~ Chapter 6 ~
Okay here's chapter 6! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote and fan/follow! I fan/follow back! Xxx ;)
*Hermione's POV*
I can't believe that I just kissed Paul! And I can't believe that I enjoyed it! I couldn't help but smile down at him as he grinned up at me. He began to lean towards me again and just as our lips were about to touch we jumped apart at the sound of a car horn beeping at us. We turned our heads and saw Jared and Embry sat in their car whistling at us. I began to blush slightly when I realised that I was still laying on top of Paul before I carefully climbed off of him and offered him my hand to help him up.
He smiled at me before he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of Jared and Embry.
"Hi guys. What are you doing here?" Asked Paul.
"Oh you know enjoying the view." Said Jared as he winked at Paul and I making me blush even more.
"Shut up, Jared." Growled Paul.
"Seriously, why are you two here?" I asked.
"Well, Emily decided to have the barbeque earlier than planned so we came to give you a lift." Said Embry.
"Alright, but could you drop us off at my house so I can get changed?" I asked.
"Yeah sure, hop in." Replied Jared.
I smiled and climbed into the back seat of the car and once Paul was inside and was sat next to me, Jared started up the engine and drove towards my house.
The whole car journey was mainly made up of Jared and Embry constantly making comments about the little predicament they had previously caught Paul and I in. I couldn't help but sigh when Jared pulled up in front of my house.
"Thanks guys." I said.
"No problem, Hermione. Do you want us to wait here for you?" Asked Embry.
"No, don't worry. I can drive Paul and I there." I replied.
"Okay we'll see you both at Emily's." Said Jared.
"See ya in a bit, guys." Said Paul as he and I climbed out of the car.
We walked into my house and as soon as we walked into turned to face Paul.
"There's some spare clothes you could use considering you're covered in sand and dirt. They were my cousins and I think they'd probably fit you." I said.
"Yeah thanks. That'd be great." He replied.
"Come on then." I said as I pulled him up the stairs. Instead of turning left to go to my room I turned right and walked into the guest room. I walked over to the wardrobe and began to rummage around for some clothes for Paul. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a large navy blue polo shirt.
"Here, I think these will fit you." I said as I handed Paul the clothes. "The bathrooms just through there if you want to shower, just leave your dirty clothes in the washing basket and Kreacher will wash them for you. I'll meet you downstairs once your ready."
"Thanks Hermione." Replied Paul.
I smiled at him before I walked out of the room and into my bedroom. I quickly showered and then got changed into a pair of high waisted denim shorts and a baggy dark purple t-shirt with the wizard band, 'The Weird Sisters', written across the front. I tucked my shirt into the shorts and pulled on a pair of strappy, black, suede wedges. I allowed my hair to fall into its natural soft curls and tucked my wand into my pocket along with my phone before in left my room.
Paul was already stood waiting for me by the front door. The clothes I leant him fitted him perfectly and the polo shirt allowed you to see his arm muscles and you could see his chest muscles under the shirt.
"Wow, you look great." He said grinning at me which made me blush slightly.
"Thanks, and I'm glad to see that my cousins clothes fit you well." I replied.
"Thanks, you ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah let's go." I said smiling.
I drove us to Emily's house with the help of Paul who gave me the directions. I pulled up in front of a fairly big house that had multiple motorbikes and cars parked outside.
"Here we are." Said Paul.
"So this is Sam and Emily's house?" I asked.
"Yeah. Come on the others will be in the garden." Replied Paul.
We got out of the car and Paul led me straight inside the house and into the dining room/kitchen. My gaze shifted to the living room where a girl was walking towards Paul and I. She had long dark brown hair, brown eyes and had claw marks down her face.
"Hey Paul! So is this Hermione?" She asked.
"Hi Emily. Yeah this is Hermione." Said Paul.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Hermione. I'm Emily, Sam's fionce." She said as she shook my hand.
"It's nice to meet you too, Emily. Thanks for inviting me by the way." I replied.
"It's okay. Come on the others are in the garden. And I want to introduce you to Leah." Said Emily as she grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Paul and into the garden.
Sam, Embry, Jared, Jacob, Seth, Collin, Brady and Quill were all stood in a group and were laughing and joking around together as Paul walked over to join them. There was a small group of adults stood around the barbeque one of the men was sat in a wheelchair whilst the others stood around him. I looked towards the two girls that Emily was pulling me over to and I grinned at Chloe who was stood talking to a tanned girl with short dark brown hair.
"Hey Chloe!" I said as I pulled her in for a tight hug. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay but I'm still a little bit sore." She replied.
"So you must be Hermione? I'm Leah Clearwater." Said the other girl.
