content warnings: mentions of war, wounds and death in the last few paragraphs
The beach. It's an amalgam of melancholic moments, heartbreak, and all things sad. For some, it's a reminder of all things beautiful in life. Children, adults, elders – anyone can hold this place close to their heart. However, for some, it becomes a place that represents everything to them – good and bad. It's a place filled with terrible, bitter memories, nostalgic memories, sweet and sour moments, and everything in between.
This tale is about two people who hold the beach close to their hearts, yet hate it with all their hearts, and can never let go of it.
This is a tale of two lovers who hear the crashing of the waves in every breath they take
"Arya! Don't run like that! You'll fall down and hurt yourself!"
But Arya was not one to listen to such silly advice. Don't run? How could she not run with the sand beneath her feet, the waves creating a stirring melody and the wind blowing her hair wildly? She ran and ran and ran until, just as her mother had warned, she tripped on a kite string lying on the ground and crashed onto the sand.
The tears came immediately from her eyes as she started screaming in pain and clutched scraped knee.
Suddenly, a boy of her age and a woman came running up to her. The boy kneeled beside her, washed her knee with a tiny bottle, and wrapped it with a napkin.
"I'm so sorry dear," the woman said. "Aryan left his kite lying around, and I think you tripped on it."
She hit Aryan's head lightly, and he clutched it in pain before mumbling an apology to her. But Arya had already forgotten about it. The prospect of getting a new friend overweighed any tears left in her eyes.
"My name is Arya! It's just like Aryan!" she said, holding out a chubby hand to him. He glanced at this mother for approval, and when she nodded with a soft smile, he grasped her hand with his.
Aryan's mother laughed. "Looks like you two were destined to meet each other. Who did you come here with?"
"Arya? Did you fall down? Did you get hurt?" Her mother called, forgetting her own advice and running up to her. Arya, already having moved past her injuries, embraced her mother and told her everything excitedly.
Aryan's mother apologized once again on her son's behalf, and Arya's mother accepted it gracefully.
By this time it felt like they'd known each other forever. Both mothers started talking while the kids ran to a mound of sand and built a sandcastle together.
They'd been just five then.
"Aryan! What are you doing? We've been to the beach for years together. Why are you blindfolding me now?"
Aryan didn't reply and continued to drag Arya by the arm. After all those years of growing up together, they'd developed an undertone of romantic tension in their friendship. Even now, both of them tried to ignore the beating of their hearts because of the close contact.
"Alright, here we are! You can take out the blindfold now, drama queen." she heard him say with a smirk on his face.
Arya pulled off the blindfold, grumbling to herself. The glare of the sun caught her eye immediately and she squinted, taking a second to adjust to her surroundings. Then she looked around and blinked. They were at a beach, but not the beach they had been going to for years.
'Look here!' Aryan called, making her turn towards the setting sun and ocean. The sight took her breath away.
The sun looked stunning, with the prismatic sky as its canvas. Standing before this sight was Aryan himself. He looked breath-taking, hair flying in the same direction as the strong breeze. Arya noticed how nervous he looked and frowned. Why was he nervous? Before she could ask him, she spotted a few odd-looking lines on the sand.
She took a step closer and gasped when she made out the words. A huge heart had been traced in the sand, with the words, Will you go out with me? below. She put her hands over her mouth and looked at him with shining eyes. Aryan shot her a nervous smile.
Gods, I love this idiot, she thought, before flinging herself on his neck, causing him to stumble a few steps due to her weight.
"Yesyesyesyesyes!" She screamed in his ear. Aryan just laughed and hugged her back tightly.
"Well, this went better than I thought." he said after putting her down, shaking the sand out of his hair.
She tilted her head at him. "What was the worst-case scenario?"
"I thought of many negative possibilities, but the worst one was where you get super angry, throw sand at me, dump me in the ocean and bury me until I'm found days later."
Arya repeatedly smacked his head. "Is that what you think of me? Really?"
