~ Chapter 26 ~
Sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)
*Hermione's POV*
I felt the familiar sense of apparation take over me causing me to be pulled back to consciousness. I opened my eyes warily and smiled at the sight of the very familiar face of Fred Weasley.
"Fred?" I asked, my voice sounding slightly raspy.
"Hey there, love. Are you feeling okay?" He asked looking down at me with a relieved smile as he continued to carry me.
"I've felt worse." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder but then I suddenly realised something... why was Fred carrying me?!
"What happened?! I was in the dungeons with Paul and then I blacked out... wait, where's Paul?!" I asked frantically as I looked around but winced at the pain from the sudden movement.
"Try not to move alright, you have a lot of injuries. Once we get you to Sam Uley's house my mum will heal you and we'll fill you in on the details." Fred said with a smile.
"Where's Paul?" I asked, calmly this time.
"He apparated with George. They should be right behind us." As soon as the words left Fred's mouth a familiar popping sound of apparating filled the night air. I looked over Fred's shoulder and smiled in relief at the sight of George and Paul.
"Hermione?!" Paul said when he saw I was awake.
"Are you okay?" I asked as he ran up to Fred and I.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Are you in any pain?" He asked as he held my face in his hands and examined the numerous cuts and bruises.
"I've felt worse." I replied.
Fred coughed awkwardly and gently placed me in Paul's arms with a smile before he ran over to George to check on him.
"Come on, let's get you inside." Paul said as he held me protectively against his chest and carried me into Sam's house.
"Hermione!" I looked up and smiled at Mrs Weasley who hurried over to us, whilst tears streamed down her cheeks. "I am so relieved to see that you're okay, my dear! You too love!" She said as she patted my cheek affectionately before she kissed Paul's cheek catching him off guard and making me laugh. I coughed painfully when a sharp pain ran through my ribs.
"Oh come in! Quickly! Place her on the sofa, I'll get my healing potion." Mrs Weasley said as she hurried off into the kitchen.
Paul carefully laid me down on the sofa as Mrs Weasley came running back in carrying a vial of blue liquid.
"Drink this, it will help speed up the healing process and combined with your wolf-blood healing abilities you should be as good as new by tomorrow after a good nights rest." She said as she handed me the vial, of which I swallowed the contents quickly, before she grabbed her wand and began muttering healing spells.
"You should drink this too. It should work even though you're a Quilette wolf." Mrs Weasley said as she handed Paul a vial identical to the one I had been given.
"Thank you, Mrs Weasley." He said as he took the vial gratefully.
"Oh please dear, call me Molly." She said with a motherly smile.
After she had healed the majority of Paul and I's wounds, lots of Order members and the Quilette Pack started to arrive.
"Paul!" I looked up from my place on the sofa and saw Jacob, Jared, Seth, Quil, Embry and Sam pushing their way towards Paul and I before they tackled him to the floor in a tight hug.
I was about to greet them as well when I caught sight of someone, who upon seeing, made me want to cry from joy. "Harry!" I said happily as I stood up and allowed him to pull me into a tight hug. "I thought I'd never see you again!" I sobbed into his shirt.
"I would never leave you, 'Mione. I was so worried." He said into my hair. "We all were." He pulled out of the hug and moved to the side slightly to reveal Ron and Ginny stood behind him. I wasted no time at all in flinging myself at both of them and hugging them with as much strength as I could muster.
"Thank Merlin you're alright. We were so worried." Said Ron.
I released the two of them and was suddenly pulled into a group hug by Fred, George and Lee Jordan. "Hey fellas." I laughed as I hugged the trio back.
"Hey 'Mione!" They said in unison before releasing me. I spent the next few minutes hugging everyone; Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Bill, Charlie, Mr Weasley, Kingsley, Percy, Luna and other members of the Order.
Paul was still being harassed by his pack so I continued to hug my friends.
"Hermione?" I turned around at the sound of my name and nearly broke down in tears at the sight of Chloe. I didn't realise how much I had missed her. "Chloe!" I yelled happily as I threw myself at her in a tight hug.
"I-I was so scared that I wouldn't get to see you again. I missed you so much!" She said as she began to cry on my shoulder.
"I missed you too!" I said smiling at her.
"Come on you two! This is not a time to be crying, it's a time to be celebrating!" Seth said as he walked over to us and kissed Chloe's cheek.
"You're right!" I laughed and quickly hugged the young Quilette wolf.
"I'll check on you later." Chloe said before Seth pulled her away.
I turned away and walked over to Jacob, Quil, Embry, Emily, Jared and Sam and hugged them all before they hurried off to get some food.
"I see the healing potion is working." Paul said as he pulled me gently against his chest.
"Yeah. I feel much better. How are you feeling?" I asked as I rested my head against his chest.
"Better. Just tired." He said. At the same time that the last word left his mouth I yawned causing him to chuckle. "Give me a minute." He said and before I knew it he hurried over to Sam and whispered something to him before he ran back to me.
"Sam said we can use one of the spare rooms to get some rest." Paul said and before I knew it he gently picked me up and carried me upstairs and into one of the spare rooms.
He laid me on one of the beds and pulled the blankets up to cover me before he turned to leave. "Please don't leave." I said suddenly not wanting to be left alone.
He turned and smiled before he crawled into the bed beside me, pulling me against his chest. "Don't worry. We're safe now." He said kissing my head.
"I'm always safe with you." I mumbled before sleep took over.
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