~ Chapter 22 ~
*Harry's POV*
I ran into the living room of Hermione's house when I heard the phone ringing. I swore under my breath when I stubbed my toe on the leg of a stool and I quickly answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said when I answered it.
"Harry? Is that you?" Sirius replied.
"Yeah it's me. What's up? You seem worried?" I asked as I sat on the sofa.
"It's Hermione." Sirius said.
"What about Hermione?" I asked, immediately worried about my best friend.
"She visited Diagon Alley yesterday with Paul Lahote, when death eaters attacked Weasley's Wizards Wheezes. Hermione and Paul were captured and we haven't heard from them since." He replied.
"W-what?" I asked. "What about Fred and George?"
"They got away but they saw Dolohov apparate away with Hermione, they said Paul grabbed on to Hermione at the last second and was taken with them." Said Sirius.
"Dolohov? He's got Hermione and Paul?! Does the Order have any idea where they've been taken?!" I asked desperately.
"Kingsley and the others are looking into it. We have a few possible ideas of where they've been taken but we need to to some more work and come up with a plan. When we find them you'll be the first to know, Harry. And don't worry, we will find them, I promise." Replied Sirius.
"How could I let this happen, she's like my sister. It's all my fault." I said as I rested my head in my hand.
"That's not true, Harry. This is definitely not your fault." Said Sirius.
"The only reason she was taken is because they want to use her to get to me. If it wasn't for me then they wouldn't have been taken." I said.
"Don't blame yourself! It is not your fault! We will get Hermione and Paul back! I promise!" Said Sirius.
"Is there anything that I can do to help?" I asked.
"No, not at the moment. But you need to tell the Cullens and Paul's Quilette Pack about what has happened, they might know something." He replied.
"Okay." I said.
"And Harry?" Said Sirius. "Don't do anything stupid."
"I won't." I said.
"Good. I'll call you when we find anything." He said.
"Okay. Bye Sirius." I said before I hung up the phone.
I really felt like smashing something but I knew that it wouldn't help the situation. I decided that I needed to tell Sam and Carlisle what has happened. I grabbed my wand and apparated straight to Sam's house. I ran straight into the house and saw Sam, Jacob, Jared, Seth, Chloe, Embry, Emily, Leah and the other wolves sat in the living room. They all looked startled when I came bounding into the room unexpectedly.
"Harry? What's wrong?" Asked Sam as he stood up from his place beside Emily.
"Hermione and Paul, they've been captured by the death eaters." I said as I tried to catch my breath.
"What?!" Shouted Jared.
"When?!" Asked Chloe standing up.
"They visited Diagon Alley yesterday, when death eaters attacked our friend's shop 'Weasley's Wizards Wheezes'. Hermione was grabbed by Dolohov and Paul managed to grab Hermione just in time and they were apparated away to, what we assume, is the death eaters' new headquarters. We haven't heard from them since." I replied.
"What are we supposed to do?!" Asked Seth worriedly.
"The Order of the Phoenix are looking into where they've been taken and as soon as they find it we'll launch a rescue." I said.
"But how long could that take?! They could've gotten loads of information out of them!" Argued Jacob.
"No they won't get anything out of them." I said.
"How do you know that?" Asked Jacob.
"Paul doesn't know about the secrets and information about the Order, that's what the death eaters want to know. He doesn't have the information they need so he might be okay. It's Hermione I'm worried about." I said. "She knows everything about the Order, your pack, the vampires and wolfbloods. Hermione may be strong and powerful but she won't be able to go through it again." I said.
"Go through what again?" Asked Embry.
"She's been captured before. That's why she has those scars, she's been through a hell of a lot of torture and watched her parents die. I'm not sure if she can go through it again." I said.
"Hermione and Paul will look after each other. We'll help get them back." Said Sam.
Sorry it's so short!! I had to write a little chapter from Harry's POV! Hope you liked it! :)
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