Aryan winced at the impact and lightly grabbed her hand. "Ow, ow. That's enough. Why does everyone keep hitting my head? First my mom, now you."
"It must be because you have a very hittable head," Arya mused.
"Wow, what a lover I've found for myself. Is it too late to take back my proposal?"
Arya blushed at his words and threw an arm over his shoulders. "Yes, it is. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life."
They'd been only fifteen then.
"Arya! Where are all my tools? You know how hard it will be to send anything we miss, right?'
'Yes, idiot, I've traveled before. I've already packed everything in your black suitcase.'
Aryan gave his fiancé a big hug and thanked her.
'Get ready now, or you'll miss your flight,' Arya said.
'I'm guessing you won't be too sad about that.'
Arya pouted before asking, for the umpteenth time, 'Do you really, really, really have to go?'
'Yes love, you know I do,' Aryan sighed. 'I need this degree if I want to open my own practice here. You know how much our people need a specialist here. If I come back as a successful doctor, I can help so many people.'
'You know how much I need you.'
'That's why I'm taking the six-month course instead of the twelve-month one, and putting twice the effort so that I can come back quickly. Till then, you'll have your own job to keep you busy.'
Arya crossed her arms like a little child, but consented, as she always did whenever this argument came up. Aryan hurriedly packed the rest of his belongings with her help and loaded everything into the car.
Then he tenderly kissed her forehead and held her tight. 'Don't worry. If you miss me too much, just talk to the ocean. No matter where I am, I'll always talk to you from there.'
Arya nodded tearfully. She stood on the sidewalk and waved him off as he embarked on his journey.
They were only twenty-four then.
March 21st
Dear Aryan,
This is the first letter I'm writing to you. I know we both have phones, but there's something thrilling about getting a letter from your loved one and feeling their breath on the paper. So, I decided to start a chain of our own.
Nothing special happening here. My job is going on as usual, and all the elders are well. Just missing your presence.
How are you doing there? Are your studies going well? Have you met anyone and made friends? Is there any special someone? Not that I doubt your commitment, but I doubt anyone would ever be able to resist you.
You will find a special shell enclosed in the letter. I found it today while walking on the beach. Let me know what you think.
March 25th
Dear Arya,
Life here is slightly more interesting but just as lonely. I've been learning so many new and fascinating things here, though I'm sure you'll find them boring. I've made three friends – the guys who are sharing their room with me.
No special someone (yet). Am I losing my touch? ;D
Eh. It's ok. As long as you're by my side, I don't need anyone else noticing me.
A few rebels have tried to start a revolution. Nothing serious as of now, but you can feel the tension in the air.
I loved your seashell, it's so beautiful. There's a beach here as well. I go there and talk to the ocean whenever I miss you.
I got you a sea shell from there as well.
March 31
Dear Aryan,
Only one more month left before you complete your course! Everyone here is very excited. We've already started planning for your return. You should see all the decorations and festivities happening here to receive our first specialized doctor!
Also, I love getting shells from you as well. I have so many now, that I can make a new collection of my own, as a part of our memories.
Come home soon!
May 15
Dear Aryan,
Why have you stopped replying to my letters? I tried to call you but I can't reach you. Everyone is worried about you.
I hope you haven't found someone new and run away with them. ;P
On a more serious note, the news is saying that the rebel situation is getting worse now. It's slowly becoming a cause of concern for all of us here. We're especially worried because you're still staying there.
Please stay safe and don't get into unnecessary trouble there, okay?
May 31
Dear Arya,
I am so sorry for the late reply. I cannot say much, but the rebels have caused chaos here and war has broken out. There are soldiers fighting the rebels. All qualified doctors, regardless of whether they are combat medics or not, are required to help them.
I know you told me to not get into unnecessary trouble, I just have to stay back and help these people. The enlistment is compulsory, unfortunately, so it isn't something that can be avoided.
I cannot use my phone for security reasons, so these letters will be our only way to communicate.
