~ Chapter 12 ~
Okay! Here's Chapter 12! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote and fan/follow! I fan/follow back!
*Hermione's POV*
~(Hermione's Dream)~
It was dark, too dark. I couldn't see anything, not my surroundings, not even my own hands in front of my face. My body and my insides felt like they were burning, my head was spinning and whenever I tried to move a horrific pain would shoot up my leg and back. I was slumped against a cold brick wall, my hands were wrapped in chains and were tied above my head. I looked up when a sudden light flooded into the room as the door on the other side of the room opened. I blinked rapidly against the sudden harsh light and opened my eyes as three figures entered the room.
The light enabled me to finally see my captors. They all wore black clothing and instantly reminded me of death eaters but I didn't recognize any of these men. The one on the far left had shoulder length blonde hair, pale skin and blood red eyes, the one on the far right had long light brown hair, pale skin and blood red eyes, and the one in the middle - who was obviously the leader - had long, much darker hair, pale skin and blood red eyes like the other two. I gulped when I realised what they were... vampires. They looked down at me and smiled creepily.
"What do you want?" I asked roughly as I glared up at them.
"Well, I don't know about the others, but I want the Cullens wiped out." Replied the middle one.
"Others?" I asked.
"I'm sure you're familiar with them, they are your kind after all." He replied.
"We are not her kind. She is filth! A mudblood! And a Wolf-blood! We are pure blooded wizards. She has no right being our kind." Said a familiar voice from the doorway.
The three vampires moved out of the way slightly to allow another figure to stand beside them, this figure I did recognize... it was Dolohov. I could feel my anger growing and I knew that my wolf-blood form wanted to get out but I withheld it as much as I could and let out a wolf like growl instead.
"Did you miss me, Granger?" He asked.
~(End of Hermione's Dream)~
My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight in my bed. That was a weird dream. I normally have a nightmare about the war but this wasn't from the war. I frowned and nearly screamed when Kreacher apparated into my bedroom scaring the crap out of me.
"Sorry for startling you, Mistress." Said Kreacher as he handed me a glass of cold water.
"It's okay, Kreacher. Thank you." I replied as I took a sip of the water. "What time is it?"
"Nearly half past nine, Mistress." He replied.
"Okay thank you, Kreacher." I said. I had to get ready as Jacob was supposed to be picking me up in half an hour to go and see the Cullens.
Once Kreacher left the room I climbed out of my bed and quickly walked to my bathroom to have a quick shower and get dressed.
Once I was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of grey sneakers and a black veil brides t-shirt. I tucked my wand into my pocket and pulled my hair into a side platt, before I grabbed my jacket and walked downstairs.
I walked into the kitchen and was met by Kreacher who was putting a plate of toast and jam on the table for me.
"Thanks Kreacher." I said smiling at him as I sat down at the table and began to eat.
I only just finished when there was a knock at the door.
"Shall I get the door, Mistress?" Asked Kreacher.
"No thanks. I'll get it." I replied as I stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I quickly unlocked the front door and opened it.
"Oh! Hi Edward. I wasn't expecting you." I said surprised that Edward Cullen was at my front door.
"Hello Hermione. I understand that Jacob was supposed to pick you up to bring you to my house but he's helping Bella with Renesme. So I offered to pick you up. If that's okay with you of course." Replied Edward.
"That's fine, Edward. I just need to grab my jacket. Do you want to come in for a minute." I asked.
"Sure." Said Edward.
I stepped aside to allow him to come inside before I closed the door. He followed me into the kitchen where I quickly grabbed my jacket from the back of my chair.
"What is that?" Asked Edward. I looked in the direction of his gaze as nd saw that he was looking at Kreacher. I held back a growl at him using the word 'that' to describe Kreacher.
"First of all 'that' happens to be a living creature and a trusted friend of mine. His name is Kreacher and he's my House Elf. They serve witches and wizards but I treat Kreacher as more of a friend." I replied.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be mean or offend either of you, it's just I've never seen anything like a house elf before." Said Edward.
"It's okay. Kreacher, this is Edward Cullen." I said to Kreacher who turned and bowed to Edward.
"Kreacher is pleased to meet you, Mr Cullen." Replied Kreacher.
"It's nice to meet you too, Kreacher. And please don't bow to me." He said which made me smile. Okay, so he wasn't so bad.
"I'll be back later Kreacher." I said.
"Okay Mistress. Good luck." Said Kreacher.
"Thank you, Kreacher. I'll see you later." I said as I began to leave the room.
"Goodbye Kreacher." Said Edward before he followed me out of the room and out the front door.
We climbed into his car and then he drove straight in the direction of the Cullens house. We sat in silence for a while until I spoke up.
