to seeing you again tomorrow." Said Embry.
"Same. Well, I should be going." I said.
"See you around." Said Quil.
"Bye." I said before I began to run again.
After a few minutes I ran into the forest and after looking around and making sure no one was there I grabbed my wand and apparated straight into my house.
Kreacher appeared in front of me and asked me if I wanted any dinner but to be honest I wasn't very hungry so I declined his offer.
I ran upstairs and showered before getting changed into my pajamas and laying down in my bed. After I laid there for a bit I managed to fall asleep.
*Paul's POV*
I really just wish that Embry would stop going on about this girl that him, Collin, Brady and Quil saw at the beach. He's driving me insane! Seriously he won't SHUT UP!!!
"I mean you should've been there! She is one fit bird!" Said Embry for the third time today.
"Yeah but did you smell her?" Asked Collin.
"Why would I smell her?" Asked Embry frowning.
"She smelt like us." Collin replied.
"What do you mean 'like us'?" Asked Sam in his authoritative voice.
"She smelt like wolf. You know the woodsy smell." Replied Collin.
"Really?" Asked Sam frowning.
"What is it, Sam?" Asked Jared.
"Nothing. We just need to keep an eye on her." He said.
"Oh believe me I will." Said Embry winking. I just rolled my eyes at him.
"Shut up, Embry!" Said Jacob as he threw a pillow at Embry who just scowled at Jacob before throwing the pillow back.
"Well, I think it's about time you all go home and get some sleep for school tomorrow." Said Sam. We all agreed before leaving Sam's house.
*Hermione's POV* (The Next Morning)
I screamed in pain as the knife sliced down my chest. I opened my eyes and glared at Bellatrix as she grinned wickedly at me before she began to cut a line from my right jaw down to my collar bone. I held my breath so I wouldn't yell out in pain anymore. Bellatrix ran one of her long pale fingers down my cheek before she gripped the knife tightly and sliced a deep gash in my side which began to bleed a lot. I glared at her threw clenched teeth and she let out a loud high pitched laugh.
I screamed as I sat up suddenly in my bed drenched in sweat. I was shaking violently and I could almost hear my own heart beat it was so loud.
"Are you alright, Mistress? I heard you screaming." Said Kreacher as he appeared in my room.
"I'm fine, Kreacher." I said as I tried to calm my erratic breathing.
"Does Mistress want a drink?" He asked me.
I nodded my head, "Just a glass of water please." I said.
"Of course, Mistress." He replied before he disappeared with the familiar 'crack'.
I ran my hands through my hair and groaned. I looked up when Kreacher came back he passed me a glass of water which I took thanking him before he disappeared again saying he was going to start breakfast.
I took a large gulp of my water before putting the glass on my bedside table and climbing out of my bed. I walked over to my on-suite bathroom and after removing my pajamas and putting them in the washing basket, I climbed into the shower and allowed the hot water to wash away the memories of my nightmare.
I wrapped my green fluffy towel around myself before I left the bathroom. I dried myself quickly and got changed into a clean red bra and matching pants before I began to rummage around in my wardrobe for something to wear. I pulled out a pair of blue skinny jeans, a black button-up top and a pair of black converses and put them on. I dried my hair with a flick of my wand and allowed it to fall in its natural curls down my back before I pocketed my wand. I looked in the mirror and looked at the only scars that were showing, I had a long thin scar that went from my jaw all the way to my collar bone (the scar was permanent but I didn't care), I also had another scar that went from my left shoulder down to my elbow. The others were all hidden under my clothes, like the huge gash I had on my left side and the long scar on my chest. Not to mention the clearest scar where Bellatrix had carved 'Mudblood' on to my forearm.
I grabbed my red rucksack and put all my school books in before I grabbed my jacket and put that in as well. Once I had everything I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see Kreacher putting my bowl of porridge on the table along with a glass of fresh orange juice.