Keep talking to the ocean and sending your letters and shells. Even though I cannot reply to all your letters, I love reading them.
June 10
Dear Aryan,
I understand your dilemma, even though I don't really appreciate the sentiment. You have my support to continue working there and helping all those people.
On another note, the post is getting slower because of all the blocks due to the rebel situation, so I'm writing multiple letters and posting them every day so that they reach you as quickly as possible.
It has been really long since we saw you. Is it possible for you to send a photo of yourself?
I'm watching the news every day, hoping and praying for this to end. It's so unfair that we have to go through this torture.
I just hope you return home soon.
June 20
Dear Arya,
Today we did field treatment for the first time. Instead of the patients coming to us, we went over to the heart of the city and set up camp there, sometimes rushing out and saving them from the open fire.
'Tis an incredibly risky job, but I just think of you before getting out of bed every morning to fuel my motivation.
I'll try to get my photo taken to send it to you. There's almost no time for such things anymore, but I'm sure my comrades will consent to have my photo taken and printed out.
I know it should be the other way around, and you should be warning me instead, but please take care of yourself.
July 30
Dear Aryan,
I know it takes time to reply, but I've waited for more than a month now. Is everything okay?
I haven't received that photo of yours as well, by the way. Is the situation really that bad there, that you don't even have the time to take photos?
Respond quickly and put my fragile heart at ease, okay?
August 15
Dear Aryan,
Have you heard the rumors spreading around here?
They're saying that you're dead.
What nonsense.
They don't know what you've promised me. Some official-looking people even came here to give the news. I ignored them, of course, because I know that you'll be here with me soon.
Prove them wrong. Fulfill your promise and come back to me. I'll be waiting for you.
August 20
Dear Aryan,
Why are you not responding to my letters? For some reason, everyone here is mourning and preparing for a funeral since they're not getting your body. Of course they won't get your body!
It's because you're alive. Right?
They're calling me delusional, saying I'm in shock or something. They tell me every day to just accept the truth. It's getting annoying now.
Come back home. Enough is enough. I don't care even if you stow away from there. Just come back to me.
Knock, knock.
'Arya! Go and see who it is, dear!'
'Mamma, not now! I'm writing a letter to Aryan!'
Her mother tugged on her arm and forcefully pushed her to the door. Grumbling to herself, she fumbled over to the door and opened it to be met by a Senior Army Official. She politely greeted him and invited him inside. He took a seat as he was served refreshments.
Once the formalities were over, he calmly took out a bundle from his bag and placed it in front of her.
'This was found among Doctor Aryan's things. They were about to be thrown away, but in honor of the bravery he'd shown, we decided to deliver them to you, personally.
As I'm sure you know, Aryan was martyred in the line of work. Even though we instructed him not to, he ran out and helped a gravely injured soldier and took ten bullets for him. The soldier survived, but unfortunately, he didn't.'
Arya's heart was beating painfully as she ignored his words and opened the bundle.
Tears poured out of her eyes when she realized what it was.
All the letters she had written to him, the diary he was keeping that he'd told her about, and a glass jar filled with all the sea shells she'd given him over the months.
With trembling hands, she picked up the diary and opened it to the last page. June 20, the day after the last letter he had sent her. Her flimsy hope shattered; he'd never failed to record days into his precious diary.
Everything was real and horribly vivid for her now. Aryan was, in fact, gone.
Tears filled her eyes as she dropped the diary and picked up the jar of shells. 'You promised. You promised you would come back,' she continuously muttered to herself.
The official handed her one last item. It was a photo of him, taken along with the other doctors he had worked with. She broke down, screaming and crying for him, and clutching the shells tightly as though they were him.
They were only twenty-five then.
To this day, Arya cannot bring herself to go to the beach without bitter memories weighing her down. The beach had become a bitter, nostalgic, and yet, happy place for her.
She hated it with all her heart.
Yet loved it with all her heart.
And couldn't let it go from her heart.
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