"So, um... how are you and Bella?" I asked.
"We're great. Never been happier actually. Ever since Renesme was born Bella has just had this auror around her and seems a lot happier." Said Edward smiling.
"Awwh! That's so sweet." I said.
"Yeah." Said Edward.
"How's Renesme?" I asked.
"Amazing! Although, Bella's been really busy with Renesme lately and I've been quite busy helping Carlisle round up some of our family's friends covens to help with the whole Volturi situation." Said Edward.
"Yeah, that's what I need to talk to you and your family about." I said.
"Well, you won't have to wait for long because we're here." Replied Edward.
We pulled up outside of the Cullens house and as soon as Edward stopped the car we climbed out. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I knew that their powers, like Edward's mind-reading thing, doesn't work on me because my magic protects me but I was still about to walk into a house filled with vampires. And the thought of that is scary.
"Come on, Hermione." Said Edward as he led me up the front steps to the glass front doors.
I followed Edward through the front doors and allowed him to lead me into what I guessed was the living room. I was taken aback at first when I walked into the living room due to the numerous pairs of orange and red eyes that were staring at me.
"Hello Hermione. It's good to see you somewhere other than the hospital." Said Carlisle.
"It's nice to see you too, Mr Cullen." I said.
"Please call me Carlisle. This is my wife Esme." Said Carlisle as he indicated to the brown haired vampire sat next to him. "This is Alice, Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie and Bella. And these fine vampires are from the Denali, Egyptian, Irish, Amazon, and Romanian covens, as well as some nomads from all around the world." He said indicating to the numerous other vampires in the room.
"It's nice to meet you all." I replied before I sat down in the chair that Edward indicated to.
"Jacob has informed me that you wanted to speak with us urgently." Said Carlisle.
"Yeah I did. As you probably know, I'm a witch and you also might know that I'm a wolfblood." I said.
"So that's why you smell like dog." Said Rosalie.
"Be quiet Rose. Please carry on Hermione." Said Carlisle.
"Well, my wizard friends have found out that the evil wizards in the wizarding world, we call them death eaters, have begun to plan their next attack." I said.
"The death eaters are the ones that have been attacking you and your friends lately aren't they?" Asked Jasper.
"Yeah that's them." I said.
"And why do you think we need to hear this?" Asked Rosalie.
"The death eaters plans include you." I said.
"What about us?" Asked Esme.
"The death eaters think that the only way they stand a chance against me and my friends is if they have vampires on their side. But they don't need you guys. They've teamed up with a group that you're all familiar with, the Volturi." I said.
"The Volturi are the reason we're here." Said one of the vampires from another coven.
"I know. That's why I came to talk to you. The Volturi are planning to help the death eaters to kill me and my friends and in return the death eaters are going to help the Volturi in their mission to get to Renesme and your family." I replied.
"So what are we going to do?! We can't fight the Volturi and wizards on our own." Said Alice.
"We have to protect Renesme." Said Bella.
"It seems we all now have a common enemy. Our enemies are teaming up so my friends and I think we should too." I said.
"You want us to team up?" Asked Emmet.
"Yep. All of you teaming up with the local Quilette Pack and the wizarding world, well the good wizards anyway. We can work together to stop the Volturi and death eaters harming your family and from killing all of my friends and I." I said.
"And how do we know that you're not a death eater?" Asked Rosalie glaring at me.
"Do not dare ask me if I'm one of those monsters! I'd rather die than be one of them! I've lived my whole life fighting the death eaters alongside my friends. The death eaters have killed hundreds of good, innocent people, not just witches and wizards but random people in the streets that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! Last year I was captured by them and was tortured for hours, hence my permanent scars. But you wanna know the main reason I want to see them all brutally killed? They murdered my parents!! The only family I had left! They murdered them right in front of me! I can still hear them screaming in my nightmares..." I don't know what caused me to rant like that but as soon as Rosalie accused me of being one of... them...it just made me so... outraged. I took a deep breath and blinked back my tears as I tried to calm down so I wouldn't lose it and go all Wolfblood on them.
"I... I...I'm so sorry." Rosalie said looking ashamed.
"It's okay... I mean you don't know me so you'd obviously have your suspicions about me." I said.
"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we will definitely work together." Said Carlisle.
"Thank you." I said, relieved that they agree.
"You can contact us whenever you need to and we'll find you if we need you. We can have regular patrols around Forks to keep look out for any attacks. And when any of us receives anymore information we tell the other immediately." Said Carlisle.
"Understood. I'll tell my friends and I'll speak with you soon." I said standing up.
"Goodbye Hermione."
"See ya." I replied before allowing Edward to lead me outside and he drove me home.
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