"Thank you, Kreacher." I said before I began to eat.
"You're welcome, Mistress." Replied Kreacher.
Once I had finished I allowed Kreacher to take the bowl and empty glass before I walked back upstairs and quickly brushed my teeth.
"I'll see you later, Kreacher!" I shouted as I picked up my keys and left the house. I went to my car and climbed in, throwing my rucksack on to the passenger seat as I did. I started up the engine and set off for my first day of school.
The school wasn't actually that far, when I arrived I saw the students walking around chatting and laughing with each other. It had been a while since I had been to a muggle school so I was slightly nervous. I parked my car in an empty parking space and looked out at the parking lot. Most people were just staring at my car and waiting for me to get out. They're probably just wanting to know what the new girl looked like.
I took a deep breath, grabbed my rucksack and climbed out of my car. I was immediately met by the stares of pretty much all the students who were there but I just rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the main building where I could hopefully find the main office.
I asked a girl that I saw where the main office was and she pointed me in the right direction. I coughed to get the attention of the receptionist and when she realised that I was stood there she asked me what I needed.
"Hi I'm Hermione Granger, I'm new here." I said.
"Ah yes! Miss Granger." She said before she started rummaging around on her desk until she picked up a folder and handed it to me. "In there is your class schedule, your locker number and combination, a map of the school, term dates, this years upcoming events, exam time tables for the end of the year and everything else you'll need. If you need anything else just ask."
"Thank you." I said before I walked off down the corridor. There was a piece of paper that said that my locker number was 246, I finally found my locker and opened it using the combination I had been given. I put my books into my locker and looked at my schedule for the week:
~Monday & Wednesday: Period 1~ English Literature
Period 2~ History
Period 3~ Algebra
Period 4~ Spanish
Period 5~ Biology
~Tuesday: Period 1~ Physics
Period 2~ English Literature
Period 3~ Geometry
Period 4~ Humanities
Period 5~ Gym
~Thursday: Period 1~ Algebra
Period 2~ Business Studies/Marketing
Period 3~ Art and Design
Period 4~ Free Period
Period 5~ Health Course
~Friday: Period 1~ Chemistry
Period 2~ Calculus
Period 3~ Technology
Period 4~ Study Period
Period 5~ Free Period
I grabbed my English Literature and my History text book and put them in my bag before I closed my locker and turned around. I wasn't really looking where I was going and I accidentally knocked into something hard, which happened to be a person, causing me to drop my folder that contained my schedule.
"I'm so sorry. I really need to look where I'm going." I said as I bent down to pick up my folder. I stood up straight and came face to face with an incredibly hot guy. He was tall, tanned, muscular, he had dark hair and brown eyes. He was a Quileute Wolf like those other guys I saw yesterday, I could tell because of his woodsy smell.
"Uh... oh yeah! It was my fault I should've been looking where I was going." He said as he continued to stare at me with a dazed expression on his face.
"I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?" I asked as I offered him my hand to shake.
"Um... I'm Paul Lahote. It's great to meet you." He said as he smiled at me and shook my hand still staring into my eyes.
"Yeah you too." I said. "I don't suppose you know where the English Literature classroom is do you? I'm sort've new here."
"Yeah it's room 36 down the hall." He said as he pointed behind him.
"Ah okay. Thank you, Paul. I'll see you around." I replied before I walked past him straight towards the English Literature classroom.
*Paul's POV*
I quickly grabbed the keys to my motorbike and hurried out of my house, grabbing my leather jacket as I passed the door. I started up my motorbike and set off for another boring day at school. I really don't see the point in school but my dad is forcing me to go.
After the quick drive to school I pulled up in the parking lot and parked my motorbike beside the rest of the motorbikes that belonged to Jared and the others. I got off my bike and grabbed my rucksack before walking into the building to see where the others were.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out and read the message from Jared before I replied.
To Paul ~ Where r u? We're all waiting by the water fountain for you. ~ From Jared.
