~ Chapter 13 ~
When Edward drove me home after our get together with his family I decided to go and find Kreacher to tell him about the meeting. I suddenly heard the distinct sound of apparation from my living room which made me jump. Slowly I removed my wand from my pocket and cautiously walked towards the living room, with my wand at the ready. I nearly screamed when Harry walked out of the living room carrying a... suitcase?
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.
"The Order have sent a number of trusted wizards out here to help with the whole death eater and Volturi situation. We'll be staying here by the way." He replied.
"At my house? Do I even get a say in this?" I asked frowning.
"Um I thought I told you?" Said Harry.
"Well you didn't." I said.
"Sorry. Is it alright if we do?" He asked.
"Yes. I guess I don't really have a choice anyway." I said.
"Thank you. You're the best." Said Harry.
"I know I am. By the way I've talked to the Cullens and they're happy to help us." I said.
"That's great. Thanks for talking to them." He replied as he gave me a quick hug.
"You can stay in my room, but only you. Make sure that no one goes through my stuff. I need to go on patrol now so I'll see you later." I said as I pocketed my wand and left the house again.
I pulled out my phone and dialled Chloe's number.
"Hello?" Said Chloe as she answered her mobile.
"Hey Chloe! It's Hermione, want to come on patrol with me?" I asked.
"Hell yeah! Can my dad come, he won't let me go anywhere without him after the last incident." She asked.
"Yeah, the more the merrier." I joked.
"We'll meet you at the meadow, be careful." She warned before hanging up.
I put my phone away before I began to jog in the direction of the meadow. It didn't take me long to get there considering I run fast due to my wolfblood abilities. Chloe and John, her father, were already there waiting for me. Damn they're fast!
"Glad you could make it!" Said Chloe grinning at me.
"Hey, I invited you!" I said.
"It's hardly a party." She replied.
"Shall we get started?" Asked John.
"Yeah sure, let's go." I said.
We began to walk further into the forest and as we walked we constantly kept looking and listening for anything unusual around us. I kept jumping whenever I heard a twig snap, it was really annoying actually. I nearly shrieked along with Chloe when my phone started ringing.
"Sorry it's just my phone." I said before I took out my phone and answered it after seeing it was Paul that was ringing me.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey 'Mione. I heard from Jacob that everything went well with the Cullens, the pack are also going to help." Said Paul.
"Yeah everything went well, and thank you for talking to the pack for me, I really appreciate it." I said.
"Anytime love. So where are you?" He asked.
"I'm on the first patrol with Chloe and her father." I said.
"What?! Where are you?! I'll come and do the patrol with you." Said Paul.
"Paul, calm down! I'm fine! I'm with Chloe and her father, two vampires, I think I'll be just fine!" I replied.
"I still want to help you, the death eaters seem really keen on killing you. I couldn't bare it if something else happened to you because I wasn't there." Said Paul. I could tell it hurt him to be away from me and truthfully I wished he wouldn't leave me at all.
"Listen, I'll be fine. I'll come over and see you once I'm fin-" I couldn't finish my sentence as a sudden green light that I recognised as the killing curse shot towards me but luckily missed me and hit the tree behind me.
Chloe screamed as a death eater hit her with a cutting curse causing her arm to begin to bleed. Her father, John, hissed at the death eater that had hurt Chloe. I looked at my phone and I could hear Paul yelling something. I hung up and pocketed my phone before I pulled out my wand.
"Inflamara!" I yelled as I aimed at a vampire that was running towards me. The vampire's clothes burst into flames and began screeching in pain as he slowly burnt alive. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chloe fighting another vampire, she was winning so far. John was wrestling between two vampires at once. I realised that all the vampires, I could see three maybe four of them, were fighting Chloe and John whilst the three death eaters, I didn't recognise any of them, were aiming their wands at me. Oh great, I was outnumbered.
I had a sudden idea and pocketed my wand quickly before I shifted into my wolfblood form, startling the death eaters. I guess they forgot that I was a wolfblood as well as a witch. I growled at them and one of them fired a slashing charm at me but all it did was bounce off of me... well that's new. I snarled menacingly at the three of them before I suddenly pounced on one of them and snapped his neck with my jaws. The two others were firing spells at me but they didn't seem to be affecting me in my wolfblood form. I tackled one of the other two death eaters to the floor and bit him with my jaws making him shriek in agony. Within seconds his eyes closed and his heart beat stopped. I looked to the remaining death eater and yelled, well yelped when I saw him fire an incineration spell at John who's back was facing us. John cried out as he fell to the floor.
"DAD!" Screamed Chloe as she ran over to him, tears in her eyes. I didn't realise that I had shifted back to my human form during that. I turned and glared at the only remaining death eater that had just attacked John.
I lunged at him but he grabbed my arm and kicked me back so I landed on my back. The death eater began to dig through his pockets looking for something. He looked to the ground beside me and I saw his wand there, it must've fallen out of his pocket. I grabbed the wand and did the first thing that came to mind, I snapped it.
"You FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD!!!" Yelled the death eater.
I smirked at him. "Is that the best insult you could come up with?" I asked.
He lunged at me but I kicked him backwards. We both scrambled to our feet and he moved to punch me but I grabbed his fist and twisted his arm around but he kicked me in the stomach causing me to stumble a little. I growled at him but suddenly his attention was caught when the Cullens, Paul and the other wolves, and a few of the other members of the 'good' vampire covens ran into the clearing.
Seeing as though the death eater was slightly distracted I took the opportunity to attack him. I punched him in the face before I kicked him causing him to double over in pain which allowed me to jump on to his back and in one swift movement I snapped his neck. I jumped off of him as he collapsed to the floor, dead.
I looked to where the others were and saw the vampires looking at me in awe. I guess they've never seen a witch who was able to do that before. I ran over to Paul and threw my arms around his neck as he picked me up and hugged me back tightly.
"Are you okay?! I was so worried when I heard the fighting start over the phone." Said Paul as he kissed the top of my head.
"Where's Chloe?" I asked.
He indicated to a few metres away where Chloe was sat on the floor crying hysterically as she stared at what looked like a pile of ash. It only took a few seconds for me to realise that the pile of ash was in fact John, Chloe's father. I quickly ran over to Chloe and hugged her tightly as she began to cry on to my shoulder. I couldn't stop the single tear that fell down my cheek as I tried to sooth Chloe.
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