Chapter 1
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favourite mudblood." Bellatrix said. "Let's finish what we started before you escaped. Crucio!" Hermione withered in pain. She done it a few more times until she finally stabbed her in the stomach. Hermione was honestly glad, it was stopping the pain from the cruciatus curse. "Sorry I can't stay long. I just want to kill my filthy niece." She said before skipping away.
"Hermione?" She could hear Harry and Ron shouting.
"Im over here!"She screamed as loud as she could, which wasn't very loud. They quickly rushed over once they heard her.
"Oh my god." They gasped looking all over her body.
"Harry there's only one thing we can do to get her to a hospital." Ron said. Hermione knew what thy were going to do but didn't want to believe it.
"I know." Harry took a time turner out of his pocket. Exactly what she thought.
"NO!" Hermione screamed. "What if I never see you again?! What if you die and I never know?!"
"Don't think that way..."
"If we live we will come to the past and bring you back here and you'll be all better?"
"No! Use it on someone else! There's loads of other people who need it!"
"No. We want to use it on you."
"RON WEASLEY. HARRY-" she was cut off as Harry threw the time turner at her and she felt like she was going back in time. She quickly thought, you can't go very far back can you?
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