To Jared ~ I'm on my way! Jeez keep your knickers on mate! ~ From Paul.
To Paul ~ Well hurry up! We're getting impatient! ~ From Jared.
To Jared ~ I'M HURRYING! ~ From Paul.
I sent the last message but because I wasn't looking where I was going I accidentally bumped into someone causing them to drop their folder on to the floor. I was about to tell whoever it was to watch where they were going when I saw her and everything around me disappeared apart from her and I.
She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen! She was quite tall compared to some of the other girls, the top of her head reached around my chin. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, they were a strange brown colour with bright specks of silver in them which was very unusual. She had long, curly, light brown hair that reached just below her shoulder blades, it looked so soft, I had to resist the urge to reach out and run my fingers through it. She had a perfect figure and looked quite athletic, her skin looked flawless and she had a light tan but I could'nt help but notice the scars on her skin. She had a long thin scar that went from her jaw all the way to her collar bone, she also had another scar that went from her left shoulder down to her elbow. I wanted to growl at the thought of someone hurting her. HOLY CRAP! I'VE JUST IMPRINTED ON THE NEW GIRL! Oh my God, Jared is never going to let me live this down! I was broken out of my thought by her voice... her beautiful melodic voice.
"I'm so sorry. I really need to look where I'm going." She said as she bent down to pick up her folder before she stood up straight and looked at me. Wow her accent is soo sexy! I think it's British?
"Uh... oh yeah! It was my fault I should've been looking where I was going." I said, I couldn't help but continue to stare at her.
"I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?" She asked as she offered me her hand to shake.
"Um... I'm Paul Lahote. It's great to meet you." I said as I smiled at her and shook her hand, her skin was incredibly soft and it surprised me when she didn't flinch as she touched my skin which was abnormally hot compared to a humans. I could also smell the woodsy smell that Collin was talking about. She did smell like us, but with a hint of vanilla.
"Yeah you too." She said. "I don't suppose you know where the English Literature classroom is do you? I'm sort've new here."
"Yeah it's room 36 down the hall." I said smiling as he indicated to the hall behind me.
"Ah okay. Thank you, Paul. I'll see you around." She replied before she walked past me straight towards the English Literature classroom.
I couldn't help but whimper slightly as I watched her walk away from me. I have to tell Sam and the others that I imprinted! I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Sam.
To Sam ~ I think I might've imprinted on the new girl! What do I do?! ~ From Paul.
After a few seconds Sam finally replied.
To Paul ~ That's great, Paul! Congrats! Just try and act as normal as you can for the rest of the day and after school come to my house and we'll discuss what to do. ~ From Sam.
To Sam ~ Okay. Thanks Sam! Shall I tell the rest of the pack about it? ~ From Paul.
To Paul ~ Yes, it would be best if you tell the others. If Jared messes with you just ignore him. The last thing we need is you two fighting in the middle of school. ~ From Sam.
To Sam ~ Thanks Sam! ~ From Paul.
To Paul ~ Anytime! Congrats again! I'm happy for you! ~ From Sam.
I pocketed my phone and hurried over to the water fountain where Jared, Jacob, Collin, Embry, Quil, Brady and Seth were standing.
"Hey guys!" I said as I walked over.
"It's about time!" Said Jared.
"Yeah what took you so long?" Asked Quil.
"I may have met the new girl, Hermione." I said. I couldn't help but grin when I thought of her.
"I told you she was hot!" Said Embry.
I glared at him when he said that which caused him to frown at me before his eyes went wide. Oh God he knows!
"You imprinted on her?!" Asked Embry grinning at me.
"Uh, well... kinda." I said.
"Ha! Congrats mate!" Said Jared as he smacked me on the back.
"Well done mate!" Said Jacob.
"Thanks." I said.
"That's if she likes you." Said Collin.
"That's true. I mean you can be an ass." Said Brady grinning.