"It's nice to meet you." I said as I shook her hand.
"You too." She replied.
"So is it true that you're a witch and a wolfblood?" Asked Emily.
"Yeah it's true. I'm guessing the guys told you." I replied.
"Yeah but don't worry, we won't tell anyone about your secret." Said Leah.
"Thanks." I said.
"Nice t-shirt by the way." Said Leah.
"Thanks. 'The Weird Sisters' are a famous wizard band." I said gesturing to my shirt.
"What a name for a band." Said Emily laughing.
"I know right." I replied.
"Excuse me ladies but I thought I'd come over and say hello." Said a voice from behind me. It was the guy in the wheelchair.
"Hi Billy." Said Emily and Leah.
"Hi I'm Hermione." I said.
"And I'm Chloe." Said Chloe.
"It's nice to meet you ladies. I'm Billy Black, Jacob's father." He replied.
"It's nice to meet you too, Billy." I said.
"So Hermione I heard that in the wizarding world you know some people with the last name of 'Black'. Is that correct?" Asked Billy.
"Yeah, but... um... only some of them I like." I said thinking about Sirius.
"Really who?" Asked Billy.
"He's my best friend's godfather, his name's Sirius Black. He's also a good friend of mine." I replied.
"Really?! Sirius Black is a distant cousin of mine! I've used to visit him when we were younger. Who else do you know with the name of Black?" Asked Billy grinning. Wow! I've just met a distant cousin of Sirius.
"Well there's Narcissa Black but she's married now and has a son who used to be my worst enemy at school but we're good friends now. She married a wizard called Lucius Malfoy who used to be a death eater but switched to the good side during the wizarding war last year. And the other person is Andromeda Black but she married a muggle and had a daughter who is now married to a werewolf called Remus who is like a dad to me, and she has a two year old son called Teddy Lupin. And the final one is... is Bellatrix Black, she married an evil wizard called Rolphodus Lestrange, both Bellatrix and Rolphodus are dead." I said. I couldn't help but shake slightly when I thought of what Bellatrix did to me at Malfoy Manor and when she murdered my parents. I could feel my eyes beginning to water slightly at the thought of my parents.
"What's wrong?" Asked Billy as he looked at me with a concerned expression.
"Um Bellatrix tortured her during the war and... Um Bellatrix also murdered Hermione's parents last year." Said Chloe obviously seeing that I was trying to hold myself together.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Hermione I shouldn't have asked." Said Billy.
"No it's okay besides Bellatrix was killed during the war by my friends mother, I think of her as my second mother." I said smiling slightly at the thought of Molly Weasley.
"I feel horrified to be even a distant relative of someone like Bellatrix." Said Billy.
"Well you're lucky to be related to people like Sirius and Andromeda." I said.
"I'll have to visit them again soon." Said Billy.
"Well, Sirius is coming here in a week with some of my friends to visit me so I'll bring him to see you at some point." I said giving him a forced smile.
"That'd be great! I'm going to talk to Jacob and the guys, I'll see you all later." Said Billy.
As soon as he was out of ear shot I closed my eyes tightly and blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill from thinking about my parents. Chloe pulled me in for a tight hug but I refused to let myself cry. I felt a single tear run down my cheek as I hugged Chloe.
"It's okay Hermione." Said Chloe as she patted my back soothingly.
"Are you okay?" Asked Leah.
"Come on let's get you a drink." Said Emily as she gently took my hand and led me inside. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Paul, Jared, Seth and Embry looking at my worriedly. I hope they didn't see my tears.
As soon as we were inside the house Emily sat down on the living room sofa and pulled me down to sit beside her.
"Wait here and I'll get you a drink. What would you like?" Asked Emily as she rubbed my arm comfortingly.
"Hot chocolate please." I replied as I wiped my eyes.
"Okay I'll be right back." Said Emily.
A few minutes later I looked up when I heard someone place a cup of hot chocolate on the table. I looked at the person expecting to see Emily but instead Paul was stood there.
"Hey." He said as he sat next to me.
"Hi." I said smiling slightly at his worried face.
"After I saw Emily take you inside, Chloe came over to me and told me what happened. Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm okay I guess. It's just that I've never properly grieved for my parents and talking about them just makes me really upset." I replied as I began to cry again.
"Oh, come here." He said as he pulled me on to his lap and I immediately snuggled up to his chest. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No I'm okay. I just needed a hug." I said as I snuggled closer to him.
"Well, I am an excellent hugger!" Replied Paul.
"Yeah you are." I mumbled.
Suddenly we were forced apart when the sound of crashing and screams came from the garden. I shared a worried look with Paul before we jumped up and ran outside.
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