Chapter one. It get's better as we go
??? P.O.V
I looked on, watching Thor, the new Thor. He is so different without his brother. I wonder, if this is the way he would have been if Loki actually was never born, or if he is simply this way because somewhere in his mind he knows exactly what it is he is lacking. Hmm, I suppose, maybe we will time.
Thor P.O.V
"You don't know?" Sif asks, and I shake my head. "I have no memory of the time I spent there, or why I went in the first place." Sif sighs, "have you spoken to the all-father?" I shake my head again. "I have only spoken to you of any of this." Sif looked confused. "why, there could be something big behind this Thor." I roll my eyes "I know that Sif, of course I know that, but, every time I try to speak to them...I can't, I want to, but I can't, something stops me. Besides, Father is stressed enough, trying to deal with this war." Sif nodded " was so sudden.." I looked at her, not quite sure of what she meant. "the war." I nod, "They just attacked, like some barrier that had held them back before was broken." Sif shrugged "The Jotuns have always been unpredictable... uncontrollable" Thor nodded. "yes, I suppose." I sighed, confused at it all.
Loki P.O.V
I walked around in my small apartment, Mika, my cat was following me. It was early morning when i heard a knock at my door, and I had rolled out of bed to go check it. I opened the door, and there stood a young woman, she wore a smile. I looked at her questioningly. "um, good morning?" I hesitate, half expecting there to be an attack or something, but the girl just smiled. "good morning, My name is Liela, I'm your new neighbor." I nod. "ah..well hello." She holds out her hand, and I shake it. "I..just wanted to say Hi, and invite you to a little party i'm having tonight." She said cheerily, her happiness was a little unsettling, but I fane a smile, and nod. "Thank you, I'll try to attend, I have some plans, but I think I can work around them." She smiles wider. "okay great, I'm in apartment number 402, it's at eight, I hope I can see you there." She waves, and starts to walk away, I shut the door, and look to Mika. "well..this should be interesting.." And my life as a human began.
**Author's Note**
I'm baaaaack, I am soooooo sorry i havent updated in so long, and in all honesty I probably wouldn't have updated again today if it weren't for thoses lovely comments, thank you so much, I will try to update more often, hope you enjoy :)
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