"Oh shut up!" I said glaring at him.
Suddenly the bell signalling our first class sounded which meant that we should be getting to lessons. Jared, Seth and I walked to Algebra which was our first lesson whilst the others went to Geography. I couldn't help but continue to think about my imprint as we walked to Algebra, I couldn't wait to see her again.
*Hermione's POV*
English Literature went by incredibly slowly! And I mean slowly! I swear I nearly fell asleep twice! I walked into my next lesson which was History. I smiled at the teacher, Mr Roe, who pointed to a spare seat at the back of the room next to Paul, the guy I bumped into earlier in the hall who was sat with some other guys who I guessed were part of their Quileute pack. I saw the guy next to Paul elbow him which caused Paul to look up and see me.
I walked over to the desk and sat down before I pulled my history text book out of my bag with my note book and pen.
"Hiya." I said to Paul who was smiling at me.
"Hey. Welcome to History, probably the most boring lesson ever!" He said grinning.
"Thanks." I replied smiling back at him.
"Okay, class! Today we will be starting Trench Warfare!" Said Mr Roe. "When did Trench Warfare start?"
"During the First and Second World War, Sir." Said a guy at the front of the class.
"Correct." Said Mr Roe. "Now, today you will be starting a two-thousand word essay on what the conditions in the trenches were like. Using your text books you will find the information you need and during the next few lessons you will be writing it. You will be working in absolute silence! You may begin."
Great another boring lesson! I opened my text book and began to make adequate notes on the conditions in the trenches. I managed to do quite a lot and after what felt like hours the bell signalling the end of class rang. I quickly packed away all my things away into my rucksack before standing up and leaving the class after saying good bye to Paul.
I walked straight towards my locker and put my English Literature and my History books inside and took out my Algebra and my Spanish book before putting them in my bag. I lent against my locker and checked my phone. I had a message from Fred (I forced Fred and George to get a mobile so we could communicate easier).
To Hermione ~ Hi 'Mione!! How r u? I hope your okay settling in? We should meet up sometime! You, me and George! We could come to Forks and have dinner or something! We're all missing you so much! I hope your doing well. Love from Freddie! x ;) (the more handsome twin!) ~ From Fred.
To Fred ~ Hey! I'm doing great thanks! I'm loving it here! I'm missing you guys though! Especially you and George ;) I'd love to meet up with you and George we should organise something in a couple of weeks or something! I hope you and George are doing well and I hope Weasleys Wizard Wheezes is doing well! Although the Joke Shop probably is doing great considering how popular it is! See you soon. Love from 'Mione! x :D ~ From Hermione.
The bell rang so I pocketed my phone before I walked off to my next class... Algebra! Argh! I HATE Algebra with a burning passion! After Algebra was FINALLY over I went straight to the language block and walked into the Spanish classroom. (Translations in bold!)
"Hola!" Said Mr Lopez. "Me llamo Senor Lopez!" (Hello! My name is Mr Lopez!)
"Hola Senor Lopez! Me llama Hermione Granger!" (Hello Mr Lopez! My name is Hermione Granger!) I replied in Spanish. I've always been good at Spanish considering my great aunt was Spanish "Soy el nuevo estudiante." (I'm the new student.)
"Ah! Es un placer conocerte, Senorita Granger! Tambien tenemos otro nuevo estudiante a partir de hoy, su nombre es Chloe Carter." (Ah! It's nice to meet you Miss Granger! We also have another new student starting today, her name is Chloe Carter) Said Mr Lopez as he pointed to a girl sat on her own at the back. "Usted puede sentarse con ella hoy." (You can sit with next to her today.)
"Bien, gracias, Senor." (Okay, thank you, Sir) I replied before I walked over to Chloe and sat down beside her.
