You're Still on My Lonely Mind.
"He knows nothing of what he has done. He does not know what happened before eith- Heimdal listen to me!" The guardian took a deep breath as he turned to the Prince of Asgard. "Why aren't you taking this seriously? He has altered everything! And he doesn't know it!" Thor took deep breaths, trying to clear his mind as Heimdal spoke for the first time through Thor's panicked speach.
"We must remind him. Otherwise he can not fix what he has done."
"We can't-"
"You must." With that Heimdal waved a hand in goodbye. "Now leave. Do as you are told, to set the world right." Thor
couldn't believe what he was hearing. After a second of hesitation he slowly turned, and took steady steps away, his pace quickening as he went. He couldn't do this. He couldn't force his brother to remember the pain he had gone through...
Being Laufey's son
His attempted suicide
Falling through space
Being found just to wind up tortured and forced to kill... he COULDN'T! He can't do that to Loki... and what about mother? If all is put right...
He stopped once he found he was at his door.
As Loki made his way back to Thor's bedroom he started wondering, noticing, all the things that were wrong about the palace. One thing in perticular caught his attention.
A vase.
Loki smiled as he hid behind a corner, crouched down as he attempted his first conjuration spell. He bit his lip as he muttered a little spell, trying to make water in the vase beside his mother. He didn't nessisarily want to cause any harm. He just wanted to see if he could do it. The added bonus of his mother being in a meeting... and risking unsettling the visitors from Alfihiem was just for fun. He focused on the vase, getting exited when a bit of water started to pool in the bottom...
He went wide eyed as the vase suddenly shot up with water, overflowing and knocking itself over onto the ground, shattering.
Of course he got in trouble. But overall Frigga had given a larger shard to loki, to try and get him to remember that you had to be careful when you have power, you have to remember some things have to be treated delicately.
He cautiously walked to the vase, tracing his fingers over the side of it before shaking his head and hurrying to Thor's room, keeping Mika in his lap. The feline purred nervously, sensing Loki's unease. "What happened?" He whispered to her, petting her softly.
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