Chapter 36 - Nine Eleven Bars Of Gold
Time: Modern Day
Location: Vatican City
PC tossed and turned most of the night. He couldn't think of a viable excuse why he wouldn't be able to play the guitar for Graz.
Dan will not understand, he's seen Peter play so many times, and he knows how well he plays. Carlos, he's going to be trying to trip me up. And Graz, I don't know what Graz is going to do if I stuff this up. Maybe Dad and I will be back in the hereafter before we know it.
Anyway enough of that, I'll think of something, meanwhile, I'll finish up here and get to work. PC put the dishes from breakfast in the dishwasher and brushed Peter's teeth and set off towards the Vatican Thunder Vault.
He arrived early, Sol was viewing the CCTV security cameras outside.
"Where's Carlos?"
"Waiting to see Graz," Sol said, indicating the CCTV screen. "He said to tell you he'd be an hour late."
"I see, well okay we'll just have to do without him. Let's go unlock the Red Door."
"Yes. I'll do it now."
Once inside, PC went straight to the Thunder Vault lift. He soon arrived in front of his laptop and asked HAIL to fire up the ChronoVisor.
HAIL did as he was asked.
"Okay HAIL, so what are you going to show me about 9 11?"
"It is a complex web of intrigue and conspiracy, Petros. But you are standing above the place it all started and the reasons why it ended the way it did."
'"What the hell does that mean, HAIL?"
"Well, you are on underground level 1. Have you wondered what's on the other levels?"
"Yeah, I have but you are so fascinating HAIL, I thought I'd stick with you for now. But tell me more."
"Below you on levels 3 and 4 are the Vatican Bank levels. You'll find your friend Dan has another office on the 3rd floor. On level 4, you will find more gold than you could ever imagine."
"Where did the gold come from?" asked PC with a furrowed brow.
"Much of it has been there for a long time. Since the war.
"There were loans made to various Governments and Government bodies like NASA, the Pentagon and Intelligence organisations like the CIA, Israel's Mossad and Saudi Arabia's GIP."
"Okay, I get it but what has that got to do with Nine Eleven?" PC looked perplexed as the CCTV camera whirred.
"Are you doing that, HAIL?"
"No. Not me. You are Petros. HAIL is merely monitoring your bodily functions. It seems someone is very interested in your health and well-being in my estimation, with 85% confidence.
"About Nine Eleven, I have lined up several time marks for you to study afterwards. It will be essential for you to verify in your mind what I am about to impart to you. There are many Secrets that you are charged with guarding. Many can alter the path of history should they come to light before the appropriate time. It is a heavy burden you must carry, for humanity's sake.
"You know of Nikola Tesla. You may not know his father was a priest. Not any priest, a priest with connections in Rome. Tesla found out from his father that the Vatican had not only discovered the existence of Aliens but was actively working with them on technology that could revolutionise mankind. Instead of executing Galileo for heresy they had listened to him and started studying the heavens in secret."
"Again HAIL, what has this got to do with Nine Eleven?"
"What do you think brought down the Twin Tower buildings and Building 7 on September 11th 2001?"
"Well, two hijacked planes wasn't it? And a third crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed after the passengers tried to overthrow the hijackers. That's what we were told, anyway.
"That's what is stored in Peter's memory banks, anyway."
"Yes. That's what you were told. But the truth is very far from that. Dr Judy Woods thinks that it was probably a directed energy weapon that caused the buildings to be broken down at a molecular level and turned into dust. The evidence is strong that it was something we do not understand and haven't been told about.
"When we are finished I suggest you watch her video 'Where Did The Towers Go.' However, we will assume there was some form of alien technology in the true sense of the word. So the two questions remain - Who and Why?
"The Who is straightforward. Why not so much? There were several people involved for various reasons.
"One group were three intelligence agencies - the CIA, Mossad and GIP. They were supporting their various government stances. They knew the governments had huge debts to the International Monetary Fund and the Vatican Bank. None had enough gold to repay the Vatican. The CIA thought that the US dollar was under threat by this debt so they wanted a solution that protected the PetroDollar, that would allow the USA to take out terrorist threats in the Middle East and gain access to cheap oil. Saudi Arabia saw an opportunity to take out a few oil competitors like Iraq and Iran. Israel had a vested interest in destabilising their enemies Iraq and Iran and getting the US involved in a never-ending war against terror.