"Vale clase! Cálmate! Tenemos dos nuevos estudiantes de hoy! ¿Te gustaría tanto a pie y contarnos un poco breve de ti mismo?" (Okay class! Settle down! We have two new students today! Would you both like to stand up and tell us a brief bit about yourself?) Said Mr Lopez.
I stood up first and began to speak fluently in Spanish. "Hola mi nombre es Hermione Jean Granger. Tengo 18 años y hace poco me mudé a Forks desde Inglaterra. Mi animal favorito son los lobos, los osos panda o los monos, mi color favorito es el verde o el naranja, y yo vivo por mi cuenta. También me encantan las artes marciales y karate." (Hi my name is Hermione Jean Granger. I'm 18 years old and I recently moved to Forks from England. My favourite animal are wolves, pandas or monkeys, my favourite colour is green or orange and I live on my own. I also love karate and martial arts). I sat back down and listened to Chloe who stood up and began to speak.
"Hola mi nombre es Chloe Louise Carter. Tengo 18 años y vivo con mi papá. Mi color favorito es el rojo, me encanta tocar el piano y me encanta lobos. Me mudé aquí desde Brasil, pero yo nací aquí en Estados Unidos. Y me encanta el deporte, especialmente correr." (Hi my name is Chloe Louise Carter. I am 18 years old and I live with my dad. My favourite colour is red, I love playing the piano and I love wolves. I moved here from Brazil but I was born here in America. And I love sports, especially running!) Said Chloe before she sat back down again.
Mr Lopez began the lesson. I listened for like five minutes as he rambled on in Spanish before I turned to my right and smiled at Chloe who was looking at me. She had long, curly ginger hair, bright blue eyes and her skin was pale. She looked really pretty.
"Hi. I'm Hermione." I said to her.
"Hey, I'm Chloe." She said.
"When did you get here?" I asked.
"Well, I arrived yesterday but I only just arrived at school an hour ago. What about you?" She asked.
"I arrived here yesterday as well." I said. "And I got to school this morning like the other students."
"You said you lived alone?" She said referring to my little speech at the start of the lesson.
"Yeah my parents are dead so I live alone. I don't really want to go into detail about that." I said.
"My mum left when I was younger. It's just me and my dad now. I couldn't imagine losing him as well." She said.
"Yeah." I said. "So what do you think of this school so far?"
"It's alright I guess. What do you think about it?" She asked.
"It's okay but I miss my old school though. This school is a lot different and I mean a lot." I replied grinning.
"I know what you mean." She replied.
We were interrupted by Mr Lopez who raised his voice in Spanish and pointed to Chloe and I. "¡Silencio! Pueden ustedes el favor de callarte volver allí!" (Silence! Can you two please be quiet back there!) "Ahora, su tarea que se va a escribir un ensayo sobre su vida en español para presentar a la clase en un mes de tiempo. Puede incluir todo lo que desea, pero tiene que ser de al menos 100 palabras y debe ser presentado a la clase de memoria y también entregó a mí como una copia por escrito para que pueda marcarlo y darle una calificación de su trabajo." (Now, for your homework you are going to be writing an essay about your life in Spanish to present to the class in a months time. You can include anything you like but it has to be at least 100 words and it must be presented to the class by memory and also handed to me as a written copy so I can mark it and give you a grade for your work.) Said Mr Lopez as he wrote the homework title and the deadline on the whiteboard behind him. Seriously?! How much homework do they want to give us?!
"Tenemos 5 minutos para el final de la lección, así que por favor asegúrese de que usted anote su tarea en su libro y asegúrese de que usted obtenga un plano aproximado de la asignación listo para la próxima lección cuando usted comenzará a escribirlo." (We have 5 minutes left of the lesson so please make sure that you write down your homework assignment in your book and make sure that you get a rough plan of your assignment ready for next lesson when you will start to write it up.) Said Mr Lopez. I quickly scribbled down the assignment in my book before packing away all my stuff into my rucksack just as the bell rang signalling lunch time.
