~ Chapter 3 ~
Hope you like it! P.S. Sorry this chapter is so short!
*Hermione's POV*
It didn't take us very long to get back to the hospital mainly because Paul and the others were driving at an incredibly fast speed which I suspect was way over the speed limit but at the moment I didn't care I just wanted to see Chloe. When we pulled up at the hospital Paul helped me off of his bike before we followed the others inside to the reception. I immediately walked over to the man that was stood at the front desk.
"Excuse me." I said causing him to look up from his computer. "Hi we're here to see Chloe Carter. She should've arrived here around ten minutes ago."
"Okay, one minute, Miss." He replied before he began typing away on his computer. "Do you know why has she been admitted into hospital?"
"She's been injured! What else could it be?!" I said getting annoyed now.
"Okay what injuries does she have?" He asked.
"How am I supposed to know?! I'm not the doctor!" I said.
"Well how did she get injured?" He asked.
"Stop asking questions and find out where the hell she is!!" I yelled which caused Jared and the others to laugh at me getting angry at the receptionist guy.
"Calm down, miss." He said.
"I'll bloody calm down when I see that my friend is okay!" I yelled which caused the guy to jump slightly.
"Okay, okay! Miss Chloe Carter is in room 28 on the second floor." He said.
"Finally! Thank you." I said before I grabbed Seth and Paul and pulled them after me down the hall closely followed by Jared, Embry and Jacob.
"I can't believe you yelled at that poor guy." Said Jared as he jogged to keep up with my speed walking.
"I can't help it I was getting impatient!" I replied.
"I'd hate to see you when you're realy angry at someone." Said Embry.
"Believe me you really don't want to see me when I get really angry." I said.
"I don't doubt it." Said Paul smirking at me which made me smile.
"Here's the room!" I said as I immediately swung the door open and smiled at Chloe who was sat up in bed. "Oh my God! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Why did you do it? You could've been killed! It's all my fault! Why did you jump in front of me?! For God's sake Chloe! Never do that again!"
"Whoa! Calm down Hermione! I'm fine, I just have to stay in the hospital for a few more days until I'm fully healed." Replied Chloe as I hugged her.
"Seriously?! What were you thinking?!" I said.
"You're my best friend and I didn't want you to get killed." She said. "You'd do the same for me."
"Of course I would! I did just risk my life to save you and your dad." I replied smiling at her.
"Thank you for that by the way." She said.
"Anytime and thanks for saving my life but don't do that again!" I said as I hugged her again.
"I can't promise that." She said. "And shouldn't you get that gash looked at?" She said pointing to the large bleeding gash on my forehead.
"I'll sort it out later." I said.
"Okay. Are those Death Eaters gone?"Asked Chloe.
"Yeah they're all dead. But I know that there are more of them still out there." I said.
"Why are they after you?" Asked Chloe.
"They want revenge because Harry, Ron and Myself killed their leader and they won't stop until Harry, Ron and I are all dead as well." I replied as I began to move my wand over in my hands before I pointed it at my head and muttered a healing charm which made the gash heal itself immediately .
"Wow." Said Seth. "Can you heal any wound?"
"I can't, but magical healers in the wizarding world can." I said. "I can only heal simple wounds with my wand."
"That's amazing." Said Jacob.
"Yeah I know." I said smiling.
"I'm bored!!" Grumbled Chloe dramatically.
"There's got to be something fun to do around here." I said as I looked around the room.
"I have an idea." Said a deep voice from the doorway which caused my head to snap up.
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