"The day before the US government was forced to admit that they could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars in taxpayer money. This was the Black Ops budget that had been loaned to the Department of Defense, and the CIA, to carry out regime change wars and finance insurrections in targeted countries. It also drove a wave of money laundering and corruption as well as drug and human trafficking. The CIA wanted this to be covered up.
So they had dusted off the old Operation Northwoods plan. They got their CIA asset, Osama Bin Laden, to threaten to blow up the World Trade Centre as a symbol of Western decadence.
"A plan was hatched, with the help of private financiers, to insure the towers for over two billion dollars. The Towers were getting old and asbestos had been used throughout their construction. It would have cost a fortune to demolish them in the standard way. The Towers were home to several stock exchange companies that had been used to launder clandestine funds on behalf of the CIA and the Vatican Bank. The proposed investigations into corruption and money laundering had to be stopped at all costs. If the public found out what the CIA was really up to JFK would get his wish, albeit posthumously.
"Then there was the investigation into the missing Black Ops money by the Pentagon. That had to be sabotaged as well. It was a huge undertaking. Pilots would have to be secretly trained at Air Force bases. Known terrorists would have to be cleared to enter the USA.
"Then there was the problem of getting the President to sign off on the scheme. Given the experience with JFK, it was unlikely to be approved given the number of casualties.
"However, JFK was to prove to be the problem and the ultimate solution. Since George H. W. Bush and the CIA were already being implicated in JFK's assassination the CIA found itself in the position of being able to threaten the current President with the exposure of his father's involvement in the assassination. Not only that, but threaten George W. Bush with treason along with his father in the assassination plot and its subsequent cover-up.
"The Plan was hatched with the help of SPECTRE USA and SPECTRE Europe in the Vatican, because of our terrorist friends.
"Most military and intelligence organisations throughout the world including many terrorist organisations use the Jesuit model of organisation and clandestine operations using sleeper cells spread and infiltrated throughout the world.
"So the plan was to hijack four American commercial jets and swap them out for military drones which would smash into the Twin Towers at about the levels where the money laundering firms were situated to destroy evidence should something go wrong. The third plane would crash into the Trade Centre 7 building housing the CIA records including those planning for the event plus the Disaster Recovery Command Centre to cripple any response on the day.
"A fourth plane would head towards the Pentagon but because it was at ground level where the investigators were looking into the missing 2.3 Trillion dollars it was decided it was too risky and difficult for a remote expert pilot to pull off so a directed energy weapon was delivered by a cruise missile.
"The entire operation including the theft of all the gold stored under the Towers in the basements went off without a hitch. A planned drill involving the very scenario was put on to confuse the air force that was not part of the conspiracy. There was total confusion until one air force fighter pilot saw through the deception and shot down the plane that was supposed to be the cover for the destruction of building 7 where the CIA records were kept.
"So the directed energy weapons succeeded in turning the Twin Towers to dust in a few seconds. But Building 7 was still standing. It hadn't been hit by anything. So they had a problem. So they had to come up with a solution so they directed the energy weapon to one side and destroyed the building from within until it collapsed twenty-four minutes later.
"They got the owners to say pull it on TV to make out it had been earmarked for demolition anyway. They had told and gotten away with so many lies that day the one more big one wouldn't hurt.
"After all, the dumbed down American people had believed that both of the two strongest built buildings in the world had been totally brought down by fire from jet engine fuel, another one that was brought down too, but this time from a paper fire.
"There had never been a building collapsed by fire in history but they asked you to believe three had been brought down by fire on the same day. There has never been one since, HAIL might add.
"Petros, you may be asking why the owners didn't complain?
"They were compensated with a 2 billion dollar insurance payout in return for a 40 million premium and were paid double because the insurance companies accepted there were two separate incidents.
"So Petros. If you do not believe HAIL go down to level 4 and you will find the tunnel to London and in that tunnel you will find railway carriages loaded with gold bars. On many of those gold bars you will find an identification number which is FK Nine Eleven.
"On one side of the gold bar are the letters FK standing for Fort Knox and on the other side had been etched Nine Eleven signifying they are the repayment of loans with gold bars from the World Trade Centre.
"One truck did not make it out before the collapse. That gold was turned molten by the energy weapon and stayed on fire and in a molten state for three months. The army discovered many things about the alien energy weapon that day. That it can melt and eventually vanish titanium and also gold bars. That, when it is switched off, a magnetic reaction that sets metal on fire, fuses metals together can melt car engines several blocks away without burning paper or humans. In other words it can destroy tanks and artillery without killing people. A useful lesson perhaps but worth the loss of over 3000 lives? HAIL cannot say.
#word count: 34994#
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