"Clase despedido!" (Class dismissed!) Said Mr Lopez as we all stood up and began to leave the room.
"Hey Hermione?" Said Chloe.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" She asked.
"I'd love to." I said. Yes! I have a friend here! And Chloe seems awesome!
"Great! Let's go." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom. I stopped myself from flinching when her skin touched mine. Her skin was ice cold! Was she... she couldn't be... could she? She couldn't be a vampire! Vampire's have red eyes not blue! I shook the thought from my head and decided to think on it later as I followed Chloe into the cafeteria.
She dragged me to the dinner que and we stood waiting whilst I scanned the room. Everyone was sat in certain groups around the room; there was a group of what I'd call the 'mean girls', a group of jocks, a group of nerdy looking guys, and a lot of others. Stereotypical much?! I scanned the room and saw a table that a group of six people were sat at, they were all pale and had red/orangey coloured eyes so I only guessed they were vampires especially considering I could smell the 'leeches' from over here. I've never met any nice vampires considering Voldemort recruited all of the vampires in Britain during the war to fight on his side so I wasn't keen on them unless I happened to meet a nice one. One of the vampires, the one with orange eyes and light brown hair that had his arms around a girl with long black hair and red eyes, looked at me and frowned. I could suddenly feel him try to read my mind so I remembered my Occlemency lessons and blocked him out which made his eyes widen. I guess he's surprised that I blocked him out (Occlemency is used to shield one's mind from the invasion and influence of Legilimens).
I looked over to the opposite side of the room where I saw the group of Quileute Shape-Shifters. I remembered the ones that I met yesterday on my run; Embry, Collin, Brady and Quil, there was also Paul and three others that I hadn't met yet. I saw Paul look up and grin at me which caused me to automatically smile back at him before looking away.
When Chloe and I finally got round to getting our food, we both got a plate of tomato and mozzarella pasta, a chocolate chip muffin and a bottle of water. We are so alike! Now that I thought about it, she must be a hybrid vampire of some sort otherwise how would she be able to eat human food? I'll research it when I get home.
We sat down at an empty table and began to eat in comfortable silence. Once we finished we just sat there and talked about each others interests and we decided that we should meet up at some point and go shopping.
"I could pick you up on Friday and we could go into town?" I suggested.
"Yeah that'd be great! Do you have a car?" She asked.
"Yeah do you?" I replied.
"I'm getting one soon hopefully but I walk everywhere at the moment." She said.
"I could pick you up the mornings for school then we don't have to be loners when we get here." I said.
"Yeah that's a great idea! Do you want to exchange mobile numbers so we can text each other and I can text you my address." Said Chloe.
"Yeah." I said as I pulled out my phone and passed it to her so she could input her number as I added my number into her contacts. "There you go." I said as I handed her the phone back as she passed me my phone. I saved Chloe's number into my contacts before putting my phone back in my pocket.
"What do you have for your next lesson?" I asked.
"Biology. What about you?" Replied Chloe.
"I have Biology as well." I said.
"Great we can sit together! I just have to go and get my Biology book from my locker before class." Said Chloe.
"Yeah me too. I'll meet you outside the Biology classroom in like ten minutes?" I said as I stood up with Chloe.
"Yeah see you in ten!" She replied smiling at me before we walked off in different directions to our separate lockers. I walked out of the cafeteria and down the hall and immediately found my locker. I entered the combination and opened it before I put my Biology book in my bag along with my jacket and my Spanish book that I needed to take home for my homework. After I had everything I closed my locker and pulled out my phone and saw that I had a message from Ginny.
To Hermione ~ Hi Hermione!!! I'm really missing my best 'girl' friend right now!!! You wouldn't believe what happened... HARRY AND I WENT OUT ON A DATE!!! A PROPER DATE!!! It was amazing!!! xx ~ From Ginny.
To Ginny ~ Hey Gin!!! I'm REALLY missing you too!!! And haven't you and Harry already been on like twelve dates? xx ~ From Hermione.
To Hermione ~ Yeah we have but this was a PROPER date!!! xx ~ From Ginny.
To Ginny ~ Define 'A Proper Date' xx ;) ~ From Hermione.
To Hermione ~ Well, he took me out to a fancy restaurant in Diagon Alley and then we went dancing and then he apparated us to a beach somewhere and we had a midnight pic-nic on the beach!!! It was SO romantic!!! xx I seriously love him, Hermione xx ~ From Ginny.
To Ginny ~ Aww!! That's SO adorable! Congratulate Harry on his creativeness I didn't know he had it in him!! LOL! ;) I'm so happy for you, Gin!! It's about time you and Harry are together properly and are taking the relationship seriously!! He really likes you, Gin. I can tell, he's like my brother so I know these things!! xx ~ From Hermione.
To Hermione ~ Thanks!! How's your love life then? ;) Any hot American guy we should know about? xx Hehe! ~ From Ginny.
To Ginny ~ No, Gin. There isn't a 'hot American guy'! I wish there was a guy though! ;) I need a love interest! xx ~ From Hermione.
To Hermione ~ I'm sure I could find a guy that would be perfect for you! ;) xx ~ From Ginny.
To Ginny ~ No thanks, Gin! I'd prefer it if you don't play match-maker for me! Hehe! Now I've got to get to class so I'll talk to you later, Gin! Love you! Bye!! xx ;) ~ From Hermione.
To Hermione ~ Okay I'll talk to you later! Love you too! xx BYE!! :D ~ From Ginny.
I smiled to myself before I pocketed my phone and began to walk down the hall towards the science block. As I approached the Biology classroom I saw Chloe standing outside waiting for me.
"Hey. Sorry I took so long I got caught up in a conversation with a friend from England." I said as I smiled at her.
"It's okay. Let's go inside only five people have gone in so far." Said Chloe as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. I refrained from reacting to her cold touch. I could feel my magic bubbling inside me when she touched me. I just need to get used to having a vampire as a friend and then I'll stop reacting like this... hopefully.
Chloe dragged me to the back of the classroom and we took our seats next to each other. We took our books out of our bags and we began to talk whilst we waited for the rest of the class to get here.
"So Hermione? Where abouts in Forks do you actually live?" Asked Chloe.
"I live around twenty minutes away from school, I live closer to La Push and the Reserve than Forks itself." I replied.
"Really? I live about ten minutes away. I live in the town because it's nearer to my dad's work." She replied.
"Where does your dad work?" I asked.
"He owns an Italian restaurant. It's called 'La Creazione Italiana' we should definitely go there sometime!" She said excitedly.
"Yeah I'd love that! Italian is like my favourite food." I replied.
"Great we should go at the weekend or something!" She said.
"Yeah! That'd be great!" I said. I looked up when I heard more people come in and smiled when I saw Paul who was grinning at me. There were three others with him who I didn't know, one of which was staring wide eyed at Chloe which reminded me of the way Paul stared at me earlier when I met him. Paul and the others walked over to us and sat at the table in front of Chloe and I. They all turned around and began to talk to us.
"Hi Hermione." Said Paul who was still grinning at me.
"Hi Paul. Who're your friends?" I asked as I gestured to the three other guys.
"This is Jared Cameron, Jacob Black and Seth Clearwater." Replied Paul as he pointed to each of them in turn.
"It's nice to meet you guys. This is my friend Chloe Carter, she's also new here." I said indicating to Chloe. I could feel the tension in the room. I know vampires and wolves hate each other and I'm guessing that Paul and the others new that Chloe was a vampire. The only one that wasn't looking at Chloe funny was Seth who was smiling at her. It looks like he's got a crush on my friend. This should be fun, I thought.
The lesson began so we all stopped talking and listened to the teacher as she began to talk about the Carbon Cycle which was probably the most boring subject ever!
After the lesson Chloe and I walked over to our separate lockers and put our books away. I was about to go the front of the school where Chloe said she'd meet me when Paul walked up to me.
"Hi." He said.
"Hey. What's up?" I asked.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at some point... with me?" He asked.
"Yeah I'd love to!" I said.
"Great! I'll text you!" He said grinning.
"Here's my number." I said as I grabbed my pen and wrote my mobile number on the back of his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Great I'll see ya." He replied as he grinned at me before I walked past him towards the car park where I saw Chloe waiting for me.
"Hey." I said as I walked up to her before I began to lead her straight towards my car.
"Where are we going?" She asked as I dragged her towards my car.
"I'm driving you home. Now get in." I said as I climbed into the drivers seat as she smiled before getting into the passenger seat.
"Thanks." She said.
"It's fine! Now pick something to listen to on the radio whilst I drive." I said as I started up the engine. She laughed before she began to flick through the different music channels before picking an upbeat song and turning up the volume.
We sang along to the songs whilst I drove to Chloe's house (she was giving me the directions). I turned the volume down as I stopped the car outside of a fairly big house which was Chloe's.
"Here we are!" I said over-dramatically.
"Why thank you my dear taxi driver!" Said Chloe acting along.
"That'll be five dollars!" I said teasingly as she laughed.
"Thanks Hermione! I'll see you tomorrow!" She said before she readied herself to climb out of the car.
"Wait Chloe!" I said suddenly. I had to ask her! "I need to know something. Are you a... a..."
"Vampire?" She said interrupting me which caused me to nod.
"Yeah I am. But not a full vampire I'm a hybrid! I'm part human and part vampire. My mum's human and my dad's a vampire." She said as she looked down.
"To be honest I've never had a good experience with a vampire, but you're the only one that has actually been nice so I'm not going to flip out or anything. Now. You've told me your secret, it's only fair I tell you mine." I replied.
"You're a witch." Said Chloe.
"How did you know?" I asked wide eyed.
"When I touched you I could feel your magic. You're really powerful! I can feel it." She replied.
"Yeah well I'm also a Wolf-blood. They're really rare. Basically I was bitten during a big war, which I'll tell you about another time, by a Wolf-blood so therefore transforming me into one." I said. "Wolf-bloods can turn from their human form into their wolf form at will. I can turn into my wolf at will and also I have added agility, strength and heightened senses. My wolf form is pure white wolf just a little smaller than a horse and also my eyes turn bright silvery blue when I transform. My eyes can also turn a bright silvery blue colour when I get angry or upset."
"Wow. We are definitely going to have to have a long talk about all this but until then let's keep me being a vampire and you being a witch and Wolf-blood to ourselves." Said Chloe.
"I couldn't agree more. I'll pick you up in the morning for school." I said smiling.
"See you in the morning, Hermione!" Replied Chloe before climbing out of my car and walking towards her house as I started up the engine again and set off towards my house.
After the quick journey home I parked my car before locking it up and entering my house. I dumped my bag down on the floor and hung my jacket up before walking into the kitchen where Kreacher was setting a plate of salad for my dinner.
"Ah! Mistress! How was your day?" He asked.
"Hello Kreacher. It was pleasant thank you." I said.
"Your dinner is ready, Mistress." He replied as he pointed to the plate of salad he had placed on the table.
"Thank you, Kreacher." I said before I sat down and began to eat the delicious salad that Kreacher had prepared for me.
After I had finished eating I thanked Kreacher again before I went upstairs and changed into a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and an over-sized Quidditch shirt that belonged to Harry. I sat down at my desk and began to complete my homework which only took me around ten minutes to complete, I guess I'm still the 'Know it all' that everyone thinks I am!
It was only 8 o'clock but I couldn't help but feel really tired. I walked over to my bed and laid down on top of the covers. As soon as I was comfy I fell asleep.
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